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The 90 best phrases about dogs

There is a saying that says 'the dog is man's best friend' and he is absolutely right about it. Dogs are pure and happy souls who always seek to love and give love to their owners. They are the pets preferred by thousands of people and they become so important in our lives that they become another member of the family.

  • We recommend you read: "The 95 best phrases about cats"

Best phrases about dogs

As we know the importance of dogs in people's lives, we bring below the best phrases about dogs that will make you love your partner even more.

1. Regarding dogs, no one who has not lived with them will ever know, in depth, how far the words generosity, companionship and loyalty go. (Arturo Pérez-Reverte)

Dogs are the perfect example of commitment.

2. For half my life I lived with dogs, and from them I have learned a lot about how much I know, or think I know, about the words love, selflessness and loyalty. (Arturo Pérez-Reverte)

The writer affirms in this sentence the above said.

3. There will come a day when men like me will see the murder of an animal as they now see that of a man. (Leonardo da Vinci)
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There is nothing proud about killing an animal for fun.

4. Dogs are our link to paradise. They do not know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on the side of a mountain on a glorious afternoon is to return to Eden, where doing nothing was not boring: it was peace. (Milan Kundera)

Dogs teach us about tranquility and true happiness.

5. All men are gods to their dog. That is why there are people who love their dogs more than men. (Aldous Huxley)

It's no wonder we have more love for our faithful pet.

6. The stories are full of examples of faithful dogs than of faithful friends. (Alexander Pope)

A fact that is almost verifiable.

7. The dog is the only being in the world who will love you more than he loves himself. (John Billings)

For them, we are everything in their life.

8. If there are no dogs in heaven, when I die I want to go where they went. (Will Rogers)

Can you also imagine a heaven with thousands of happy puppies?

9. The more I know people the more I love my dog. (Diogenes the Cynic)

Dogs will never let us down.

10. It is incredible and shameful that neither preachers nor moralists raise their voices against animal abuse. (Voltaire)

A reality that unfortunately remains today.

11. When was the last time someone was so happy to see you, so full of love and affection that they literally ran to greet you? A dog will do it for you ten, twenty, thirty times a day. (Lionel Fisher)

Dogs only have love to give.

12. All knowledge, all questions and answers are in the dog. (Franz Kafka)

These animals only care about having a home, food, and love.

13. Dogs are waiting for us faithfully. (Cicero)

This fact has been maintained since ancient times.

14. Do you think dogs will go to heaven? They will be there long before any of us! (Stevenson)

If anyone deserves to go to heaven, it is definitely them.

15. The average dog is a better person than the average person. (Andy Rooney)

They undoubtedly possess a purer soul than many humans.

16. Without a horse, a dog, and a friend, man would die. (Joseph Rudyard Kipling)

How much loneliness it feels without an animal by our side.

17. The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog. (M.K. Clinton)

This sentence demonstrates a fact that leaves no room for doubt.

18. The dog knows, but he does not know that he knows. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

Another fundamental characteristic of them is their innocence.

19. Life without a dog is a gross mistake. (Carl Zuckmayer)

A dog is an eternal joy.

20. I swear eternal love if you give me a little love and do not abandon me. (Phrase of a dog)

So must be all the thoughts of dogs.

21. Happiness is a warm puppy. (Charles M. Schulz)

Who is not happy to see and play with a puppy?

22. Even the best of dogs bite when they tire of being mistreated. (Patrick Rothfuss)

Obviously his sweetness does not prevent them from defending themselves against injustices.

23. When a man has mercy on all living creatures, only then will he be noble. (Buddha)

A state to which, hopefully, we will get to one day.

24. Every new dog that enters my life gives me a piece of his heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dogs and I will be as generous and loving as they are. (Anonymous)

Even if they have a short life, they always teach us great lessons about love.

25. Tell me how you are with animals and I will tell you what kind of person you are. (J. Manuel Serrano Marquez)

The true nature of people is seen in their behavior with animals.

26. Dogs are better than humans because they know things but they don't tell them. (Emily Dickinson)

Many dogs keep the secrets of their masters.

27. They do not know how to speak but they will know how to accompany your silence. (Anonymous)

You only need their company to feel better.

28. A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won't be so bad. (Robert Wagner)

Dogs also have therapeutic qualities.

29. I look at my dog ​​and I get tired of being a person. (Pablo Hasel)

Without a doubt, dogs are valuable beings.

30. Sometimes they ask me: Why do you spend all that time and money talking about kindness to animals, when there is so much cruelty towards man? To which I reply: I am working on the roots. (George Thorndike Angell)

Animal cruelty reflects the evil capacity of men.

31. Dogs are not everything in our life but they make it complete. (Roger Caras)

You can never feel alone with a dog.

32. I love dogs because they never make you feel like you've treated them badly. (Otto von Bismark)

Dogs have the ability to forget and forgive.

33. Most dogs know what they are; not like humans.

A lesson we can learn from them.

34. The best thing about having a dog is that it never asks you questions, it just accompanies you. (Anonymous)

They are the best companions for adventures and solitudes.

35. If a dog does not run towards you after looking at your face, you should go home and examine your conscience. (Woodrow Wilson)

Dogs can tell if a person is good or bad.

36. It is said that when a person carries his dog on a leash, he is just as tied.

Dogs, just because they are pets, should not be in confinement.

37. The simple fact that my dog ​​loves me more than I love him is such an undeniable reality that every time I think about it, I feel ashamed. (Konrad Lorenz)

So examine how much you appreciate your pet.

38. There is nothing truer in this world than the love of a good dog. (Look Grant)

It is a completely transparent love.

39. The love for animals raises the cultural level of the town. (Fermín Salvochea)

Respect for animals makes us people of integrity.

40. It is shameful for our species that being the dog the best friend of the man, the man is the worst friend of the dog. (Eduardo Lamazón)

A cruel truth that we must eradicate.

41. The love of a dog towards its owner is directly proportional to the treatment received. (Anonymous)

No dog will love you completely if you mistreat him, he will only be afraid of you.

42. Treat a dog well and he will treat you well. He will keep you company, he will be your friend and he will never question you. (Mary Ann Shaffer)

Kindness to dogs is rewarded.

43. Outside of the dog, a book is probably man's best friend, and inside the dog it's probably too dark to read. (Groucho Marx)

Great words from the genius of satirical comedy.

44. Most owners are, in the end, capable of learning to obey their dog.

It is about teamwork that brings benefits for the future.

45. I want to learn to love people like that, like my dog, with pride and enthusiasm and complete amnesia for failures. In short, loving others the way my dog ​​loves me. (Ann Patchett)

In short, the love of dogs is a great example for the other forms of love.

46. To truly enjoy a dog, you shouldn't try to train it to be demihuman. The point is to open oneself up to the possibility of being more of a dog. (Eduard Hoagland)

A great lesson that many of us must listen to.

47. Saving a dog will not change the world, but the world will certainly change for him.

That is why he always tries to do actions for the dogs that you see helpless.

48. The person who thinks that dogs cannot speak does not want to learn a second language. (Mark Winik)

Dogs have their own way of communicating with us. You just have to listen.

49. Everything I know, I learned from dogs. (Nora Roberts)

Have your dogs taught you anything?

50. A dog's joy and playfulness, his unconditional love, and his willingness to celebrate life at any time are often in sharp contrast to him. internal state of the dog owner: depressed, anxious, troubled, lost in thought, absent from the only time and place that exist: the Here and the Now. (Eckhart Tolle)

The disparities of dog and master.

51. In many aspects of our life, we do not measure up, but a dog always does in all aspects of his life, perhaps it is not an insult to be called a dog.

Perhaps we should be proud of that name.

52. It seems to me that the good Lord in his infinite wisdom gave us three things to make life bearable: hope, jokes, and dogs. But the biggest of these was the dogs. (Robyn Davidson)

Dogs help us heal great wounds.

53. The dog is part of man. (Albert Brahm)

They are almost part of our essence.

54. It does not matter not having money; a dog can give you all the riches in the world.

With dogs we learn what it means to have a real treasure.

55. Understand your dog and know how to control him, develop his potential and solve problems of behavior, emotional conflicts and frustrations are no less essential than love and I respect. (Michael W. Fox)

Part of loving dogs is educating them.

56. My dogs have been the reason I have woken up every day of my life with a smile on my face. (Jennifer Skiff)

Waking up to see your dog is a tremendous joy.

57. The only beings that are sufficiently evolved to transmit pure love are dogs and children. (Johnny Depp)

This is because they do not overanalyze their emotions and can express them freely.

58. A dog is a smile and a tail that wags happily... the rest does not matter!

Dogs are synonymous with joy.

59. For me, a house or apartment becomes a home when you add a set of four legs, a happy tail, and that indescribable measure of love we call a dog. (Roger A. Faces)

For many people, a home must have a dog to be complete.

60. A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than an owner can express with his tongue in hours. (Karen Davison)

This sentence has no discussion whatsoever.

61. I don't think the friendship between man and dog would last if dog meat were edible. (Evelyn Waugh)

Hard words that contain a great truth.

62. There are no bad days if you have a dog waiting for you at home.

In short, dogs know how to make your days happy.

63. Not all dogs are perfect dogs, but all dogs are inherently good. (Kate McGahan)

They undoubtedly have flaws that we still love.

64. Dogs are my favorite people. (Richard Dean Anderson)

And that of thousands of humans.

65. Here lie the remains of a creature that was beautiful without vanity, strong without insolence, brave without ferocity and had all the virtues of man and none of his defects. (Epitaph for a dog). (Lord Byron)

A very emotional letter to say goodbye to a faithful friend.

66. My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog ​​already thinks I am.

A goal to which we all must aspire.

67. Dogs teach you to love and kindness. They remind you of what is important. A life is not much life without a dog, is what I always said. (Dan Gemeinhart)

Great characters seem to agree with this precept.

68. Commiseration with animals is intimately linked with goodness of character, in such a way that it can be safely affirmed that one who is cruel to animals cannot be a good person. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

In no way can you expect true love from someone who abuses animals.

69. A trained dog equals 60 search and rescue workers. (Charles Stoehr)

Talking about the incredible abilities of rescue and assistance dogs.

70. If you make a fool of yourself in front of a cat, he will make fun of you if you are sober; he will leave the room if you are drunk. If you make a fool of yourself in front of a dog, he will also make a fool of yourself. (Chuck Jones)

A perfect display of canine loyalty.

71. The life of dogs is too short. Actually, the only flaw they have. (Agnes Sligh Turnbull)

Every person who loves his dog wants him to live forever.

72. Dogs will give you unconditional love until the day they die. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you've made since the day you were born. (Oliver Gaspirtz)

Do you agree with this comparison?

73. Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, almost unlike people, who tend to mix love and hate. (Sigmund Freud)

Another lesson we must learn from dogs.

74. Love is the emotion that a woman always feels for a poodle dog and sometimes for a man. (George Jean Nathan)

An interesting way to describe the love of dogs.

75. The more you learn to know the man, the more you learn to appreciate the dog. (Tozzi)

This is a reality that many realize on a daily basis.

76. People have been trying to understand dogs since the beginning of time. You never know what they will do. You can read every day where a dog saved the life of a child who is drowning or give his life for his love. Some people call this loyalty. I do not. I may be wrong, but I call it love, the deepest love. (Wilson Rawls)

A great true show of pure love.

77. Dogs are special this way: you can ignore them or yell at them, they always forgive you. (Madison Pam Torres)

A perfect example of your ability to forget and forgive.

78. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he will give you his. (Milo Gathema)

That is how simple the relationship with a dog is.

79. It is necessary to look for the flower of friendship on the grave of a dog. (Ignacio Manuel Altamirano)

A dog is an unconditional friend until after death.

80. It doesn't matter how eloquent a dog barks; He can never tell you that his parents were poor but honest. (Bertrand Russell)

For dogs, their greatest treasure is having a home.

81. Women and cats will do as they please, dogs and men should relax and get used to the idea. (Robert A. Heinlein)

A funny difference between cats and dogs.

82. Even the smallest poodle has a heart of a lion, ready to do anything to defend home, master, and lover. (Louis Sabin)

In dogs in particular, size does not matter.

83. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Even the state should be tried for animal abuse.

84. If you want someone to love you forever, adopt a dog.

He will love you every day unconditionally.

85. Dogs are happy with some things because they have already observed the man who is not happy with many things! (Mehmet Murat ildan)

They may have learned from our mistakes.

86. The biggest fear of dogs is that of not knowing if you will return when you walk out the door without them. (Stanley Coren)

That is why they are so happy to see you again.

87. Dogs have the virtue that they listen to you, but unfortunately they never answer, although perhaps it is better that way. Perhaps if they answered the questions of their masters they would cease to be man's best friend. (Ramón Cerdá)

Maybe that's why dogs don't speak, because we wouldn't listen to them.

88. A dog is grateful for what he is. I am discovering that it is the wisest kind of wisdom and very good theology. (Carrie Newcomer)

Dogs show us their love for themselves.

89. Dogs are often happier than men simply because the simplest things are best for them! (Mehmet Murat ildan)

So we should also appreciate the simple things.

90. Many who have dedicated their entire lives to love can tell us less about love than a child who lost his dog yesterday (Thornton Wilder)

Losing a dog is as painful as losing a loved one.

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