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The 85 best phrases about Science

Science is synonymous with progress. Every remarkable historical change has been thanks to human ingenuity and their desire to find out more about what the world has to offer, which has led humanity to take a step beyond what was once considered possible. From improvements in medicine, to testing theories about earth and physics, to lighting every dark corner with electricity, science is itself a vital part of the world.

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Famous phrases about science

As a tribute to this discipline, we have compiled the best phrases of great personalities of science and authors who are inspired by it for their work.

1. A subtle wrong thought can lead to fruitful inquiry that reveals valuable truths. (Isaac Asimov)

Many of the great discoveries have been thanks to what were previously considered errors.

2. Science is the father of knowledge, but opinions are what breed ignorance. (Hippocrates)

Despite all the knowledge that exists, there are still people who prefer to remain in ignorance.

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3. Science is the progressive approach of man to the real world. (Max Planck)

It's all about advancing in this field.

4. Why does this magnificent scientific technology, which saves work and makes our lives easier, bring us so little happiness? The answer is this, simply: because we have not yet learned how to use it wisely. (Albert Einstein)

There are both people who abuse their discoveries and those who use them in the wrong way.

5. Our science has made us cynical; our intelligence, hard and lacking in feelings. (Charles Chaplin)

They say that the more you seek knowledge, the more you forget about emotions.

6. All credit belongs to the first inventor. (Pindar)

Without a doubt, this phrase is absolutely right.

7. The end of speculative science is truth, and the end of practical science is action. (Aristotle)

Science is made up of both theory and practice.

8. Has science promised happiness? I do not believe it. He has promised the truth and the question is whether with the truth one day happiness will be achieved. (Emilé Zola)

There are those who prefer to live deceived because it is the only way to be happy.

9. In matters of science, the authority of thousands is worth no more than the humble reasoning of a single individual. (Galileo)

In science, the truth is unique and absolute.

10. The birth of science was the death of superstition. (Thomas Henry Huxley)

People used to base their lives on superstitions, even if they didn't make much sense.

11. Mathematics is the science of order and measurement, of beautiful chains of reasoning, all simple and easy. (Rene Descartes)

Mathematics is present in many areas of our life.

12. Science and literature carry within them the reward of the labors and vigils that are devoted to them. (Andres Bello)

Scientific papers can be studied for a long time after they have been postulated.

13. There is hardly a scientific axiom that has not been denied by someone in our day. (Max Planck)

Everything that can be imagined can be studied and tested.

14. Science will always be a search, never a real discovery. It is a journey, never an arrival. (Karl Raimund Popper)

It is well said that the important thing is the trip, not the place of arrival.

15. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. (Adam Smith)

Science is all we need to drive away ignorance.

16. Science is believing in the ignorance of scientists. (Richard Phillips Feynman)

Not always what has been discovered has been accurate, but the convenience of others.

17. The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most medicines. (Benjamin Franklin)

Not all the time the correct remedy is a medicine, but a good lifestyle.

18. You never know where the next leap forward will come from, or from whom. (The theory of everything)

Everyone has the ability to make a great discovery that goes down in history

19. Four things cannot be hidden for long: science, stupidity, wealth, and poverty. (Averroes)

Science has been developed to be shared.

20. Science is just common sense at its best. (Thomas Huxley)

Has science ever lacked common sense?

21. A science is all the more useful the more universally its productions can be understood; and, on the contrary, they will be less so to the extent that they are less communicable. (Leonardo da Vinci)

The most important thing about science is that everyone is able to understand it.

22. Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls his adventures science. (Edwin Powell Hubble)

A beautiful way of relating the search for science.

23. Science is an enterprise that can only flourish if truth is put ahead of nationality, ethnicity, class, and color. (John C. Polanyi)

Science should not discriminate in any direction.

24. Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself. (Seneca)

The search for knowledge is part of our nature.

25. Science, it can be said, has discovered that our existence is infinitely improbable, so here is a miracle. (Lee Strobel)

There are things that science may never be able to prove.

26. The end of all exploration will be to arrive at the starting point and see the place for the first time. (Thomas S. Eliot)

Each discovery can engender a new path.

27. Science has a wonderful characteristic, and that is that it learns from its mistakes. (Ruy Perez Tamayo)

All findings usually come from errors.

28. A computer is to me the most amazing tool we have ever devised. It is the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds. (Steve Jobs)

The computer has been the greatest sign of advancement in technology.

29. Science never solves one problem without creating 10 more. (George Bernard Shaw)

A discipline in which one question, a thousand more come out.

30. When a prestigious but elderly scientist claims that something is impossible, he is most likely wrong. (Arthur C. Clarke)

Young minds have a different and novel vision.

31. Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the Universe. (Galileo)

A poetic way of describing mathematics.

32. Science is a myth, only it is the most beautiful myth, the only one that can be generalized to the entire species and perhaps the most worthy of respect. (Antonio Escohotado)

A very ingenious and magical metaphor of science

33. Man can be scientifically manipulated. (Bertrand Russell)

There are those who use this discipline for their own benefit.

34. Actually, I prefer science to religion. If I am given a choice between God and air conditioning, I choose air. (Woody Allen)

Many have this thought since the science is testable.

35. Science has no country. (Louis Pasteur)

Science should be synonymous with freedom.

36. I am one of those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena that impress him like a fairy tale. (Marie Curie)

All those who have dedicated themselves to this discipline show great love for their work.

37. After all, what is a scientist then? He is a curious man who looks through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what is going on. (Jacques Yves Cousteau)

All scientists have a spirit of curiosity.

38. The applied sciences do not exist, only the applications of science. (Louis Pasteur)

All sciences are applied in their specific fields of work.

39. Sentiment is the object of science, but not the criterion of scientific truth. (Emile Durkheim)

Science is not without feelings, but it is not guided by them.

40. Human pride is very adept at inventing very grave names to hide its own ignorance. (Percy B. Shelley)

Simplicity should be put into practice.

41. There is only one good: knowledge. There is only one evil, ignorance. (Socrates)

A phrase that denotes a great truth.

42. Science is made of data, like a house of stones. But a pile of data is no more science than a pile of rocks is a house. (Henri Poincaré)

It is not the data, but the information we get from it that is significant.

43. Science is great furniture for a man's upper floor, as long as his common sense is downstairs. (Oliver W. Holmes)

The important thing is to always keep your feet on the ground.

44. Science, boy, is made of mistakes, but useful mistakes to make, because little by little they lead to the truth. (Julio Verne)

Keep in mind that your failures will always lead you somewhere

45. I think the reason people are less interested in science today than they were fifty years ago is that it has become very complicated. (James Watson)

A great truth, many people feel distanced from science because they feel very complicated.

46. Despite the many technological and scientific advances of the modern era, the fact of not being able to proving the life of man after death, is the greatest example of the contingency of him and his smallness. So that he does not forget that without God he is nothing. (Domenico Cieri Estrada)

Faith is as much a part of human as science.

47. The role of science is to produce economy of thought, as the machine saves economy of force. (Henri Poincaré)

Science is what motivates you to discover the scope of the mind.

48. Mathematics does not lie, there are many lying mathematicians. (Henry David Thoreau)

It is not the fields, but the people who create discord.

49. In all the great men of science there is the breath of fantasy. (Giovanni Papini)

Fantasy should never be put aside because creative capacity arises from there.

50. Modern science has not yet produced a calming drug as effective as a few kind words. (Sigmund Freud)

Human acts will always be more appreciated than anything else.

51. The scientist is not the person who gives the correct answers, but the person who asks the correct questions. (Claude Lévi-Strauss)

An interesting analogy about what is correct in science.

52. The experimenter who does not know what he is looking for will not understand what he finds. (Claude Bernard)

You need to have a starting point to start something.

53. Science is proud of how much it has learned; wisdom is humble because it knows no more. (William Cowper)

Differences between science and wisdom.

54. Nothing would ever be discovered if we considered ourselves satisfied with the things discovered. (Seneca)

Part of the scientific advances are due to the need to know what else is in the world.

55. It is completely legal for a Catholic to avoid pregnancy by resorting to mathematics, although it is still forbidden to resort to physics or chemistry. (Henry-Louis Mencken)

Religion and science have been at war for a long time.

56. Science advances to steps, not leaps. (Thomas B. Macaulay)

Every good goal is achieved with patience and perseverance.

57. Doctors like beer, the better the older. (Thomas Fuller)

Certainly, with age, more experience is acquired.

58. Scientists do not pursue the truth; it is this that persecutes them. (Karl Schlechta)

The truth always finds a way to show itself.

59. Machines evolve and reproduce at prodigious speed. If we do not declare war to the death on them, it will be too late to resist their rule. (Samuel Butler)

An omen about the conquest of humanity by machines?

60. The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new data, but to discover new ways of thinking about it. (William Lawrence Bragg)

The primary goal of science is to motivate people to discover new ways of thinking.

61. What began today as a science fiction novel will be finished as a report tomorrow. (Arthur C. Clarke)

Science has a lot of fantasy at its core.

62. They combined religion, art and science, since in truth science is nothing more than the investigation of an inexplicable miracle, and art, the interpretation of that miracle. (Ray Bradbury)

An interesting analogy on the work of science.

63. Science consists of replacing the knowledge that seemed safe with a theory, that is, with something problematic. (José Ortega Y Gasset)

You always have to find a way to find a solution to problems.

64. A scientist must take the liberty of raising any question, doubting any claim, correcting mistakes. (Robert Oppenheimer)

The doubts are to be studied and resolved.

65. Science without conscience is nothing but ruin of the soul. (Francois Rabelais)

Ethics is part of the scientific process.

66. The wonders of the world are born from simple rules repeated endlessly. (Benoît Mandelbrot)

If a rule works, then why change it?

67. Knowledge is not a vessel that is filled, but a fire that is kindled. (Plutarch)

It is never too much knowledge, nor limited time to start looking for it

68. Connect with a scientist and you will be connecting with a child. (Ray Bradbury)

We should all save a bit of that innocence from our childhood as we grow up.

69. In Science the only sacred truth is that there are no sacred truths. (Carl Sagan)

What is the real truth?

70. An alleged scientific discovery has no merit, unless it can be explained to a waitress. (Ernest Rutherford)

What good are great discoveries if they can't be explained simply?

71. Science is like the earth: only a small part can be owned. (Isaac Newton)

Science is infinite because there is always something to discover.

72. The sovereignty of man is hidden in the dimension of his knowledge. (Sir Francis Bacon)

All knowledge helps us to evolve.

73. The progress of medicine brings us the end of that liberal era in which man could still die of what he wanted. (Stanislaw Lec)

One of the greatest advances in science was undoubtedly in the field of medicine.

74. Science increases our power to the extent that it reduces our pride. (Herbert Spencer)

Humility should be a part of everyone.

75. Science should not be called more than the set of formulas that are always successful. All the rest is literature. (Paul Valéry)

Literature is important to explain scientific discoveries.

76. Free scientific research? The second adjective is redundant. (Ayn Rand)

All scientific research is free.

77. We especially need imagination in science. Not everything is math and not everything is simple logic, it is also about a bit of beauty and poetry. (Maria Montessori)

Science is not always made up of logical and mathematical elements.

78. At heart, scientists are lucky people: we can play whatever we want for a lifetime. (Lee Smolin)

A beautiful way to describe the job.

79. Science and medicine deal with the body, while philosophy deals with the mind and soul, as necessary to a physician as food and air. (Noah Gordon)

Philosophy is the mother of all science.

80. Science is organized knowledge. (Herbert Spencer)

Organized ideas pay off.

81. A little science leads away from God, but a lot of science returns to Him. (Louis Pasteur)

Why can't science and faith be united?

82. The good thing about science is that it is true whether you believe in it or not. (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Science is absolute and goes beyond belief.

83. Science is but a perversion of itself unless its ultimate goal is the betterment of humanity. (Nicholas Tesla)

Science must be at all times in favor of humanity.

84. Investigating is seeing what everyone has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought. (Albert Szent-Györgyi)

Investigating is an act where the novel takes center stage.

85. We have to realize that science is actually a double-edged sword. A part of the sword could cut poverty, evil, disease and bring us more democracies and democracies never go to war with other democracies, but the other side of the sword could give us nuclear proliferation, biogenes and even the forces of darkness. (Michio Kaku)

Science also has its good side, as well as its bad side.

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