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62 famous quotes by Mario Benedetti (about life and love)

Mario Benedetti was a Uruguayan journalist, writer and poet who has captivated his readers with his beautiful words that denote wisdom about different aspects of our life, and that are capable of transmitting the deepest feelings.

This writer of the generation of 45 who had to go through exile due to his political positions, has left the world a very extensive literary work, with more than 80 books of which some were translated up to 20 Languages. Do not miss this selection of the best 62 phrases of Mario Benedetti.

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The 62 best phrases of Mario Benedetti about life and love

We have compiled for you the best phrases of Mario Benedetti about love, dreams, life, time, politics and many other topics, embodied in his beautiful poems, novels, essays and songs that you will captivate.

1. If the heart is bored of wanting, what is it for?

With this phrase, Mario Benedetti teaches us that despite love disappointments you have to keep giving your heartWell, it is made to love.

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2. Life is a parenthesis between two nothing. I am not a believer, but I believe in an internal god called conscience to which we have to give an account every day of our life.

And it is true, conscience is what gives us inner peace and light or guilt and fear, depending on our actions.

3. We should never promise anything, as they are terrifying bindings. When someone doesn't feel tied down, they are freer and feel better.

As promises must be kept, Mario Benedetti sees them as ties, especially in relation to love.

4. I like people who are able to understand that the greatest human error is trying to get out of the head what comes from the heart.

Beautiful phrase by Mario Benedetti about those moments in which we want to stop thinking about someone when in reality what we want is to get them out of the heart, but sometimes we do not realize it.

5. Five minutes are enough to dream a lifetime, that's how relative time is.

A phrase about the relativity of time and how we feel differently depending on the moments and emotions.

6. I hear the footsteps of someone who will never come.

Mario Benedetti was a romantic par excellence and you can realize this especially in his poems where phrases like this are read.

7. I could never imagine that, within happiness, there could be sadness.

Something that we all have a hard time accepting.

8. What I like most about you is something that there will not be time to take away from you.

How beautiful it would be if someone told you this phrase by Mario Benedetti; that he falls in love with your inside and not with your outside beauty.

9. My style of loving is that, a bit reticent, reserving the maximum only for great occasions.

How is your love style?

10. Love is not repetition. Each act of love is a cycle in itself, a closed orbit in its own ritual.

Beautifull phrase by Mario Benedetti that explains how love is always lived differently, never one equal to another.

11. I'm always in a bad temper, like something inside me feels uncomfortable with me.

It is true that anger and bad humor have to do with things that happen inside us and that we have to express in some way.

12. We have less time than places, but there are places that do not last barely a minute, and for a certain time, there will be no place.

So are the relativities that we live.

13. More than kissing her, more than sleeping together; More than anything else, she was holding my hand, and that was love.

Love does not always go through the physical plane, sometimes other types of caresses and acts make us feel much more loved than a kiss.

14. Death is a boring experience; for others, especially for others.

The truth is that we do not live our own death, it is others who have to feel it.

15. I know that I will love you without questions, I know that you will love me without answers.

This is how you love pure and unconditional love, according to the Uruguayan poet.

16. Every new man must beware of the right-hand and the left-left.

One of Mario Benedetti's phrases that show his political positions.

17. We all have an accomplice sometime, someone to guide us in the use of the heart.

Who is your accomplice?

18. We were, we are, we will be together. To pieces, at times, to eyelids, to dreams.

Another of Mario Benedetti's beautiful love phrases.

19. And although I have not always understood my faults and my failures, instead I know that in your arms the world makes sense.

When we find the right person, nothing else matters, everything makes sense out of love for this person.

20. Every time you fall in love, do not explain anything to anyone, let love invade you without going into details.

Love is a feeling that has to be lived without giving importance to the social details that sometimes make us doubt.

21. We start life sad and end it sad, but in between, we love bodies that have a sad and miraculous beauty.

We are not sure that we will all agree that we start and end life sad, Although there are tears at birth, but it is true that love for others fills everything with beauty.

22. I love the wind, especially when I walk against it, since it is like erasing things, and I want to erase a lot of myself.

An interesting way to feel the wind and let go of what we no longer want in our life.

23. When hatreds are on the loose, one loves in self-defense.

Mario Benedetti always with his mental acuity and ability with words. The answer to hate is always love.

24. It is good that you have the courage to be different and do not succumb to unanimous power.

We all find it hard to be different and we prefer to be similar to each other; But when you dare to be different, your light shines.

25. Nobody warned us that missing is the cost of good times.

Very successful this phrase by Mario Benedetti, we meet people, we move away, we share and in the end, we miss.

26. We only need five minutes to live a lifetime, that's how relative time is.

A phrase by Mario Benedetti dedicated to all those inveterate dreamers who create different lives in seconds.

27. A piece of utopia is love.

Because love creates perfect scenarios, perfect fantasies, a perfect world around us.

28. And to be totally, completely, absolutely in love, one must be fully aware that one is also loved, that one also inspires love.

We love this phrase by Mario Benedetti because it teaches us that in order to love and be loved, we have to start with ourselves.

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29. Hates vivify and stimulate only if it is one who governs them; they destroy and misalign when they are the ones who dominate.

We must learn to bring out the best and grow from negative things, but never allow bad feelings to be the engine of our life.

30. You don't know how I value the courage you have to love me.

Loving is one of the greatest and most beautiful acts of courage we can do.. And how good that she feels to be loved.

31. Uncertainty is like a daisy that we will never finish removing the leaves.

You will agree that nothing is more difficult than going through a moment of endless uncertainty.

32. I have a horrible feeling, I think that time passes and I get nothing, and that makes me shudder to the root.

It has happened to all of us that we see how time is getting out of hand and we do not know what we are doing with it.

33. Although we forget to forget, surely the memory forgets us.

Another ingenious phrase by Mario Benedetti about forgetting and memories.

34. That goal that Maradona scored against the English with the help of the divine hand, is for now the only reliable proof of the existence of God.

A bit of humor from Mario Benedetti about the existence of God and one of the idols of Argentine soccer.

35. In some oases, the desert is a mirage.

This phrase full of irony by Mario Benedetti, some consider that it has political overtones.

36. The assurance of knowing that I was capable of doing something better put procrastination in my hands, which is ultimately a terrible and suicidal weapon.

Procrastination kills dreams in its wake, and if we add it to a bit of arrogance, it can have fatal results.

37. That's what it's all about, meeting people who make you see things that you don't see. That they teach you to look with different eyes.

Each person is a world and nothing is more beautiful than they show you the world through their eyes.

38. There are four inches of silence between your hands and my hands, a border of unspoken words between your lips and my lips. And something that shines so sad between your eyes and my eyes.

A phrase by Mario Benedetti that expresses very well what sometimes does not happen in love, with couples who are but who will not be.

39. The cheater is because he does not have the courage to be honest.

Mario Benedetti believes that a lack of courage is what makes us dishonest people who cheat to achieve their goals.

40. All eternal loves end up being the shortest.

Because eternal loves are those that never end, but that in general, they are temporary because the circumstances separate them, but not the lack of understanding or love.

41. If I killed myself, I would do it on Sunday. It is the most bland and discouraging day.

The last day of the week is often depressing for everyone at times.

42. That someone makes you feel things without putting a finger on you, that is to be admired.

Has it happened to you that just the presence of the other person wakes you up to absolutely everything?

43. Peace is accepting the difference of the other. If that were the case, Jews and Palestinians would be accepted, and there would be no war.

Another of Mario Benedetti's phrases that show us his political positions and what he has against each other: the lack of acceptance that we are different.

44. The reality is a bundle of problems over which no one claims copyright.

Totally successful this ingenious phrase by Mario Benedetti.

45. The butterfly will always remember that it was a worm.

Never forget your roots, of who you were, because thanks to those roots you are who you are now.

46. The world and I love you, but you know that I will always do much better.

This is a phrase by Mario Benedetti to criticize your partner or someone very special.

47. What I'm about to tell you may sound crazy. If so, he tells me no more. But I don't want to beat around the bush; I think I'm in love with you

An excellent way to declare your love to someone is this one proposed by Mario Benedetti.

48. When we thought we had all the answers, suddenly all the questions changed.

A phrase by Mario Benedetti about politics, but to which, in reality, we could relate many aspects of our life,

49. I don't know why, but today he has given me to miss you, to miss your presence. Someone told me that oblivion is full of memory.

It is true that, when you least expect it and for less apparent reasons, memories of people and moments that we thought we had completely forgotten come out of nowhere.

50. It's about time I started to dedicate my insomnia to you.

Who is the cause of your insomnia?

51. When fear, worry or love comes into my life, I am always able to transform it into a poem.

Not all of us will be writers like Benedetti, but the truth is that we have the power to transform everything that happens to us.

52. How to reconcile the annihilating idea of ​​death with this irrepressible desire for life?

Something that will always cost us an almost impossible job, especially in old age.

53. A river of sadness flows through my veins, but I have forgotten to cry.

Beautiful phrase by Mario Benedetti full of feelings.

54. I like people who vibrate, who don't have to be pushed, who don't have to be told to do things, but who know what to do and what to do. People who cultivate their dreams until those dreams take over their own reality.

If you are not yet one of these people, you are always in time to change and transform your reality.

55. There are very few things that make as much noise as silence.

We could complete this sentence by saying that, especially when your head is full of thoughts that you want to avoid.

56. Certain things that happened to us in the past have disappeared, but others creep into the future and it is these that I seek to rescue.

There are things that we manage to leave behind and others that we cannot, but that turn into future opportunities.

57. Defend joy as a trench, defend it from scandal and routine, from misery and the miserable, from temporary and permanent absences.

Nothing more successful than this phrase by Mario Benedetti. Even if the circumstances are difficult, we must defend our joy above all else.

58. Melancholy: romantic way of being sad.

This is how Mario Benedetti defines melancholy.

59. A necessary caress was her lips, I don't know how I could have lived so long without them.

Other romantic phrase by Mario Benedetti about the person we still can't forget.

60. I only wish that this wait does not waste my dreams.

Patience is one of the most difficult virtues to exercise. The task of waiting without spending our dreams on it.

61. In reality, there is only the direction we take, what may have been is no longer valid.

A phrase by Mario Benedetti for the moments when we have regrets, we question our decisions and the path we take. When you are like this, remember what Mario Benedetti says, when we have made a decision, the other is no longer valid, it does not exist.

62. I love, you love, he loves, we love, you love, they love. I wish it were not conjugation but reality.

We finish the list with this beautiful quote from the writer about love and its possibilities.

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