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16 tips for traveling alone safely

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Are you planning to travel on your own this vacation? Did you just break up with your partner but don't want to give up on that trip you had planned? If so, this article can help you overcome those concerns that may arise before a solo trip.

Either by necessity or because you are an independent and adventurous person, these tips for traveling alone will be useful to explore any corner of the world with complete peace of mind.

  • Related article: "The 15 best cities to travel alone"

Tips for traveling alone without giving up peace of mind

Take note of the following recommendations to keep in mind for your next unaccompanied trip.

1. Choose your destination well

While it is true that taking precautions we can visit any part of the world that we propose, the truth is that there are numerous countries that we can currently consider dangerous for anyone, whether they are men or women.

One of the most basic tips for traveling alone will be investigate in advance the place we want to travel to. It is not only necessary to avoid areas with active war conflicts, as would be evident, but also It is advisable to find out about the current situation of the country we wish to visit to prevent surprises unwanted.

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2. Program your routes well

Once you have the destination, plan well the itinerary and the routes that you will follow at all times, especially if you plan to visit several cities or countries. This will allow you to anticipate the search for accommodation and get to know the destination environment better.

It doesn't have to be a totally rigid plan either, especially if it's a long trip. Being always ready to adapt to possible changes or setbacks that may arise is another of the best tips for traveling alone that you can follow. In this way you will enjoy your adventure to the fullest without being overwhelmed

3. Travel insurance

Consider the possibility of requesting a travel insurance or health insuranceEspecially if your travel plan will last many days or if you travel to places with little medical coverage.

The World Nomads agency is one of the most recognized and used by travelers from all over the world, and offers all kinds of effective insurance around the world.

4. Inform your relatives of the trip

Another tip for traveling alone that you should not ignore is to leave information about your itinerary to a family member, friend or trusted person. In this way you will have the peace of mind that they will know where you can be found at all times in an emergency.

Also provide a mobile number or ways to contact you in each city, such as the phone numbers of the hostels or hotels where you plan to stay. Don't forget to give signs of life or keep them posted often.

5. Forget about the expensive, look for the safe

The most expensive option is not always the bestespecially when you travel to another country. In these cases, especially if you travel alone, the best thing to do is save by staying in hostels and traveling by public transport. As long as they are safe.

In this way, you can reserve money for other needs that may arise during the trip or to spend on other experiences that allow you to enjoy the place more. This way you will also avoid paying more unnecessarily just because you don't know about being a tourist.

6. Stay only on recommended sites

Following the previous advice, do not be afraid to stay in cheap accommodation, but do it only in reliable sites with recommendations. The opinions of other travelers will be your great ally when looking for accommodation. Some hotel reservation websites even indicate the security level of each area where the hotel is located.

If you use services like airbnb or couchsurfing, look for accommodation only in apartments that are verified and that have already received recommendations from other travelers. If you want more security, you can also choose to stay only with women.

7. Light luggage

Another tip for traveling alone is to carry luggage as light as possible. Forget about suitcases and opt for a good backpack. Take the essentials for the trip and make sure it is light so that it does not make you lose agility.

Carrying expensive items can also be a wake-up call for thieves. It is best to travel in comfortable clothing and avoid wearing jewelry. If we cannot avoid carrying our best camera, try not to carry it in sight all the time and take it out only when it is essential.

8. Languages

Knowing a little the language of the destination place is not only an enriching knowledge, but it will also be very useful to move around the city.

You don't need to learn the language well. It is enough to memorize or have the most basic phrases written down, in case you need to communicate with a local with more than signs.

9. Look for friends in the area

Try to make friends, either before the trip or during the trip. In addition to meeting interesting people, it will give you a sense of tranquility knowing that you are not alone or that you have someone to turn to. Especially if you meet other female travelers who, like you, travel alone.

For this you can sign up for group outings or experiences, either for day trips or to do a specific activity. Another way to meet people can be by using "mealsurfing", where locals offer their home to set up dinners with different strangers.

10. Always carry documents with you

Try to always carry your documentation and some money with you. For this, the bags that you can carry hidden under your clothes are practical. Also avoid keeping all your money in one place or leave everything at the hotel. In any case, always check if you can have a safe in your accommodation.

It will also be very useful to scan the documents and upload the necessary data in a secure online platform, to always have them at your disposal anywhere. Do not forget to include the addresses of the places where you will stay, as well as other useful information about the city, so as not to lose the information and be clear about where to go.

11. Emergency numbers

Any precaution is little. Prepare a list with the different emergency numbers of the country you are going to visit, as well as the different services that you can have once you are there.

Write down the addresses and phone numbers of the consulate, medical services, or local police. You never know when you may need them.

12. Transport

If you are going to use buses or trains, try to sit in areas where other passengers travel, especially if they are women. Always avoid falling asleep in public.

Reserve some money to be able to spend on taxis and thus avoid walking at night or in unsafe areas. Use only reputable taxi companies. In many countries there are even so-called “pink taxis”, which are taxis carried by and for women only.

13. Discretion above all

One of the tips to travel alone more safely is undoubtedly to be discreet and not give more information than necessary. Try not to give signs that you are traveling alone and avoid giving information about your accommodation or about the itineraries you plan to follow.

In front of strangers, let them know that you are waiting for someone or that you are traveling with someone else. If you use public transport or leave it, a good trick may be to make a false call indicating that you have made an appointment with someone at the exit.

14. Adapt to the country

Try to dress according to the people of the place and try to follow the same schedules as them. Adapting to the local lifestyle will allow you to blend in with the population and avoid attracting attention. Also take a look at the different gestures and their meanings in each country, so as not to create misunderstandings when communicating with them.

Tourists are an easy target both by pickpockets and scammers, especially when it comes to women traveling alone. To do this, also avoid carrying large maps or being hesitant in front of posters and signs. If you have any questions, ask business or someone you can trust.

15. Security measures

Take a lock and chain with you to tie your backpack to the bed and keep it safe in case you have to share a room. There are also some portable door alarms, which you can use in the room of your accommodation if you do not trust yourself.

All of the above tips for traveling alone should help you stay safe, but that does not mean that there is the possibility of encountering unwanted situations. That is why it is also good to take with you personal defense items, such as whistles or pepper spray. Feel free to use them in case you find yourself in trouble.
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