Education, study and knowledge

The 90 best phrases and reflections of recognized scientists

Have you ever wondered what our life would be like without all the scientific discoveries that have been made? Without scientific progress and advancements powered by the most amazing minds in history, we would not only continue to live in caves, but we would not understand our place in the Universe.

In this sense, the most famous scientists have left us phrases and reflections on life that will undoubtedly be remembered forever. In today's article we bring you some of the ones that have already passed to posterity.

  • We recommend you read: "90 Famous Quotes of Stephen Hawking"

Great quotes from personalities of the scientific community

To remind us of the importance of science and the advances that have been made throughout history, we bring you a compilation of the best quotes from scientists that will make you think.

1. What we know is a drop of water; what we ignore is the ocean. (Isaac Newton)

Knowledge is infinite.

2. Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we can fear less. (Marie Curie)

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We tend to fear the unknown, when the best way to face it is to discover its mysteries.

3. Science is a way of thinking, much more than a body of knowledge (Carl Sagan)

Science tests people's creative ingenuity and flexibility of thought.

4. Science is the progressive approach of man to the real world. (Max Planck)

Thanks to science we have been able to know the mysteries of nature.

5. True science teaches, above all, to doubt and to be ignorant. (Miguel de Unamuno)

It is necessary to have a degree of ignorance in science, to be able to be available to discover new things.

6. If one cannot communicate what he has been doing, his work will be worthless. (Erwin Schrödinger)

It is important that the discoveries can be understood by all.

7. There are, indeed, two different things: knowing and believing that you know. Science consists of knowing; in believing that you know is ignorance. (Hippocrates)

A clear difference between knowing and believing to know.

8. In matters of science, the authority of thousands is worth no more than the humble reasoning of a single individual. (Galileo Galilei)

It all starts with the doubt of a single man.

9. The end of speculative science is truth, and the end of practical science is action. (Aristotle)

There are several steps within science for it to be true.

10. Little knowledge makes people proud. Much knowledge, that you feel humble. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Is this why the wise are always simple and humble people?

11. It is strange that only extraordinary people make discoveries that then appear easily and simply. (Georg Lichtenberg)

A very interesting curiosity in the world of science.

12. The most beautiful thing we can experience is mystery. It is the source of all art and all science. (Albert Einstein)

The mystery is what leads us to continue investigating.

13. Every idea that succeeds marches to its doom. (André Breton)

Therefore, once you reach the top, you have to keep working to avoid falling.

14. What God has separated cannot be put back together by man. (W. Pauli. Physical)

Talking about the criticisms of his work on field unification theory.

15. The birth of science was the death of superstition. (Thomas Henry Huxley)

A great reality that has clarified human ignorance.

16. Work gives you meaning and purpose, and life is empty without both. (Stephen Hawking)

That is why it is important to work on something that you love.

17. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. (Adam Smith)

Again we are reminded of the great achievement of science.

18. Science will always be a search, never a real discovery. It is a journey, never an arrival. (Karl Raimund Popper)

Science never ends, it always renews and advances.

19. Make things as simple as you can, but don't limit yourself to the simple. (Albert Einstein)

A very interesting suggestion to make us reflect.

20. There is no law except the law that there is no law. (John Archibald Wheeler)

An applicable paradox in science.

21. Science is basically inoculation against charlatans. (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)

If science has proven it, then it is real.

22. Science is believing in the ignorance of scientists. (Richard Phillips Feynman)

No one can achieve absolute knowledge.

23. A man who dares to waste an hour has not discovered the value of life. (Charles Darwin)

Talking about the importance of appreciating every moment of our life.

24. Science can discover what is true, but not what is good, just and humane. (Marcus Jacobson)

Another remarkable point, science has not always had a humanistic side.

25. The truth is a corrosive acid that splashes almost always to the one who handles it. (Santiago Ramón y Cajal)

Not everyone can bear the weight of the truth.

26. We are all scientists when we are children, but growing up, only some retain a bit of that curiosity that is the mother of science. (Juan Aguilar M.)

That is why it is important to save a little of that child that we once were inside of us growing up.

27. Has science promised happiness? I do not believe it. He has promised the truth and the question is whether with the truth one day happiness will be achieved. (Emilé Zola)

Truth is the absolute end of science.

28. We men build too many walls and not enough bridges. (Isaac Newton)

There is always this selfish feeling of being the only ones to get that knowledge.

29. The history of science shows us that theories are perishable. With each new truth revealed, we have a better understanding of nature and our conceptions, and our points of view, are modified. (Nicholas Tesla)

Science is never static, it is always evolving.

30. Science is an enterprise that can only flourish if truth is put ahead of nationality, ethnicity, class, and color. (John C. Polanyi)

In this field of study there should be no such thing as racism.

31. He who does not want to be advised cannot be helped. (Benjamin Franklin)

It is necessary to have help to reach the goal.

32. Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls his adventures science. (Edwin Powell Hubble)

Sometimes great discoveries originate in unexpected places.

33. Science has a wonderful characteristic, and that is that it learns from its mistakes. (Ruy Perez Tamayo)

Everything about it is based on the premise of 'trial and error'.

34. A computer is to me the most amazing tool we have ever devised. It is the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds. (Steve Jobs)

Talking about one of the greatest inventions of all: the computer.

35. I can't waste time making money. (Jean R. L. Agassiz)

True scientists do not seek to fill their pockets with money, but with knowledge.

36. Living is facing one problem after another. The way you approach it makes a difference. (Benjamin Franklin)

A great lesson that should motivate us to find better ways to solve problems.

37. Religion is the culture of faith; science is the culture of doubt. (Richard Feynman)

Doubt breeds all theories in the world of science.

38. When a prestigious but elderly scientist claims that something is impossible, he is most likely wrong. (Arthur C. Clarke)

New minds can see the impossible in a different way to make it possible.

39. Science never solves one problem without creating 10 more. (George Bernard Shaw)

It is a constant cycle of questions and answers.

40. Science has no country. (Louis Pasteur)

Although each one carries his flag in his heart, there are no impositions of a nation.

41. Science is great furniture for a man's upper floor, as long as his common sense is downstairs. (Oliver W. Holmes)

It is important to open your mind to enter the world of science, but also to keep your feet on the ground.

42. Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity can be eternal. (Matt Artson)

The clear difference between ignorance and stupidity.

43. Knowledge is not a vessel that is filled, but a fire that is kindled. (Plutarch)

We never fill ourselves with too much knowledge.

44. The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. (Isaac Asimov)

Not everyone is willing to listen to what science has to say.

45. Mathematics can be defined as that subject about which we never know what we say or if what we say is true. (Bertrand Russell)

Mathematics is an essential part of nature.

46. After all, what is a scientist then? He is a curious man who looks through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what is going on. (Jacques Yves Cousteau)

What do you think a scientist should be?

47. Science is made of data, like a house of stones. But a pile of data is no more science than a pile of rocks is a house. (Henri Poincar)

An interesting clarification on what the scientific results make up.

48. Modern science has not yet produced a calming drug as effective as a few kind words. (Sigmund Freud)

Science may still lack that human component that everyone needs.

49. Laboratory chemistry and living body chemistry obey the same laws. There are not two chemistries. (Claude Bernard)

All chemistry is one.

50. Free scientific research? The second adjective is redundant. (Ayn Rand)

All scientific research is free.

51. The applied sciences do not exist, only the applications of science. (Louis Pasteur)

If it can't be applied, it might not be very practical.

52. Science, boy, is made of mistakes, but useful mistakes to make, because little by little they lead to the truth. (Julio Verne)

All errors within science are only steps towards the truth.

53. In all the great men of science there is the breath of fantasy. (Giovanni Papini)

It all starts with a glimmer of imagination.

54. Machines evolve and reproduce at prodigious speed. If we do not declare war to the death on them, it will be too late to resist their rule. (Samuel Butler)

Talking about a prediction about the conquest of the machines.

55. Scientists do not pursue the truth; it is this that persecutes them. (Karl Schlecta)

Is it the truth who persecutes the scientists?

56. The opposite of a correct formulation is an incorrect formulation. But the opposite of a deep truth may very well be another deep truth. (Niels Henrik David Bohr)

To discard an ‘absolute truth’ one must find another like it.

57. Investigating is seeing what everyone has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought. (Albert Szent-Györgyi)

The good side of research is that something new can always be discovered from it.

58. The scientist is not the person who gives the correct answers, but the person who asks the correct questions. (Claude Lévi-Strauss)

It is from the right questions that innovative answers can come out.

59. I think the reason people are less interested in science today than they were fifty years ago is that it has become very complicated. (James Watson)

The downside to science is the extreme complexity with which it is displayed.

60. Science without conscience is nothing but ruin of the soul. (Francois Rabelais)

For this reason, we must never put aside our humanity.

61. You have to make life a dream and a dream a reality. (Pierre Curie)

A beautiful lesson.

62. The scientific education of young people is at least as important, perhaps even more, than the research itself. (Glenn Theodore Seaborg)

It is necessary to encourage young people their creative capacity for science.

63. The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new data, but to discover new ways of thinking about it. (William Lawrence Bragg)

Perhaps the most beautiful thing about science is that it allows us to expand our ability to think and imagine.

64. What began today as a science fiction novel will be finished as a report tomorrow. (Arthur C. Clarke)

Many of the discoveries once seemed like science fiction.

65. Science increases our power to the extent that it reduces our pride. (Herbert Spencer)

Each discovery brings with it a degree of humility.

66. The most dangerous science is that which is restricted to the domain of experts. (Richard Pawson)

Why can only a special group have access to something that we should all know about?

67. One could not be a good scientist without understanding that, in contrast to the popular conception held by the newspapers and by mothers of scientists, a good number of them are not only obtuse and narrow-minded, but also simply stupid. (James Watson)

You have to be aware that there will always be someone who tries to sabotage progress.

68. The sciences are all intertwined with each other: it is much easier to learn them all together at the same time than to separate one from the others. (Rene Descartes)

All sciences benefit each other, none is more or less important.

69. In principle the investigation needs more heads than means. (Severo Ochoa)

It is useless to publish something that is not known to be completely true.

70. Connect with a scientist and you will be connecting with a child. (Ray Bradbury)

All scientists should remain little children.

71. A straight line is not the shortest distance between two points. (Madeleine L’Engle)

Not always a straight line leads you to something.

72. Facts are the air of science. Without them, a man of science can never rise. (Ivan Pavlov)

Facts are fundamental to science.

73. Until the end I will simply remain Michael Faraday. (Michael Faraday)

Ensuring that fame was not going to change him.

74. In science, recognition is given to the man who convinces the world, not to the one who comes up with the idea. (William Osler)

Unfortunately, the accolades within science are not always fair.

75. We especially need imagination in science. Not everything is math and not everything is simple logic, it is also about a bit of beauty and poetry. (Maria Montessori)

Although logic is necessary for science, so is creativity.

76. At heart, scientists are lucky people: we can play whatever we want for a lifetime. (Lee Smolin)

Is this premise true?

77. Science is not only a discipline of reason, but also of romance and passion. (Stephen Hawking)

Again we are reminded that not everything is cold logic within science.

78. Magic is just a science that we don't understand yet. (Arthur C. Clarke)

A phrase that leaves us with much to reflect on.

79. Research is what I do when I don't know what I'm doing. (Wernher von Braun)

When we don't know something, we investigate.

80. We have to realize that science is actually a double-edged sword. (Michio Kaku)

It can bring good things, as well as something that ruins the balance of the world.

81. Art is "I"; Science is "we". (Claude Bernard)

In science, it is impossible for one person to do all the work.

82. Science is a graveyard of dead ideas, although life can emerge from them. (Unamuno)

You can always take a rejected idea and study it from another point of view.

83. It is true that many times great discoveries have been made without looking for them directly, but the unprepared spirit is incapable of detecting that surprise of nature. (Luis Franco Vera)

Although some discoveries have been made spontaneously, those who discover them are experts.

84. Disease research has advanced so far that it is increasingly difficult to find someone who is completely healthy. (Aldous Huxley)

Talking about the advancement of medicine.

85. Science is the key to our future and if you don't believe in science then you are holding us all back. (Bill Nye)

Science and advancement go hand in hand.

86. We would be in a bad position, if empirical science were the only possible kind of science. (Edmund Husserl)

Fortunately, even science itself has advanced.

87. We must call science only the set of formulas that always triumph. All the rest is literature. (Paul Valéry)

Could it be that science is only those discoveries that succeed?

88. He who has come so far that he is no longer confused, he has also stopped working. (Max Planck)

Getting this far is the goal of many.

89. In research, the process is even more important than the achievement itself. (Emilio Muñoz)

Again we are reminded that in science the important thing is the journey, not the arrival.

90. Science rivals mythology in miracles. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Miracles have also come true thanks to scientific advances.

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