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The 80 best phrases of Prison Break

Drama, action, secrets, tattoos, intelligence and two friends trying to unravel the mystery of a political murder, while Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) tries to rescue his brother Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell) from a maximum security prison and clear his name from the murder that he did not commit but for which he is accused. Prison Break has undoubtedly marked an era on television.

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Great Prison Break Quotes

A series that kept us on the edge of the seat and knowing that adrenaline that left us, we bring in this article a compilation with the best phrases of Prison Break to recall its history.

1. I choose to have faith because without it I have nothing. It's what keeps me going.

They well say that faith moves mountains.

2. Suppose you managed to escape, do you have contacts outside to disappear without a trace?

One of the biggest questions in the series.

3. Negativity is contagious.

Without a doubt, people can give you their bad vibes.

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4. I died 7 years ago. I left a brother, a wife and a son. But the dead speak.

Lincoln never stopped fighting.

5. You gave me the one thing that a man in my position should not have… hope.

Hope can keep us going.

6. Life in prison is difficult… it is supposed to suck up all the life and hope that is left in your body.

Prison is hell on Earth.

7. It's funny that you only call me when you need me. or maybe curious is not the right word.

There are people who only seek us out of their own interest.

8. We are captives of our identities.

Our mind can be a prison.

9. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

An old phrase that remains today.

10. The problem with being so smart... is that in the end it turns against yourself.

Sometimes smart people make the mistake of being carried away by their arrogance.

11. I am not asking you to love me. I already ruined that opportunity a long time ago.

A mistake can cost the future of something.

12. Don't trust anyone in jail.

Jail is not a place to make friends.

13. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and accept what comes.

A series of very interesting tips.

14. Sometimes things happen that are out of your control.

It is impossible to control everything.

15. I'd rather five minutes in command of the situation than fifty years without having control over it.

Take the situations you can handle.

16. Sometimes a man has to surrender to fate. Look what he has in store for him.

Make your plans and wait for the result you generate.

17. So now, simply and clearly I want to tell you that I love you very much.

Never miss the opportunity to say I love you to the people you love.

18. You can still slow this thing down.

It is never too late to redeem ourselves.

19. Faith? All I see is a black hole and sooner or later each of us will be sucked into it.

There are those who do not believe that faith exists.

20. Being there for others when they need you most is one of the kindest things you do.

Empathy is highly appreciated.

21. I ask you to love yourself.

It is necessary to love each other before giving or asking for love.

22. Living in prisons that we create ourselves.

Be careful what you think, as it may be your jail.

23. Lincoln was more of a brother than you were a mother, you left, he stayed.

There are no perfect families, but there is always someone who is there for you.

24. I don't like bonding, I do know they won't last.

Stay with those that correspond to you.

25. Wearing a cross is one thing, living next to it is another.

Not everyone uses religion for good purposes.

26. Because not all deaths are the same. Some are real, some are a story.

There are deaths that are a mystery.

27. I just kneel before God... and I don't see him around here.

No one has the right to humiliate you.

28. I don't want to have to be my older brother's older brother.

We must not take on unnecessary responsibilities to our family.

29. We spend much of our life without saying what we really want and should say.

Be direct and honest with what you say.

30. Preparation can only take you so far. After that, you have to take a few leaps of faith.

Things don't always go as planned. Sometimes you just have to trust.

31. I'm an anchor, all I'm going to do is drag them with me.

There are people who only drag others to their own misfortune.

32. When Michael faces the world, the world always loses.

Michael. A character take weapons.

33. I'm telling you the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place. The only difference between us and them is the badge.

Not all officers are there to protect.

34. We speak in code and send little messages.

There is a tendency to speak by throwing little clues instead of saying everything we want to.

35. The secret to royal power is to never betray your intentions, never wear anything up your sleeve, and never let anyone see your face.

The secret to being at the peak of power.

36. If you found out that a structure you built was substandard, would you tear down the building or find a way to fix it?

Which option would you choose?

37. Without weapons, the rules are rules, right, if we don't follow them we are savages.

The rules are there to guide us.

38. Of all the things that have puzzled me in this world since I was released, kale is all the rage. Kale.

A funny anecdote from this series.

39. Do you want to ruin something? Put a thousand people on it. Do you want to do it right? Put it in the hands of a few.

"Many" does not always mean "better".

40. I read people. And you, my friend, are a coloring book.

There are people who are easy to read.

41. One thing you learn when you walk down the steps is that you never outsource the guilt that belongs to your own backyard.

Guilt is a difficult weight to put down.

42. You don't look for trouble here, they just find you.

Stay away from those who only bring misfortune.

43. The weak like fame. They adore her and are blinded by her.

It is common to see people who are blinded by superficial things.

44. I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem.

A belief that we all must apply.

45. What's behind the eyes is what counts.

Appearances don't say it all.

46. I think you are scared and you wouldn't be human if you weren't scared in a place like this.

Fear keeps us on our toes and helps us maintain our humanity.

47. I have news for you Michael. "Trust me" means absolutely nothing within these walls.

We must always be careful who we trust.

48. Freedom has a price.

We must all be responsible for what we do with our freedom.

49. When I was a kid, I couldn't sleep at night because I thought there was a monster in the closet. But my brother told me there was nothing but fear. And the fear was not real.

A very beautiful memory of childhood.

50. I suggest you sit down, fish.

The most iconic way of speaking in the series.

51. There is nothing to do here other than serve time. No one is going to serve it to you.

There will always be someone who is worse than you.

52. Faith is everything.

Faith is powerful.

53. Brad, I doubt that a man in his forties who still lives with his mother understands the mechanisms of love.

Experiences are what teach us to love.

54. I'm not here on vacation, trust me.

Michael was going with a fixed purpose.

55. There are only three things for sure in this life: death, taxes, and counting.

Difficult things in life never change.

56. Whatever happens, I don't regret anything.

Do good deeds that you will never regret.

57. Controlling your life is everything.

Despair and demotivation comes from not having a plan for our life.

58. Beauty is not easily overlooked.

Beauty is always attractive.

59. The men who are easier to catch are those who spend more time complaining... than working.

Those who complain about everything are more sensitive to facing their problems.

60. Some changes can be a ticket to freedom.

Changes are always good.

61. Remember, I am serving life plus one. So if I get arrested for attempted escape I'll throw a homicide, no problem, that's like a parking ticket to me!

There are those who have nothing to lose and therefore are the most risky.

62. Just remember: information is like moronas, they always reach the vermin on the floor.

Information is vital, but it can also be changed.

63. Sometimes we have to surrender to fate to see what awaits us.

If in doubt there is an element of luck in the future that awaits us.

64. I came in as a man. Give me the strength to stay that way when I get out of here.

It is easy to lose humanity in prison.

65. Every day on earth is a blessing.

Take advantage of every day you have.

66. You're in the old man's back pocket, right? Well, I have news for you, fish. I may run this place during the day, but I run it at night.

In life we ​​will always find friends and enemies.

67. Well, I guess that's the difference between us. I am willing to pay for my sins.

Redemption brings much peace.

68. You may think that small evils are acceptable for the sake of a greater good.

Sometimes the causes do not justify the end.

69. There are two ways to catch a fish. Cast a big net and pray it falls into it, or choose the right hook and guarantee your catch.

Two ways to catch someone from that world.

70. There are times when we feel bad about ourselves.

It is normal to fall into insecurity, but you need to get up and get out of it.

71. It's not about winning, it's about surviving, and it's not the same as giving up.

Sometimes you have to do what is necessary and be humble to continue.

72. Good men do bad things because of circumstances.

There are situations that force us to act incorrectly.

73. As a devoted student of your work and skills, I really look forward to the progress of your plan.

Acknowledge the work of others.

74. The question is, do you believe the story? Was the man who died who you thought he was? The dead speak... if you listen.

We may not finish meeting someone.

75. I will always be one step ahead of you. I can see everything in your eyes.

Bullying can bring out even the darkest secret.

76. Sometimes the only way to protect the people you love is to get away from them.

A difficult decision that is sometimes necessary.

77. He said you just have to face it. You just have to open that door and the monster would disappear.

To disappear fears, you have to face them.

78. Anyone in your life is not a coincidence.

They all have something to teach us.

79. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Set an example if you can.

80. Inside us lies a deep prison that keeps us locked up… without knowing it.

The first step to get ahead is to overcome our own limitations.

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