Flags of Mexico and its history

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Flags can have many uses in a country, being able to serve to represent the State itself, the different communities that make up the region and even ethnic regions in the area. They can also evolve over time, since in most cases the first flag of a nation is not the last. To know both the national and regional flags of one of the main Latin American states in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the flags of Mexico.
Within the american flags, Mexico is one of the most peculiar countries. And is that to talk about the historical evolution of the flag of Mexico We must begin by talking about the flag of the country from its independence in 1810 to the present, since the flag has undergone numerous variations since then. Mexican flags since 1810 are as follows:
- Flag of 1810: The flag used by the insurgents led by Miguel Hidalgo. The flag consists of an eagle in the center of a landscape and surrounded by weapons and flags.
- Flag of 1815: Known as the Mexican War Flag, it was created by the Mexican government in 1815 and consisted of a background of white and blue squares framed in red and with a shield in the center.
- Flag from 1821 to 1823: It is considered the first national flag of Mexico. Three vertical stripes of green, white and red in the center of which is a crowned eagle.
- Flag from 1823 to 1835: The change from the Mexican Empire to the First Republic of Mexico brought the change of the eagle's crown for some olive trees and laurels to represent the Republic.
- Flag from 1835 to 1846: Used after the conservative party came to power, which barely made any changes to the flag.
- Flag from 1846 to 1857: The loss of support for conservatives and
- Flag from 1857 to 1864: The creation of the Constitution of 1857 brought a change in the eagle of the flag, although the change was minimal.
- Flag from 1864 to 1867: With the arrival of the Second Empire the tricolor is maintained, but the symbol in the center is changed with a kind of crown to symbolize the empire.
- Flag from 1867 to 1880: After the end of the empire, the flag of 1857 was brought back.
- Flag from 1880 to 1893: The Mexican president of the time, Porfirio Diaz, made some changes to the shield in the center of the flag.
- Flag from 1893 to 1916: The president changed the shield to the so-called Centennial Eagle.
- Flag from 1916 to 1934After the departure of President Díaz, the flag is changed again and the eagle is placed in profile.
- Flag from 1934 to 1968: The shield is changed again by wrapping the eagle in a laurel.
- Current flag of Mexico: From 1968 to the present the flag has been maintained, being green, white and red tricolor with an eagle in profile on a laurel in the soft zone.

Image: Banderasdemexico.net
When talking about the so-called state flags of Mexico we must bear in mind that contrary to what happens in other states, in Mexico not all states have an official flag, so in this section we are going to talk about the states that they do have. The official Mexican state flags are as follows:
- Baja California Sur: Adopted on December 31, 2017, it consists of a white background on which there is a shield with a shell on a red and yellow background and surrounded by blue and fish.
- Durango: Adopted on March 9, 2014, white background with a golden shield with laurel and crown in the center of which is a white background with a tree and two wolves.
- Warrior: Adopted on October 25, 2019, white background with a shield in the center, this shield being golden and inside a warrior dressed like a jaguar on a blue background.
- Jalisco: Adopted on February 22, 2008, blue and yellow background with a shield inside, this shield being a blue background with two golden lions one on each side of a tree and all surrounded by golden and blue colors.
- Queretaro: Adopted on September 22, 2015, white background with a shield inside, inside we see a scene of the conquest of Mexico.
- Quintana Roo: Adopted on October 8, 2013, it consists of a white background with a tricolor shield, red, blue and yellow, crowned by a Sun.
- Tlaxcala: Adopted on October 30, 2011 consists of a red and white background with a shield in the center, the shield consists of a castle on a red background marked in white.

Image: Slideshare
To continue this lesson on the flags of Mexico we must talk about the flags used to represent different ethnic peoples that make up Mexico, being a nation with a great native past. The main Mexican ethnic flags are the following:
- Mazahua: Flag with four horizontal lines of blue, green, yellow and orange whose center has a shield.
- Mixe: Flag with three horizontal lines of dark green, maroon and yellow colors whose center has a shield.
- Nahua: Green flag with a shield in its center.
- Otomi: Flag with three horizontal lines blue, orange and green with a shield in its center.
- Papago: Yellow and purple flag with a symbol running through it.
- Purepecha: Flag with a shield in its center surrounded by squares with purple, blue, yellow and green colors.
- Seri: Flag with three vertical lines of red, white and blue colors.
- And here: Flag with three vertical lines of red, white and blue colors and four stars on the sides.