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50 love phrases for my husband (romantic and funny)

Marriage is a very different stage from courtship, and it has its own charm. Much is said that the passing of the years can bring monotony and exhaustion to the couple's relationship. The reality is that you can fall into these situations, even with a short time of life in marriage.

But do not be too alarmed, there are many ways to avoid falling into a negative rut and make life in marriage a stage full of new things to discover, and not a boring situation absorbed in everyday problems.

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Find the ideal phrase for your husband. 50 romantic and funny phrases

After saying yes, a new cycle comes to walk together. The passage of the days following their marriage is an adjustment on the part of both of them to their new life. But you always have to keep in mind the love that united them and the excitement of a new adventure.

With these love phrases for husbands, you will surely find the inspiration and the right words to dedicate to him

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Whether it is the day they are married, to celebrate something special or even on any given day, to surprise you.

1. With you I learned to believe in love and in "together forever", because you have taught me what each second means, the pleasure of fidelity and the joy of loving.

A very special phrase to dedicate on the wedding day or on an anniversary.

2. With you I want to have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and live with you every day of life!

There are people with whom we are not afraid to make plans for the future.

3. It is not "you and me", it is "us".

Marriage makes us a powerful unit.

4. It could have been cute, but you made it perfect.

A short but very moving phrase to make your husband feel special.

5. I will give you so much love every day that you won't know what to do with it.

A promise of love for your husband.

6. I have the worst of intentions with you, to kill you with happiness!

What most occurs to us to do with the beings we love is to fill them with happiness.

7. Every time you take my hands, you hold my world.

Marriage is a strong support and a solid foundation.

8. Life is not perfect but you have perfect moments by your side.

Nothing is perfect, but enjoying the little moments that are, is the best we can do.

9. I have my feet on the ground and my heart in your hands.

This phrase shows the absolute trust you have in your husband.

10. I love you to listen to your laugh all night and sleep on your chest; I love you so as to never let go of you!

A special dedication before reaching the altar.

11. Life is mine but the heart is yours; the smile is mine but the reason is you.

A husband can give us the joy and love that makes us live more peacefully in this life.

12. I love you like the ducks want: PATOdalavida!

A fun phrase to dedicate to your husband.

13. What I have with you, I do not want with anyone else.

When you have found love, you know that you don't want anything else with anyone else.

14. I love you! But it is not so bad, it is forever!

The promises of eternal love are the ones we value the most.

15. I met you when I least expected it, but you came to me when I needed it most. Thank you for being my little piece of heaven and making me happy every day.

A dedication to let your husband know how special he is in your life.

16. I promise to love you with all the strength of my being and with my best intentions. I will do my best to make you happy every day of my life.

With this phrase we can seal a special vow on the wedding day.

17. With this ring I gave you my heart; I promised that from that day on you would never be alone: ​​that my heart would be your refuge and my arms your home.

Inspiration to prepare a special speech for the day they arrive at the altar and become your husband.

18. You are what I never want to lose.

A short phrase full of meaning.

  • You could dedicate these phrases to an unpleasant person: "50 phrases for false and hypocritical people"

19. You are worth it, you are worth the joy, the distance, the wait, the moments, the tears, the days, the nights, you are worth everything to me!

Surprise your husband dedicating this romantic phrase in an everyday day.

20. Wherever but with you.

A phrase to let him know that you are going anywhere with him.

21. I am the proud wife of a perfect husband. He is the only one in this world capable of tolerating my madness.

Show your husband how proud you are that he is in your life.

22. When I feel suffocated by the problems of life, your presence comes to me like a breath of fresh air.

Our partner can be the greatest reason and joy to combat everyday problems.

23. We have already walked a long way together, wrinkles beginning to appear on our faces. I do not regret anything, and I have enjoyed everything with you.

Growing old together should not cause grief, but joy.

24. When I look into your eyes, I see the young woman who fell in love with you. Despite the years, your eyes keep looking at me, like the first time.

Love must endure as the years go by.

25. My husband's kiss, like a good coffee: I need it to start the morning, and to end the day well.

A fun phrase to share.

26. Without you I am nothing, with you I am something. Together, we are everything.

The union of two people who love each other is powerful and superior.

27. Love opens the parenthesis, marriage closes it. (Victor Hugo)

A romantic phrase about what marriage means.

28. The woman cries before marriage, the man after.

You can share this phrase to provoke a smile in whoever reads it.

29. All love stories are beautiful, but ours is my favorite.

Valuing one's love story is a recognition of the mutual effort to bring it to fruition.

30. Falling in love is easy, but staying in love is special.

You can dedicate this phrase to your husband who has made an effort to keep falling in love with you every day.

31. When I met you, I felt that you were special. When you kissed me, I knew that ours would be forever. When we got married, I understood that it was our destiny. Today when I woke up, I realized that I was not wrong.

Recognize the great love you have for your husband, he does not need a special day.

32. The art of love is very much the art of perseverance. (Albert Ellis)

Love disappears if it is not cultivated day by day.

33. Grow old with me, the best is yet to come. (Robert Browning)

One of the most beautiful parts of an enduring love is growing old together.

34. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century.

It is said that you have to wait until the 25th birthday is completed, to know if love has been perfect.

35. Two human loves make one divine. (Elizabeth Barret Browning)

A romantic phrase to dedicate to your husband.

36. A happy married man is one who understands all the words that his wife does not say.

Share this phrase to make husbands laugh and reflect.

37. There is no more charming, friendly and kind relationship than a good marriage. (Martin Luther)

A good marriage makes its members shine.

38. Loving you and being loved by you is the greatest gift that life has given me.

Recognize the strength of love and the fortune of having found it, with this dedication for your husband.

39. The passage of time has brought us difficulties and satisfactions. By your side, everything has been more pleasant and more bearable. From now on, whatever happens, what you and I have lived through, no one can take it away from us.

The experiences lived in marriage are unique and unrepeatable.

40. If all I experienced was to get to you, I do not regret anything and I would repeat it.

The story that each one brings along is the preamble to the current relationship.

41. I don't love you for life, I love you forever.

A beautiful phrase that is sure to make your husband sigh.

42. I was afraid of the future, I was afraid of getting old. But today, with you by my side, holding hands, I long for what is to come and I long for the moment of looking at each other, already tired, already old, and together.

The future is no longer uncertain and scary when you go to it hand in hand with your husband.

43. You are not what I always dreamed of, you are what I never imagined.

A perfect phrase to dedicate on an anniversary.

44. I love my husband, for his sweetness and patience and for all the love he gives me. I love him more every day.

Recognizing the love he gives us is also a nice way to show affection.

45. You are the most beautiful story that destiny wrote in my life.

Share this phrase of love for your husband.

46. The best part of my day is the one I'm by your side.

Everything is better when we do things with our partner.

47. You are also my husband, my lover, friend, partner and my perfect complement. I love you and I appreciate every day by your side.

The ideal husband is one who is also a friend.

48. You are not my prince charming. You are the warrior who has decided to fight all the battles with me.

Marriage is teaming up to face adversity together.

49. The best thing about having you as a husband is that my children have you as a father.

A beautiful dedication, perhaps to send on Father's Day.

50. Thank you for these years of happiness. Thank you for embracing my dreams as if they were yours. Thank you for the days to come. Thank you for having you by my side today.

This phrase is ideal to let him know how grateful you are with life and with him.

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