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Main rivers of Spain and their tributaries

Main rivers of Spain and their tributaries - With map!

There are eight rivers in Spain that are the most important due to their length and flow; these are the following: Miño, Ebro, Duero, Tajo, Júcar, Guadiana, Segura and Guadalquivir. However, they are not the only ones to be found in Spanish territory since there are a great variety of rivers that circulate through the territory but, since we cannot study them all, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to focus on the main rivers of Spain and their tributaries to know what they are, to know their characteristics a little better, to see where they are born and into which sea they end.

We will also be able to see the autonomous communities through which these important rivers circulate in order to understand the great journey they make through the country. In this lesson you can also find a map of the main rivers of Spain so you can easily place them on the territory.

In order for you to know the main rivers of Spain and their tributaries, it is necessary that you be able to locate them on the map

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Well, this way, you will be able to understand which is the route that they take through the Peninsula and the sea into which they end.

As we have indicated, the list of the most important rivers in Spain is the next:

  • My no
  • Ebro
  • Douro
  • Block
  • Jucar
  • Guadiana
  • Safe
  • Guadalquivir

As you can see on the map, each river flows into a specific sea that surrounds the Peninsula; Thus, experts have determined that in Spain there are 3 slopes depending on the mouth of the river. In the next section we are going to discover them.

In this video of a teacher we discover you what is the hydrosphereso that you know better the river system of our planet.

Main rivers of Spain and their tributaries - With map! - Map of the main rivers of Spain and their tributaries

Image: Social in Infants

As you have been able to see on the map of the main rivers of Spain, each one of them flows into one of the seas that surround the country; so, the rivers have been divided according to their mouths thus creating 3 slopes related to the seas or oceans that surround the country, which are: the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Cantabrian Sea. In a teacher we discover the names of the world oceans with map.

Cantabrian slope

They are the rivers that end their journey in the Cantabrian Sea. The main ones that flow into this area of ​​the world are the following:

  • Nerve
  • Nalon
  • Navia
  • Narcea
  • Bidasoa

As you can see, these are not very important rivers as far as the whole of Spain is concerned since they are rivers short although, yes, thanks to the rainy area in which they are found, they always have an abundant flow.

Atlantic slope

The rivers that flow into the Atlantic do include some of the most important rivers in Spain, such as the following:

  • Douro
  • Block
  • Guadiana
  • Guadalquivir

They are large rivers that are usually fed by other short rivers with abundant flow coming from the north.

Mediterranean slope

Important rivers in Spain also flow into the Mediterranean Sea, such as the Ebro, which is its greatest exponent. However, here we also find other rivers such as the following:

  • Safe
  • Jucar
  • Turia
  • Llobregat
  • Ter
Main rivers of Spain and their tributaries - With map! - The slopes where the rivers of Spain flow

Now we are going to analyze the main rivers of Spain and their tributaries analyzing, one by one, the eight that we have highlighted as the most important in the country. We started!

Miño River

The source of this river is in the mountains of Lugo and its tributary is the Sil. The provinces through which this river passes are Lugo, Orense and Pontevedra until it flows into the town of A Guarda, Pontevedra.

Douro River

This river is born in the Picos de Urbión in the Iberian System. Its route includes a large number of provinces such as Soria, Burgos, Valladolid and Zamora until it reaches Oporto (Portugal) where it ends. The tributaries of this river are the Pisuerga, the Esla, the Tormes river, Eresma and Duratón. The Duero is the largest river in Spain.

Tagus River

The source of this river in Teruel, in the Sierra de Albarracín; It is the longest river in the entire Peninsula and passes through the province of Teruel, Guadalajara, Cuenca, Madrid, Toledo and Cáceres until it reaches Lisbon (Portugal). The tributaries of this river in Spain are several: Jaraba, Alagón, Alberche, Almonte and Salor.

Guadiana River

This is another of the most important rivers in Spain and it starts in Ciudad Real, in the Ruidera lagoons to pass through the provinces of Ciudad Real, Badajoz and Huelva until it reaches Ayamonte (Huelva). The tributaries of this river are the Záncara, the Cigüela, the Zújar and the Jabalón. The Guadiana is the least mighty river in the country.

Guadalquivir river

The source of this river is in Jaén, in the Sierra de Cazorla. During its journey it passes through Andalusian provinces such as Jaén, Córdoba, Seville, Huelva and Cádiz to end up in the marshes of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz). The tributaries of this river are the Guadalimar, the Jándula, the Bembézar, the Genil and the Guadiana Menor.

Ebro river

He was born in Cantabria, in Reinosa and is the second largest river in Spain. Its passage through the country crosses numerous provinces such as, for example, Santander, Burgos, Pamplona, ​​Logroño, Zaragoza and Tarragona until it ends at the Amposta delta (Tarragona). The tributaries of this river in Spain are the Aragón, the Gallego, the Cinca, the Segre and the Jalón.

Júcar River

It is born in the Serranía de la Cuenca and only passes through three Spanish provinces: Albacete, Cuenca and Valencia. It empties into the Valencian town of Cullera and has the Cabriel river as its only tributary.

Segura River

And to finish with this list of the main rivers of Spain and their tributaries, we will now talk about the Segura that is born in Jaén in the Sierra de Segura and passes through the provinces of Jaén, Albacete, Murcia and Alicante until reaching Guardamar (Alicante). It has only one tributary, the Mundo River.

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