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The 70 best phrases about Freedom

If there is an infinite gift of our life and sometimes we tend not to appreciate it, it is our freedom, the power to enjoy every moment, do what we want, love without limits and be happy without restrictions, is definitely a gift that is important to celebrate.

To do this, we can start by reading and being inspired by the following best phrases about freedom, from the hand of great personalities that will completely change the perception of your reality.

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Best Famous Quotes About Freedom

Many tend to confuse freedom with permission to create chaos, when that is not the case. The beauty of freedom is that we can have the ability to take responsibility for our actions and generate a beneficial action for us, but above all that leaves a good lesson for the the rest.

Without further delay, here is our selection of famous quotes about freedom, pronounced by great thinkers of history.

1. Being free is not only breaking your chains, but living respecting and enhancing the freedom of others. (Nelson Mandela)

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Respect is the first step towards freedom.

2. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance (John Philpot Curran)

We must go carefully before the world to ensure freedom.

3. The first duty of a man is to think for himself. (Jose Marti)

Independence is the strongest proof that we have freedom.

4. The chains of slavery only bind the hands: it is the mind that makes man free or slave. (Franz Grillparzer)

True slavery is one that prevents you from thinking for yourself and expressing yourself.

5. There is an idealism willing to kill the freedom of others in order to find the freedom of its own plan. (Rabindranath Tagore)

There are people who cry out for freedom, but only to please their selfish desires.

6. Freedom is not an end; it is a means of developing our forces. (Mazzini)

Freedom should not be an achievement, but a path to develop ourselves.

7. Oh freedom, great treasure, because there is no good prison, even if it were in golden shackles! (Felix Lope De Vega)

If you are free of mind, you will have infinite freedom.

8. Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be (Daniel J. Boorstin)

There are times that we do not appreciate the benefits of autonomy that we have.

9. And it was when I was falling that I spread my wings and learned to fly. (Richard Bach)

It is when we are in a difficult time that we can appreciate our ability to cope.

10. If you don't have inner freedom, what other freedom do you hope you can have? (Arturo Graf)

Are you free in your mind?

11. Man's true freedom consists in finding the right path and in walking it without hesitation. (Thomas Carlyle)

Feeling free does not always imply that we can enjoy benefits, but rather being able to choose what we want to do with our lives.

12. Is freedom more than the right to live as you want? Nothing more. (Epictetus)

Live life the way that makes you happy, not others.

13. It is curious to see how as theoretical freedoms increase, practical freedoms decrease. (Luis Antonio de Villena)

There are things that currently seem to be infringing on what we once considered freedom.

14. If we don't believe in free speech for the people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. (Noam Chomsky)

freedom of expression has to be the same for everyone, even for those who do not share our beliefs.

15. He who has overcome his fears will be truly free. (Aristotle)

Fears are the heaviest chains that will ever bind us.

16. Man is born free, responsible and without excuses. (Jean Paul Sartre)

So don't look for justifications for doing or not doing something.

17. The act of disobedience, as an act of freedom, is the beginning of reason. (Erich Fromm)

Breaking negative ideals is a way of defending our independence.

18. What some call freedom, others call license. (Quintilian)

Not everyone sees freedom as a human characteristic, but as a bargaining chip or a reason to impose power.

19. Without order there is no obedience to the laws, and without obedience to the laws there is no freedom, because true freedom consists in being a slave of the law. (Jaime Balmes)

Freedom is not synonymous with anarchy, since there is no respect or understanding for others.

20. Free men are the strongest (Wendell Willkie)

Men who consider themselves free know that freedom is in their own capacities.

21. Freedom is never given; you win. (TO. Ph. Randolph)

We earn our freedom when we prove ourselves responsible enough to have it.

22. I proclaim aloud the freedom of thought and die who does not think like me. (Voltaire)

Limiting opinions is a form of slavery.

23. To preserve freedom, death is not to be feared. (Cicero)

Fearing death prevents you from experiencing various things in life.

24. Despite rationalist and even Marxist illusions, all the history of the world is the history of freedom. (Albert Camus)

Freedom should not be pigeonholed into a political movement or empty promises from great leaders.

25. Freedom is not being able to act arbitrarily but the ability to do so sensibly. (Rudolf Virchow)

Do you agree with this?

26. We must be willing to pay a price for freedom (H. L. Mencken)

Without responsibility there should be no freedom.

27. What is the first duty of man? The answer is very short: be yourself. (Henrik Johan Ibsen)

To be an independent person, the most important thing is to avoid having someone else control our life.

28. Freedom is incompatible with love. A lover is always a slave. (Germaine de Staël)

In love we share our life with someone, that's why we lose part of our independence, but it is to build a new story.

29. If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down. (Christopher Barquero)

If you seek to be free, you must fear that which may make you fall. Because you can always get up.

30. By wanting freedom we discover that it depends entirely on the freedom of others. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

Although we are independent people, we must bear in mind that freedom is not something to own, but a social good.

31. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Freedom is not a reflection of doing things perfectly, but of not being afraid of making mistakes.

32. Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a fast growing plant. (George Washington)

When we can enjoy our independence, it is our duty not to regress to the point of dependency.

33. Freedom is not the absence of compromises, but the ability to choose what is best for you. (Paulo Coelho)

You have the ability to choose what you want to do, but you must work for it.

34. I do not ask for riches, or hopes, or love, or a friend who understands me; all I ask is heaven above me and a path at my feet. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

Having a fixed course for the future, we are able to achieve everything to enjoy it.

35. Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. (Hannah Arendt)

When we have perpetual resentment within us, we always live in bitterness.

36. Some imagine themselves to be free and do not see the bonds that imprison them. (Friedrich Rückert)

Fear is a bondage from which few are completely free.

37. A sweet and triumphant freedom seizes those who know they will soon die. (Vicki Baum)

Death can mean peace for some people.

38. Better to die fighting for freedom than to be a prisoner every day of your life (Bob Marley)

Comfort or conformity does not always mean that we are free.

39. Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. (George Washington)

By educating ourselves we can better understand the real meaning of freedom.

40. Freedom does not consist in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we should (Pope John Paul II)

Rights and duties should enjoy freedom on equal levels.

41. Neither love is a cage, nor freedom is being alone. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

It's all about perspective. Love helps us grow and loneliness helps us understand ourselves better.

42. Freedom does not have its value in itself: it must be appreciated for the things that are achieved with it. (Ramiro de Maeztu)

This is why many of us tend to overvalue it, until we find ourselves imprisoned on some level.

43. The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage. (Carrie Jones)

You have to be brave to risk the limits of life.

44. We love freedom because it makes us feel the poetry of life, and we are never more greatly human than when we are fighting for freedom. (Eduardo Angeloz)

Have you had to fight for your freedom?

45. Freedom being the most beloved thing, not only of people of reason, according to the animals that lack it. (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)

Unfortunately, freedom becomes an excuse for people to commit heinous acts.

46. Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; must be sued by the oppressed (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Being free can be a despot's greatest threat.

47. Whatever form of love you find, live it freely. (Anaïs Nin)

Never repress your feelings, love everything you do and every person you meet.

48. It is easier to seize the commander-in-chief of an army than to deprive a wretch of his freedom. (Confucius)

Each one gives the level that he wants to his self-determination.

49. The more decisions you are forced to make alone, the more you are aware of your freedom to choose. (Thornton Wilder)

It can be scary when we start trying to be independent. But over time we discover the strength this gives us.

50. Rather than losing freedom, it is better to remain blind so as not to have to suffer the sad spectacle that our sad mirror was going to offer us. (John Milton)

When we lose our freedom, the possibility of enjoying life ends.

51. True freedom is subject to the laws of reason. (Plutarch)

Although it seems a characteristic of the instincts, freedom involves reasoning to be able to enjoy it properly.

52. No one can give you freedom. No one can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it (Malcolm X)

Freedom is not an element that is granted by the hand of someone, because it is a characteristic that we all possess and achieve on our own.

53. No one can ever belong to another; love is a free contract that starts in a flash and can end in the same way. (Isabel Allende)

Emotional dependence is not love, love helps you emerge and find the best version of yourself.

54. Man was born free and everywhere he is bound in chains. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Throughout our development we can find different types of chains, from which we must free ourselves.

55. The most important type of freedom is being who you really are. (Jim Morrison)

When you can't be yourself, can you live with peace of mind?

56. Just as the clear day comes out of the night, freedom is born out of oppression. (Benito Pérez Galdós)

It is when we are tied that we discover the power of wanting freedom.

57. Man has never found a definition for the word freedom. (Abraham Lincoln)

What does it mean to you to be free?

58. The only way to deal with a world without freedom is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion (Albert Camus)

Absolute and uncontrolled freedom turns into debauchery.

59. Free love? As if love could be anything other than free! (Emma Goldman)

Love must be the greatest display of freedom of the people.

60. Free peoples, remember this maxim: We can acquire freedom, but it is never recovered once it is lost. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Surrendering our independence is an act of surrender.

61. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom. (Bob Dylan)

Which happens when we understand the consequences of our actions.

62. Just as our rights are loaded with obligations, our freedom is loaded with repressions. (Marcos Travaglia)

It is necessary to have some control over freedom, because otherwise it can be transformed into something very dark and inhuman.

63. Freedom is the instrument that God placed in the hands of man so that his destiny could be fulfilled. (Emilio Castelar)

Free will is a gift that we should not underestimate.

64. It's hard to free fools from the chains they worship (Voltaire)

Many people would rather settle than be able to experiment.

65. Where the love reigns, laws left over. (Plato)

Love must lead us to act well.

66. We will only be granted external freedom to the exact extent that we have known, at a given moment, to develop our internal freedom. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Are you really free in your mind?

67. Freedom is in being bold. (Robert Frost)

Because we can test skills that we didn't think we had.

68. Even if I am left alone, I would not trade my free thoughts for a throne. (Lord Byron)

It is better to avoid surrounding ourselves with people who repress us.

69. Freedom does not precede duty, but is a consequence of it. (Immanuel Kant)

When we are aware of our actions, we may be able to function better in the environment.

70. Freedom means that you are not obstructed from living your life as you choose. Something minor is a form of slavery (Wayne Dyer)

Never choose something other than choosing the future you want to live.

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