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The 90 most famous phrases of Buddha (and about Buddhism)

Buddhism is one of the most spiritual millenary practices in the world, where through wisdom, connection with nature and respect for human life It is possible to see the world in a more motivating way, as a place that gives us everything we need and, therefore, needs to be rewarded with our care and love.

This religion begins with the figure of Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha, a man from the aristocratic Shakya family, who is he earned his nickname ‘Buddha’, a Sanskrit term that means “He who has awakened”, because he shared his knowledge with the people around him, the teachings, experiences and mistakes of him, turning him into a wise being whose lessons would pass to the story.

Therefore, in this article we bring the best phrases about this mythical character and the religion that he founded to offer light and love to all who were willing to listen.

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Most famous quotes from Buddha and Buddhism

Perhaps the most striking characteristic of Buddhism is that it is not a religion with a God present to admire, but rather that it follows in the footsteps of a

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man who achieved absolute wisdom and sensitivity towards the environment.

1. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

We all have bad times in life, but the really negative thing is not getting up again.

2. Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.

Every day we have the opportunity to learn something.

3. All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Our mind has the power to guide our actions.

4. Take care of the exterior as much as the interior, because everything is one.

If we are good on the inside, we reflect it on the outside.

5. Don't insist on the past, don't dream about the future, focus your mind on the present moment.

What matters is what you are living now, because it is where you can control your actions.

6. The root of suffering is attachment.

Dependency locks us in instead of letting us move on.

7. Better than a thousand empty words, a single word that can bring peace.

You don't need to sugarcoat or drag out a speech longer than necessary to say the right thing.

8. Death is not the end of everything. Death is just another transformation.

We must not fear death, it is the beginning of a new course.

9. Conquer the angry by not getting angry; conquer the bad with goodness; Conquer the stingy with generosity, and the liar by telling the truth.

The best way to break down all that is bad is by doing good deeds and thinking positive thoughts.

10. If a man speaks or acts cunning, he is followed by pain. If he does it with a pure thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.

The difference between acting caringly and acting kindly.

11. Reflection is the way to immortality; the lack of reflection, the road to death.

Reflecting on our steps helps us to walk better between obstacles.

12. There is no fear for someone whose mind is not full of desires.

The best way to get rid of fear is to put unreal ambitions aside.

13. Happiness never diminishes when shared.

Happiness was not made to divide but to multiply among people.

14. Like beautiful flowers, with color, but without aroma, they are the sweet words for the one who does not act in accordance with them.

It is useless to listen to beautiful words, if there are no equally beautiful acts involved.

15. Rejoice because every place is here and every moment is now.

What matters is the here and now.

16. The tongue is like a sharp knife... it kills without blood coming out.

Words can cause more damage than any injury, since they act directly on the mind.

17. All wrongdoings come from the mind. If the mind changes, how could those acts remain?

The first step to improve is to change our way of thinking.

18. Don't hurt others with what causes yourself pain.

Those around you do not deserve to receive something for which they are not responsible.

19. Peace comes from within. Don't look for it outside.

The only place to find tranquility is within ourselves.

20. It is not the richest who has more, but who needs the least.

Wealth is not necessarily monetary, but also spiritual.

21. Even death is not to be feared by someone who has lived wisely.

Anyone who enjoys his life and has found his place in the world is at ease with death.

22. Holding onto anger is like grabbing a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; You are the one who burns.

The only being that hurts anger is ourselves, because we don't let it go.

23. It is better to travel well than to arrive.

As they say, "the important thing is not the goal but the journey", since that is where we learn and receive everything we need.

24. Everything in this world is changing. Always in movement; never the same. Everything changes.

Nothing is static and that is why we must move forward every day, especially if we hope to improve.

25. Like a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.

The past only serves to learn lessons, not to cling to something that has already happened.

26. Following the noble path is like entering a dark room with a light in hand; The darkness will instantly disappear and the room will be filled with light.

You always have to stay optimistic, because it is the only way out of difficulties.

27. Give, even if you have only very little to give.

When we give, we are rewarded in a way that is second to none.

28. No matter how small a wish, it keeps you tied, like a calf to a cow.

Wish for things that help motivate you and keep going.

29. There are three things that cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

The truth always finds its way to reveal itself.

30. If it has a solution, why are you crying? If there is no solution, why are you crying?

Instead of worrying about the problem, focus on finding the best way to fix it.

31. Hate doesn't end with hate, it ends with love. That is the eternal rule.

Hatred breeds more hatred, but if love is shown, the chain may be broken.

32. Do not underestimate what you have received, or envy others, he who envies has no peace.

Be grateful for what you receive, be it little or a lot, because that can help you seek your success.

33. When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.

Perfection is in appreciating inner beauty and the ability to do everything.

34. A madman is known for his actions, a wise man too.

Acts define who we really are.

35. Better to conquer yourself than to conquer others.

We own ourselves, not those around us.

36. We are in the world to live in harmony. Those who know do not fight each other and achieve inner peace.

Harmony should be the goal of every person.

37. Doubt everything. Find your own light.

Don't let anyone else tell you what to do. Find your own way.

38. There is nothing more terrible than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks pleasant relationships. It is a thorn that irritates and damages; it is a sword that kills.

When you doubt someone, your relationship with this person tends to deteriorate until there is nothing left, with no possibility of recovery.

39. I do not believe in a destiny for men regardless of how they act; I believe their destiny will reach them unless they act.

Only you are capable of creating your own destiny.

40, If you can appreciate the miracle that a single flower contains, your whole life will change.

When we appreciate the little details that surround the world, we can appreciate what we have more.

41. If you really loved yourself, you could never hurt another person.

Self-confident people find no reason to harm others.

42. No matter how many holy words you read, or how many you speak, what good are they to you if you don't act on them?

There are those who profess to be holy when in reality they act like sinners.

43. Just like a candle without fire, man cannot exist without a spiritual life.

Feeding the spirit can help us to better cope with the outside.

44. There are only two mistakes that are made on the way to the truth: not starting and not going all the way.

Getting started is the hardest step. Therefore, if you started something, don't stop until you finish it.

45. Nothing is forever except change.

Change is eternal, because time is eternal.

46. It is a man's mind, not his friends or enemies, that leads him down the paths of evil.

No one can influence someone so profoundly to justify his actions.

47. To understand everything, it is necessary to forget everything.

The only way to truly know is to put aside prejudices and keep an open mind.

48. Do not believe anything for the simple fact that many believe it or pretend to believe it; believe it after submitting it to the judgment of reason and the voice of conscience.

Do not trust everything they tell you, because it may be a collective lie.

49. A moment can change a day, a day can change a life, and a life can change the world.

One decision has the power to transform everything.

50. The foot feels itself when it feels the ground.

The only way to succeed is by having real and possible goals.

51. To have good health, find true happiness in the family, and bring peace to all, man must first control his own mind. If he succeeds, he will have reached enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will come naturally to him.

For Buddhism, the secret to having an ideal life is learning to control the mind.

52. Your purpose in life is to find your purpose, and give your whole heart and soul to it.

When you find your purpose, just worry about growing into it.

53. The fool who recognizes his foolishness is wise. But a fool who thinks he is wise is truly a fool.

Acknowledging mistakes and weaknesses does not make you a coward; Hide them with lies, yeah

54. Praise and guilt, gain and loss, pleasure and pain; they come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of all that.

Life is full of good and bad moments, so you have to learn to enjoy each of them.

55. The greatest prayer is patience.

With patience we can achieve many things.

56. By advancing these three steps you will get closer to the gods. First, speak the truth. Second, don't let yourself be dominated by anger. Third, give everything you have.

A piece of advice that we should apply in our lives.

57. There is no way to happiness: happiness is the way.

Do not see happiness as a goal, but as a journey. Be happy every day that you live.

58. When one is freed from taste for bad, when he is calm and finds pleasure in good teachings, when these feelings are felt and appreciated, then he is freed from fear.

When we put selfishness aside, we stop fearing what can bring us down.

59. Our good and bad actions follow us almost like a shadow.

Each action is a mark that we leave in the world.

60. Do not be a friend of fools.

Stubborn people can lead us to ignorance.

61. No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one should. We ourselves must walk the path.

No person is responsible for the future of another.

62. There is no fire like passion: there is no evil like hatred.

Do not let the flame of your passion go out.

63. He will not be punished for your anger; your anger will punish you.

What makes us feel bad is the resentment that we cling to.

64. You deserve your love and affection.

So find your own love and affection.

65. A disciplined mind brings happiness.

Peace of mind comes when we are able to control our thoughts and emotions.

66. In any battle, winners and losers lose.

In battles everyone ends up losing something.

67. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that pull it.

When we suffer, it is inevitable that our minds fill with negative thoughts.

68. If you can't find anyone to support you on your journey, walk alone. Immature people are not good company.

Surround yourself with people who support and believe in you.

69. When you throw thorns at me, falling into my silence they turn into flowers.

Turn a deaf ear to destructive criticism. This way you will avoid feeling bad.

70. In order to live a detached life, one must not feel owner of anything in the midst of abundance.

We must understand that we do not own anything or anyone, nor are we the property of anything or anyone.

71. Bless your friend… he allows you to grow.

Appreciate friends who help you be a better person.

72. Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.

There are times when we harm ourselves irreversibly.

73. If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Love yourself and respect yourself above all others.

74. He is not called noble who harms other living beings. By not harming other living beings, one is called noble.

Noble people are those who help the growth of life, instead of owning it.

75. The world disputes against me, but I do not dispute against the world.

Respond to destructive criticism with successful actions.

76. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never goes away.

Joy always brings good thoughts and positivity that fill us with energy.

77. Suffering is wanting things to be different from what they really are.

We tend to suffer when we desire the things that others have.

78. Give those you love wings to fly, roots to return, and reasons to stay.

Support those who want to go far, but also keep your arms open so they want to come back.

79. The secret of health for the mind and body is not to mourn the past, or worry about the future, but to live the present moment with prudence and serenity.

There is no use thinking about the step and anticipating the future, because then we are incapable of living in the present.

80. True love is born from understanding.

Understanding a person is one of the greatest acts of love that you will ever appreciate.

81. Purity and impurity come from oneself; no one can purify another.

We are responsible for our evils and our desire to improve.

82. I've never met anyone so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from.

Each person you meet in your life can teach you something important.

83. Health is the greatest gift, joy the greatest wealth, fidelity the best relationship.

So always try to look for these three things in your life.

84. If you want to learn, teach. If you need inspiration, motivate others.

We can learn by teaching and motivate ourselves by helping others.

85. He who thinks he is capable is capable.

Thinking positive about our own abilities is the first step to achieving anything.

86. Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace.

Friendship is the greatest sample of human collective love.

87. In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how kindly you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things that weren't important to you.

Depending on how you act according to these precepts, you may or may not be satisfied with your life.

88. In a controversy, the moment we are angry, we have stopped fighting for the truth, and we have begun to fight for ourselves.

To defend our honor we are capable of doing many things.

89. Insisting on a spiritual practice that served you in the past is like carrying a raft on your back after you have crossed the river.

Having something with you that always helps you get up will always be a lifesaver.

90. If you don't forgive out of love, forgive out of selfishness, for your own well-being.

Forgive so that you can be at peace with yourself and release that which makes you feel bad.

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