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Amazon River: countries and cities where it passes

Amazon River: countries and cities where it passes

Image: Answers Tips

When from 1500 the new world began to be discovered, few thought they would have found such an immense land. One of the first elements that greatly surprised us and that served to designate America as paradise was a river. The Amazon River is the longest and mightiest in the world, therefore, it is not surprising that its river basin covers around 7.05 km2. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about the countries and cities where the Amazon river passes so that you get an idea of ​​the dimensions that this one has.

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  1. The Amazon river: main characteristics
  2. The countries that the Amazon crosses during its journey
  3. The wealth of the Amazon

The Amazon River: main characteristics.

We began the lesson on the countries and cities where the Amazon River passes by talking about its length. As we said, It is the longest river in the world as it travels 7,064 km, that is, from the Andes mountain range to the Atlantic sea on the coasts of Brazil.

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This means that, if we locate it on a map, we see that it almost completely crosses the width of South America. Throughout its journey, the Amazon will receive contributions from countless rivers from the adjacent mountain ranges, causing its flow is also the highest in the world, having an annual average of about 230,000 m3 / s, although in the rainy season, this reaches levels of more than 300,000 m3 / s.

In the same way, we must mention the immense width that the river can have because, in normal conditions, we can find from 1.6 to 10 km, but in rainy seasons, there are floods, making the river banks measure about 48 inches wide. km. Thus, the depth It will also be an element to take into account, having a height of 40 meters in some places.

Amazon River: countries and cities where it passes - The Amazon River: main characteristics

Image: The other route

The countries that the Amazon crosses during its journey.

We continue the lesson about the countries and cities through which the Amazon River passes, placing ourselves on the geographical map and talking about the various points that it will cross.

As we have said previously, the river is born in the Andes mountain range, therefore, born in Peru. from there its course goes northward and then veers eastward passing Colombia, and from there it continues, passing through Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname until reaching Brazil, where it ends up ending up.

This should give us an idea of ​​the immensity of terrain that it covers and it will not be strange that some of the cities through which it passes have made it their way of life, creating a series of very important ports for the economy.

So, next, we will mention the cities with important ports through which the Amazon passes on his journey:


  • Iquitos, is the first city where the importance of the river is seen
  • Caballococha
  • Santa Rosa de Yavarí


  • Puerto Nariño
  • Leticia is the most important port in Colombia.


  • Tabatinga.
  • Manaus.
  • Belem do Pará, this port is not located exactly on the Amazon, but is located on one of the tributaries, the Tocantins River, before reaching its mouth.
  • Macapa.
Amazon River: countries and cities where it passes - The countries that the Amazon crosses during its journey

The wealth of the Amazon.

To conclude our lesson we want to talk a little about the inhabitants of the river. Being the longest in the world, we will find a immense biodiversity both in plants and animals. In fact, the Amazon is the great lung of planet earth and therefore must be preserved from the immense atrocities that are taking place. committing in the area, both for the animals that live in that place and for us who need these filters to clean the purity of the air.

Fish are abundant in the river, finding more than 3,000 different species, which serve to supply the population, is one of the most exploited resources of the river, hence the fruitful ports mentioned with anteriority. Although in the same way, logging is another of the great activities in the area.

In addition, we will find a endless species of mammals, birds, insects and plants, which make it possible to say the phrase that the first Castilian explorers pronounced when they glimpsed its beauty, “this is paradise”.

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