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80 phrases of condolences with which to give comfort to someone

Death is an inevitable part of life, marks the end of all those events that we have had the pleasure of experiencing and although it is a bitter feeling, many cultures emphasize seeing it as a natural process, which should not be clouded only with tears and sadness, but also with respects and good memories of that person that will always remain in our memory for the rest of our life. lifetime.

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For this reason, we have brought in this article ideal phrases with which we can offer our condolences to someone and give comfort when they go through this experience.

Phrases of condolences with which to give comfort to someone

However, it is natural for feelings of pain and even anger to surface when a loved one is lost and therefore it is necessary to know what say and how to say it, as some people value silence more during this process, while others appreciate the comfort given to them. offer.

Here is our compilation of phrases of condolences with which to give encouragement and emotional support

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to a person who has lost a close family member or friend.

1. Always remember those who leave with their best smile.

death should not be viewed with sadness or resentment, but as a natural process of life.

2. His death should not make us sad, let us understand that now his spirit is calm, while he was among us he was very happy.

We must always think first of the tranquility that the deceased person should be thanking.

3. May my condolences bring you comfort and may my prayers ease your pain over this loss.

However, the strong impact that someone's departure causes on their family members should not be underestimated.

4. I will always be here when you need me. May his soul rest in peace.

Something that is always appreciated in condolences is the support that is given to that person.

5. I dare not say that I understand your pain. But I would like to be close to you, to offer you all my will, my comfort, my affection and my love.

It does not matter that we do not experience the same, we can have the ability to understand the pain of death.

6. There are no words to describe how sorry I am for your loss.

Sometimes it is better to admit that you do not have adequate words of comfort.

7. May the memory of that person help you get through these difficult times.

A good way to honor the dead is to remember them happily.

8. May my condolences bring you comfort and may my prayers ease your pain over this loss.

Speak from the depth of your heart.

9. Words are hard to get comfort from sometimes, but I hope mine can convey to you how sorry I am for your loss.

It doesn't matter that you don't have a speech prepared, he speaks honestly and gives your full support.

10. People only die when their loved ones stop remembering them. He was an exceptional person who will always be in our memories.

Even if he is not in the present body, the memories of that person will prevail for all eternity.

11. Even if you are far from us, we have a space reserved for you in our hearts.

The death of a person does not mean that you are going to remove them from your heart.

12. May our flowers and prayers reach out to our beloved loved one who has left us so soon.

Prayers and good wishes are always appreciated at any time.

13. In these difficult times that you are going through, remember that you have the support of your whole family.

When a loved one passes away, the best place to take refuge is in the heart of the family.

14. Please remember that you are never alone. We are always here for you. My condolences.

Reminding the person that they are not alone in these difficult times can help them overcome the pain.

15. Those we love never die, they just go before us.

Death is inevitable, but not the love that they will always leave with us.

16. I am not able to say that I understand your grief but you can count on me to support you in these difficult times.

Even though you are at a loss for words, show your condolences with your actions.

17. I hope that in these hard times you feel somehow accompanied, by all of us.

The company in times of pain is very grateful.

18. I am at the disposal of your family; today and always.

If you can't find the right words to say, then offer your disposition for any need.

19. The memory of a feeling can last a lifetime, and I will not forget you.

Generating good thoughts is a great way to take your mind off the loss.

20. My sincere condolences for the loss of your family member. My heart is with you in these moments of greatest distress.

Sometimes condolences are the simplest words.

21. When someone we love dies there is no way to avoid sadness and sorrow, but we have the peace that knowing it in paradise with God gives us.

Another way to bring comfort to someone is to remind them that the deceased is now in a better place.

22. There are absences that are very difficult to fill but you know that you have my full support to overcome this difficult moment.

Never underestimate the painful impact a death causes.

23. We have shared many moments of life and, in these difficult days, I want you to know that I share your feelings and I will be close if you need me.

In these moments, more than anyone is when you have to be empathetic.

24. I wish you healing and peace. My condolences.

Good wishes are also valid for the family that is suffering.

25. After the tears and goodbyes, only the good moments that you shared with him will remain. In the meantime, you have my full support.

Remind that person that, although the pain is very strong today, hope awaits tomorrow.

26. I wanted to let you know that I am very sorry for the loss of your family member. Rest in peace.

Simple words can be the best way to offer comfort.

27. When there is love, death cannot totally separate two people and whoever leaves continues to live in the memory of whoever remains.

The love that person leaves must be stronger than the absence of him.

28. Think about how you had the opportunity to share wonderful moments with a fantastic person and that all your friends are here to help you get through it.

Memories are just another way to manifest the legacy that person left with you.

29. We are so sorry for his pain. Now we know that we have a little angel who will take care of us.

People who are no longer on the earthly plane are in spirit around us.

30. Let memories of him flood your mind, warm your heart and guide you forward.

When that person is feeling lonely and miserable, let them know that memories can be a special comfort.

31. Neither the clouds in the sky nor the sunlight are as beautiful as I remember it from him.

It is in the absence that we appreciate in an unthinkable way that person who has left.

32. I don't know how I can help you heal your pain, but I would like to know. I need you to know that you are in my prayers and that I wish you well.

Part of comforting someone who is grieving is listening to what they need to vent.

33. When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven who watches over us. May it comfort you to know that you now have an angel who takes care of you.

Knowing that in some way, that person never leaves, but that the essence of it remains with us is more than comforting.

34. Keep it alive in your heart and you will know that your mom will be present at all times for you.

But in order for us to feel that person, it is necessary to remember him with joy.

35. There is no doubt that the absence of her will be felt, but it is only a sensation because she will always be with us in our hearts.

The pain of loss is mostly in our mind.

36. After the tears are dry and the goodbye has been said, we have to hold on to the happy memories that we have shared with our loved ones who have already departed.

Memories of people's actions is the way to keep them alive forever.

37. I wanted to let you know that I am deeply sorry for your loss. Although words are not comfort, I hope you know that I am here for you.

Just express yourself honestly, even if you don't know how to choose the words to say.

38. It may have escaped our sight, but never from our hearts.

A person is eternal in our hearts.

39. Day by day I think of you, in every moment of my life, your memory is in me.

Honor those who left, preserving them each day in your mind.

40. We will pray that your rest is eternal and next to our Creator.

Knowing that that person is in heaven with God eases the pain of leaving him.

41. Whoever passed through our life and left light must shine in our soul for all eternity.

A person will never be forgotten if his actions left good times.

42. Today and always, may the memories of love bring you peace, comfort and strength.

To overcome sadness, happy memories are the best cure.

43. Death takes with it a pain that no one can heal, but love leaves a memory that no one can ever steal.

An ideal phrase to comfort anyone who is going through a duel.

44. I'm so sorry for your loss. I would like to invite you to dinner and talk about all the good times we had with this person.

Offering active listening to the person who has lost their special self is a good way to show appreciation and comfort for the future.

45. Let your memories flood your mind, bring warmth to your heart and guide you forward.

Happy memories not only help someone to get through grief, but to move on with life.

46. I don't have the right words, but I can listen to you for as long as you want.

Rather than offering words of comfort, people want to feel like they can vent their emotions.

47. What an honor and what a blessing to have met him. He was a true blessing in my life and I will miss him deeply. My condolences.

Share memories to preserve someone's memory.

48. In this painful and difficult moment I send you my sincere condolences for this loss, I also send you my love, and share my strength with you to help you overcome such a difficult trance.

Showing your affection is also a great form of comfort.

49. Words seem inadequate to express my feelings for the death of your relative. I am here, offering you my sincere condolences, and I am here to assist you in your grieving process.

If you don't know what to say, then you'd better help out with whatever they need.

50. I know it is hard to believe that he is no longer with us, but remember that what we keep alive in our hearts and in our memories will never die.

A beautiful reflection of the precious memory that deceased people leave with us.

51. The happiness that he showed in life and the peace that he achieved in his end, is what we must keep in mind.

People should be reminded that they leave our side at their best, in their happy and peaceful moments.

52. In weak and painful moments God is your rock, your refuge, your comfort and support.

When everything seems dark and confusing we need support, something to hold onto and that something can be God and religion.

53. No one can understand how hard a separation is, when one of our precious gems leaves us. You look for her and we can't find her, you talk to her and she can't hear you, you wait and she doesn't come. We only have the eternal memory of our family member in our hearts.

Separating ourselves from a loved one, especially a relative, is something horribly painful, to the point that it is never totally overcome; you only learn to live with it.

54. A prayer, a flower, a candle and sad tears of pain on your grave. My condolences.

When someone leaves, we seek to perform offering gestures to guide their path and calm our mind.

55. Death has taken his body, but his spirit will always be with us, forever in our hearts.

Some Eastern beliefs dictate that when we love someone a part of our soul stays with them forever.

56. We have shared many moments of life and, in these difficult days, I want you to know that I share your feelings and I will be close if you need me.

When someone's life ends, the pain of those who belong to their environment begins. Supporting them will always help them.

57. Nothing is more painful than the departure of someone you love. My deepest condolences.

Reflecting empathy with those who loved the person who left will make them know that they can count on us.

58. It breaks my heart to see you like this; I will be by your side at all times for when you need me, friend.

We must make sure to make it clear that no matter what you want, we will be there to support you.

59. While they were together they always had beautiful moments and although today you are sad for her eternal rest, you must always remember her as the happy person that she was. I give you my condolences.

Talk to the hurt and remind them of the happy moments they spent with their loved one in It may seem at first instance that it will make them feel worse, but the reality is that we will comfort.

60. The pain we feel at this moment is very great, but the love we feel will be even greater because he is within us forever.

Regardless of the pain, sooner or later we will be able to cope since the love we feel towards that someone will reign over any other feeling.

61. I hope that these condolences fill your heart a little and that you will soon find the comfort you need to get through your grief.

Expressing our condolences is essential to show our support.

62. I know what it's like to feel like nothing can fill your void, but please stay strong and lean on me when you need it.

Ending the pain of a broken heart is very difficult, but if we support the hurting, they will achieve it faster.

63. You and your family are in my heart and on my mind. My condolences for your loss.

This phrase can help to remind that person that even if they have lost an important part for him or her, they must stay strong because there are still important people in their life.

64. No one is replaceable when love is so great. Cry for his departure, but recover in his honor and continue with the spirit and joy that characterizes you and that he always liked. God will help you.

When something like a loss comes, it is essential to cry whatever it takes to externalize that pain and be able to move on.

65. My condolences to your family for the recent loss of your relative. I know this is hard to bear right now, but it must be remembered that this is only the end of physical life and the beginning of eternal life. May my friendship and prayers ease your pain during these moments.

A great consolation for religious people is that their loved one is in a better place, and at some point they will meet again.

66. I am very sorry for the pain that the loss of one of your loved ones has caused you, today I accompany you in your pain and I express my deepest condolences for his departure.

Accompany although sometimes we do not know what to do or say, simply supporting in silence will make a big difference.

67. A beautiful soul, full of love and faith, has ascended to heaven, far from me. But he has also drawn closer to God, leaving days of pain and suffering behind him.

Accepting that our loved one is in a better plane is essential to overcome their loss.

68. Today it is not where it was, but it will always be in our hearts. May God give his soul rest and peace.

Regardless of how things turned out, we must save and treasure the important and happy moments with our loved one.

69. Let's not try to know or understand why he left our side, life is like that, now he is resting in peace eternally.

Looking for a reason for death only leads to despair and frustration, we simply have to accept it, suffer it and overcome it.

70. Words won't be able to dry your tears and hugs won't be able to ease your pain. But hold on to the memories you have, as they will forever prevail.

Although no more moments will be created with that person, we have in our minds all those for which we come to love him.

71. You will not be able to forget his presence, you will only learn to live with the memory of him.

We must understand that overcoming a death does not mean that it would imply forgetting the person, overcoming it means learning to move forward with that eternal memory; it's okay to hurt but not to destroy us.

72. May his soul rest in peace. I firmly believe that God will accept him with open arms for all the good he did while he was alive on this Earth.

Knowing that our loved one is in a better place because of the quality of person that he was, is the best comfort.

73. Those we love never leave, they walk with us day by day.

The teachings that our loved ones leave us will always accompany us and it is a way in which they are still with us.

74. If my hug was strong enough to take away the pain, I would like to never end it.

Sincere words of help are often better than any overly elaborate phrase.

75. When reason fails, pray for peace. I will also be praying for you.

Faith and religion are undoubtedly two great allies to cope with death when one is religious.

76. I ask God to embrace you with his peace, to cover you with his love and to be able to feel his presence in these difficult moments.

Although it is believed useless, transmitting our positive energy to someone who is having a bad time, sooner or later it will have an effect on him.

77. I offer you my thoughts, prayers, and good wishes during this dark moment in your life.

Accompanying and giving unconditional support is without a doubt what we must do the most.

78. I hope that these words, coming from the bottom of my heart, show you that you are not alone.

The heart may be the wisest counselor in these cases.

79. Live your mourning, cry, suffer. But understand that you will never be alone in his pain. I am here to help you. He is counting on me.

We must make hurting people see that crying is okay, but that they are not alone in feeling.

80. Remember that I love you and that I care about you.

Simple words usually feel more real, more sincere and that is worth much more

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