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The 80 best famous phrases of Erik Erikson

Erik Homburger Erikson, better known as Erik Erikson, he was one of the most prominent psychoanalystsAlthough not so much because of his contributions to this branch of psychology, but because of his work towards the science of behavior that was inspired by it. Through his approach to Psychosocial Theory, we were able to appreciate a new and very nourishing side of psychoanalysis on experiences of people and how they are analyzed, lived and forged in each stage of development of each one of us throughout our existence.

This theory shows us 8 stages in which our growth is divided, providing a closer understanding of the "I", as The result of every change that occurs as people grow and develop their personalities from infancy to childhood. old age.

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Best Erik Erikson Quotes

To remind us of his work and the reflections he left behind, we bring in this article the best phrases of Erik Erikson and his contribution to the world of psychological science.

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1. Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have sufficient integrity not to fear death.

Remember that children imitate everything they see of adults. Even their attitudes.

2. Babies control and educate their families as much as they are controlled by them.

It is a feedback, since it is a new stage where everyone must learn.

3. Life is meaningless without independence.

Life is synonymous with independence. Otherwise you cannot live fully.

4. The child becomes an adult not when he realizes that he has the right to be right, but when he realizes that he has the right to be wrong as well.

Being adults is taking responsibility for our good and bad acts.

5. You have to learn to accept the law of life.

Life never stops. It is in constant motion.

6. We need each other and the sooner we find out, the better for all of us.

Working together is that we can help each other to improve.

7. Someday, perhaps, there will be a well-informed, well-regarded public conviction, and yet fervent that the deadliest of all possible sins is the mutilation of the spirit of a boy.

A child who has been deprived of his childhood grows up to be an adult resentful of society.

8. A man's conflicts represent what he "really" is.

The way we deal with problems defines us.

9. Personality, too, is destiny.

Depending on our attitudes we can move forward in the future.

10. It takes a long time to educate our children to be good; you have to raise them, and that means doing things with them: asking, telling, probing, experimenting through experience, your own words, your way of putting them together.

Parenting is a joint effort, parents and children as a team.

11. There is in each child at each stage a new miracle of vigorous development, which constitutes a new hope and a new responsibility for all.

That is why we must always keep our spirit jovial.

12. The fact that human consciousness remains partially infantile throughout life is at the core of the human tragedy.

Many of people's downfalls are due to their internal struggle against their childhood.

13. All images in the world tend to become corrupted when left in the hands of church bureaucracies. But this does not make world imaging unnecessary.

A critique of the ecclesiastical system and what they impose.

14. When we look at the cycle of life in our 40s, we look to older people for wisdom.

There is always a display of wisdom that comes with age.

15. Playing is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood provides.

The game has therapeutic properties.

16. You have to learn where you stand and make sure your children learn from you, understand why, and soon, they will be standing together with you, with you.

It is about accompanying the children and guiding them. Not to impose a course on them.

17. At 80, however, we look at other 80s to see who has wisdom and who does not.

We always tend to compare ourselves to each other.

18. The concept of psychosocial development basically refers to how the person's interaction with their environment is given by fundamental changes in their personality.

Explaining his psychosocial theory inspired by psychoanalytic interpretations.

19. The richest and fullest lives try to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love and play.

We all consider the balance between these rooms.

20. Many older people are not especially wise, but you get more reason as you get older.

Wisdom is not necessarily a thing of old age, but growing up many things are known.

21. The more you know yourself, the more patience you have towards what is seen in others.

Get to know each other first before talking about someone else.

22. When you follow your development, your behavior is affected.

Behavior changes as we evolve.

23. Every adult, whether he is a follower or a leader, a member of a mass or an elite, was once a child.

We were all children once.

24. Each stage is marked by a particular crisis or special susceptibility of the person to something.

One of the premises of Erikson's theory is that each person faces a crisis.

25. The sense of identity provides the ability to experience oneself as something that has continuity and likeness, and to act accordingly.

His vision of what we achieve by knowing ourselves.

26. Hope is the earliest and most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive.

Hope is perhaps one of the most important things for each person.

27. Once it was small. A feeling of smallness forms a substratum in your mind, indelibly.

Many associate being small with something negative.

28. They face the fact that we are slowly disintegrating.

We all have an end to which we will sooner or later arrive.

29. Children cannot be fooled by empty praise and patronizing encouragement.

Children are smarter than we think.

30. Your triumphs will be measured against this smallness; their defeats are founded.

Every triumph is made up of little mistakes.

31. Identity consists of the ability of the self to remain the same and continuous in the face of destiny change or in the flexibility necessary to maintain essential patterns throughout the processes of change.

The change does not necessarily represent a transgression to our being, but an opportunity to improve.

32. The way we understand history is also a way of making history.

Not everyone has the capacity to learn the lessons that history leaves us.

33. If life is to be sustained, hope must remain, even when trust is hurt, trust suffers.

Hope can help us get through difficult times.

34. The only thing that can save us as a species is to see how we are not thinking of future generations in the same way that we live.

The things that serve us now may not be useful for future generations. That is why we must do everything possible to improve.

35. He who is ashamed would like to force the world not to look at him, not to realize his existence. He would like to destroy in the eyes of the world.

Erik Erikson believed that shame was the cause of all decline in people.

36. They may have to agree to artificially reinforce their self-esteem rather than something better, but what I call their growing selfish identity acquires true strength only from the sincere and consistent recognition of real achievement, that is, achievement that has meaning in its culture.

People feed their egos by constantly being acclaimed and applauded even if they don't deserve it.

37. I am what survives of me.

Each time we can be a different version.

38. Parents must not only have certain ways to guide through prohibition and permission, but also must be able to convey to the child a deep conviction that there is meaning in what they are doing.

You cannot impose rules on children without explaining the reason behind them.

39. Children love and want to be loved and much prefer the joy of achievement to the triumph of hateful failure.

Children are affectionate creatures.

40. One must carve out one's own biography of him.

No one is going to make your way more than yourself.

41. Like an aerialist, a young man in the midst of a vigorous movement must let go of the safety of the bar that signifies childhood and try to assert himself in adulthood.

Adulthood is a scary change when you're not ready for it.

42. The psychoanalytic method is essentially a historical method.

As a story, Erikson took his lessons to create his theory.

43. Adolescents need freedom to choose, but not so much freedom that, in the end, they cannot choose.

Young people need a balance between freedom and learning to take responsibility for their actions.

44. Nobody likes to be discovered, not even one who has made the relentless confession of a part of his profession.

Everyone feels pressured when they discover one of their secrets.

45. The adult who plays takes a step towards another reality; the playing child advances to new stages of mastery.

Not in all stages of life, the game has the same meaning.

46. He does not mistake a child for his symptom.

Children are a complex world.

47. Any autobiographer, therefore, at least between the lines, shares everything with his potential reader and judge.

An essential part of knowing ourselves is sharing that knowledge with others.

48. If there is any responsibility in the cycle of life, it must be that one generation owes to the next the strength with which it can deal with fundamental concerns in its own way.

The responsibility that Erikson believed we should bear with future generations.

49. In the social jungle of human existence, there is no sense of being alive without a sense of identity.

Do you know yourself?

50. Critical thinking requires courage more than intelligence.

It takes courage to tell the truth even when no one wants to hear it.

51. If you can actively run away, then, and you can be actively active.

Are you one of those who run away or one of those who face things?

52. When established identities become obsolete or unfinished ones threaten to be incomplete, special crises force men to wage holy wars, by the cruelest means, against those who seem to question or threaten their insecure foundations ideological.

Talking about unresolved conflicts being the cause of people's misfortunes.

53. Men have always shown a low awareness of their best potential through homage to those leaders who taught the simplest and most inclusive rules for achieving a divided humanity.

We give power, sometimes, to those who only use it to destroy.

54. The American feels too rich in his opportunities for free expression that he often no longer knows what he is free from.

A critique of the United States way of life.

55. We are what we like.

The things we love also mark us and speak of us from a more vulnerable point of view.

56. Life follows a process and it is not forever. To understand it is to develop.

Everyone's life has a beginning and an end.

57. Nor does he know where he is not free; he doesn't recognize his native autocrats when he sees them.

Talking about the loss of one's freedom and the sense of what is right.

58. It depends on a small interval of the relationship between the past and the future and the trustworthiness of those from whom it must part and who will receive it.

It is this interval that marks a healthy and proper transition between childhood and adulthood.

59. Doubt is the brother of shame.

Doubting creates bloody chaos in our minds.

60. Let's face it: deep down, no one in their right mind can visualize their own existence without assuming that they have always lived and will live in the afterlife.

Everyone has their own beliefs about death and what is behind it.

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