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The 60 best phrases (and reflections) of Michael Phelps

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Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian in history, with 28 Olympic medals. He was part of the United States swimming team for world championships and the Olympics, winning a total of 73 medals throughout his sports career. He also holds several world records in swimming distance and time and obtained medals.

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Best quotes from Michael Phelps

Being an example of self-improvement, teamwork and perseverance to achieve success, we bring to Here is a compilation with the best quotes and reflections of Michael Phelps, which will surely will inspire.

1. You can not put a limit to something, the more you dream the further you will go.

Limits exist in our mind when fear dominates us.

2. I am not a second Mark Spitz, but a first Michael Phelps.

He worked very hard to make a name for himself in the sport and mark history.

3. Nothing is impossible. With so many people saying it can't be done, what is needed is imagination.

At the end of the day, you only count on yourself. So you must be your biggest cheerleader.

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4. The more you dream, the more you achieve.

The successes begin through a dream.

5. If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people are not willing to do.

Taking risks allows us to make a difference over others.

6. I believe that everything is possible as long as you set your mind to it and dedicate work and time to it.

Effort and perseverance bring us great results.

7. Records are always made to be broken, no matter what they are.

You can break your own records, when you seek to improve and grow.

8. There will always be obstacles in your way, stay positive.

Remember that obstacles are there for you to see your strength.

9. There will be obstacles. There will be skeptics. There will be mistakes. But with hard work there are no limits.

There will always be difficulties, but we need to focus on finding solutions.

10. I want to be able to look back and say, 'I did everything I could and I was successful. I don't want to look back and say I should have done this or that.

Regret is a very heavy load that we carry forever.

11. Are you tired; you feel like you can't move; you're really hurt. That's when he was throwing especially hard sets.

It's okay to push yourself, as long as you don't hurt your body and mind.

12. A hero should be someone who can encourage other people with his courage and dedication.

The best heroes are the ones who teach with an example of self-improvement.

13. I found something I love, and I never gave up.

When you love what you do, there is nothing that can stop you.

14. Swimming is normal for me. I'm relaxed. I feel comfortable and I know my surroundings. It is my home.

What swimming means to him.

15. Things won't be perfect. It's about how you adapt to those things and learn from mistakes.

Perfection is an illusion, the important thing is to do what makes us happy.

16. What does God mean to me? I guess I was made the way I am for a reason, and I've been able to find the talent that I have, and I've been able to use it, so I'm thankful for that.

Talking about his personal beliefs about God.

17. The only person who knew my goals were my coaches.

A secret that he kept to himself, while seeking help from the experts.

18. You have to have a dream to be able to get up in the morning.

The dreams we have help motivate us for day to day.

19. If you are not serious about training, conditioning and practicing. You are not serious about giving your best.

If you don't have perseverance, you will never achieve the goals you set for yourself.

20. I want them to know that the biggest thing is to really believe in yourself.

Success begins when we trust ourselves.

21. I love racing with the best people in the world and the fastest people in the world.

Recognizing the talent and work of their peers and competitors.

22. I listen to music before competitions to come up. It helps me stay focused.

A ritual that helps you focus and connect.

23. I live a pretty conservative life, so I probably haven't done anything crazy.

Giving us a glimpse of his personal life.

24. I like to think of myself as a normal person who just has a passion, has a goal and a dream.

No matter how far you go, always keep your humility.

25. I have the opportunity to be part of swimming history.

Not only was he part of it, but he also contributed great teachings, values, and determination to the generation that succeeded him.

26. Any Olympic sport is great to watch.

A competition not only to stand out, but to see the union of different countries.

27. I have a lot of goals, but I think I have to do it little by little.

To achieve big goals, it is always advisable to divide them into small objectives.

28. I try to separate my personal life from swimming.

Sometimes it is better to draw a line between our personal and professional lives.

29. All it takes is imagination.

Never underestimate the power of your imagination.

30. I believe that with practice, you can be anything you want to be, and with a goal you can go in any direction you want.

Natural talent is useless if you are not consistent in your practices to perfect yourself.

31. People tell me, you're very lucky. You get to see the world. But not me. I go to the hotel and the pools and come back again. That's all.

It is not about luck, but about daily effort.

32. The one thing that is common to all successful people: they have a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don't like to do.

Hard work is not always enjoyable, but the results will be worth it.

33. I've always been lucky enough to be able to put myself in my own zone and relax. It is natural. I'm lucky to be like that.

We should all have a relaxation area to disconnect.

34. My goal is an Olympic gold medal. Not many people in this world can say, 'I'm an Olympic gold medalist.'

A goal that broke his own Guinness record.

35. There are times in my sleep when I literally dream my race from start to finish.

A goal that was present not only in his days, but also in his nights.

36. In swimming, it helps to be tall and skinny, but you can't be good without trying. There is a direct connection between what you put in and what you get.

You have to know that your goals must accommodate your possibilities.

37. I'm the same guy as before all this happened.

Talking about keeping her spirit despite everything.

38. Taking the sport to a new level would be an honor for me. There is no better time to try this than now.

He not only sought to be the best, but to make swimming stand out.

39. I want to continue swimming. I'm not going to give up until I get where I want to go.

You always have to keep trying, the next one could be the opportunity of your life.

40. I will work with children the rest of my life.

One of his goals after debuting as an athlete.

41. What I have done is teach people that achieving what they want is possible.

The biggest lesson we can all have to chase our dreams.

42. I don't like being second to anything.

Seeking at all times to be the first.

43. It doesn't matter what else is going on. When you walk into your arena or whatever you excel at, you are there to take care of the work that needs to be done.

For this reason it is important to separate our private life from our professional life.

44. I can't remember the last day I didn't train.

While he was active, training was just part of his daily routine.

45. I see my goals as personal and I have always had them. This is how I have worked.

Remember that your dreams are yours, not anyone else's.

46. I believe in God; but I'm not saying I'm very religious.

It is not necessary to cling to a religion to have faith in God.

47. Once I'm retired, I'll retire. I finished.

He always kept in mind that his withdrawal would mean the final end.

48. If I didn't swim my best, I would think about it at school, at dinner, with my friends. I would go crazy.

Showing his obsession about his performance in the water.

49. If you say you can't, you are restricting what you can or will never do.

What you believe about yourself is what you end up expressing in your life.

50. I only have time to eat, sleep and swim.

Talking about his daily routine.

51. You can make a million mistakes, but not the same one twice.

When we repeat a mistake, it is because we have not learned the lesson behind it.

52. Perseverance, determination, commitment and courage, those things are real. The desire for redemption drives you.

Stressing the importance of committing ourselves to our cause.

53. I would like to change things for the next generation of swimmers.

He not only wanted to stand out in swimming, but also to contribute good things to others.

54. When I feel tired, I just think about how great I'll feel once I finally reach my goal.

A perfect example of how positive thoughts help us.

55. Anyone can do anything they set their mind to.

We can all get where we want if we put all our effort into it.

56. I feel more comfortable in the water. I disappear. That's where I belong.

The water became his home.

57. I think your mind really controls everything.

The way you think and see the world is how you end up facing it.

58. I believe goals shouldn't be easy, they should force you to work, even if they feel uncomfortable at the moment.

Goals should help us challenge ourselves to keep growing.

59. Doing the normal things of a high school kid was something he was willing to give up.

There are times when we must make sacrifices to get ahead.

60. I want to change the sport of swimming. I want people to talk about it, think about it, and want to see it.

A goal that he more than achieved, thanks to his achievements and his way of achieving them.
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