Education, study and knowledge

16 interesting and fun presentation dynamics

Have you ever felt nervous when performing in front of a group? Don't worry, this is completely normal.

After all, when you make your first appearance before a group of unknown people in an environment that you enter for the first time, it becomes a kind of threat to your integrity. Since you are exposing yourself to multiple strangers who may treat you in different ways and that will form a conception of you with just a first impression that can be difficult to change or takes a long time do it.

  • We recommend you read: "15 effective dynamics for conflict resolution"

In short, it is terrifying and we know it and because we also know that, only by presenting yourself can you create links with others around you. We bring the most entertaining and fun presentation dynamics that will help you overcome the anxiety to make yourself known.

What are presentation dynamics for?

In essence, these dynamics have the purpose of reducing the nervousness and anxiety of people when making themselves known in front of a group. Whether it's in a workplace, in the classroom, on a sports team, or with new friends. Through different techniques, resources, games or activities that manage to mobilize people to open up and leave behind the fear of opening up to new opportunities.

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Other objectives that cover the presentation dynamics is to favor interaction and promote contact between people. involved, so that new links can be generated for future relationships that benefit teamwork or adaptation the same.

Although of course, it is important to clarify that, Although it has a humorous and playful tone, these are quite dynamic activities that test our personal confidence and interaction capabilities. So these should always be led by an expert facilitator in presentation dynamics. May have group management skills, control of unexpected factors and events, as well as the delicacy to deal with emotions of each one.

Fun and interesting presentation dynamics

Next we will show you the best and most entertaining presentation dynamics that you can apply in any group.

1. Name string

The most common of all presentation dynamics, best known for being an "ice breaker" dynamic, that is, to make everyone feel more comfortable. In essence it is that each member will say her name and some characteristic that represents them and the game consists of that everyone as they say their name, they should also repeat the name of the other previous members and their features.

This item can be changed for favorite fruits, music genre, foods, movies, etc. So that's a very close approximation to getting to know each other.

2. The postman

This is a more complex but very entertaining dynamic. First the facilitator begins, who will have a small ball that will represent a card and then they will say 'I bring a card for ...' and name some characteristic of the group members. For example: 'I have a letter for those who wear a pink sweater'. Then these people are arranged in a place and the letter (ball) will be for the last of them who will be asked the name and something else.

Then he or she will be left with the role of the postman and the dynamics will be followed until everyone knows the name of their companions.

3. The spiderweb

Another very entertaining dynamic that needs the attention of all the participants. To begin, the facilitator should ask people to make a wide circle where they will say their name and any other characteristic that he likes and will have with him, a ball of thick thread that will suddenly pass to another member who will have to repeat the same action.

The point is that, once the web is built, the members will have to return the thread to the person who has previously thrown them, with a greeting until everything is free again.

4. People to people

This is an excellent activity for each member to have a deeper first contact with her new colleagues. In this, the facilitator divides the group into two equal parts, one group should make a circle where everyone looks outwards, while the other group will surround the circle, but looking inside. So that there are couples looking face to face.

Once they are arranged the facilitator will ask them to introduce themselves and have a little conversation while placing music around them. Then he will say: 'People to people! which is the signal for the inner group to turn left. So they can all meet until the circle is complete. ’

5. Who is who?

This activity is highly recommended for new academic courses, applied to students so that they get to know each other. In it, the facilitator will ask everyone present to ask a series of simple questions that have the function of getting to know the others around them. Once the questions are ready, the questions will be passed among the members until all are answered.

Once the activity is finished, each person will highlight their favorite answers or those that most attract their attention and they will be discussed.

6. The traveling name

This activity needs to be done right after a simple introduction activity like the first one mentioned, because it is important that each member knows the name of her classmates.

To begin, the facilitator will ask everyone to disperse in the place and begin to move freely, like travelers. Once he gives the signal, they must find a close partner to perform again. But here is the trick, now each member must acquire the name of the other person, with each new partner that is chosen.

For example: if Andrés and Laura are in the couple, then Andrés becomes Laura and vice versa and so he continues with all the new ones you meet. This helps us become more interested in those we know beyond their name.

7. The potato is burning

A very classic game that can also be used as a presentation dynamic, which is very simple and fun. It consists that the facilitator will ask the group to meet in a circle and which will have a ball that will be a ‘Potato’ that must be passed between the members until the facilitator of the signal indicating that the potato has Burned.

The person with the burned potato should introduce themselves and say something they like or a characteristic that represents them. The game ends until everyone manages to introduce themselves.

8. The ball on the beach

Another fun dynamic with balls, only this time you need a very large ball like T-shirts or it can also be a large balloon. The game begins with that, one person should place the ball between their legs and as possible should walk to another person, without touching the ball with your hands, where you will pass the ball and present yourself to is.

The dynamic is repeated until everyone can pass the beach ball.

9. presentation in symbols

This is a somewhat different but entertaining presentation. To do this, the facilitator will draw between 4 or 5 different symbols on the board and will ask each person to choose a particular symbol that they should draw on a sheet of paper.

Once you have done that, you will ask the people who have drawn each symbol to come together and they will have to decide as a group what that symbol means as a flag that represents them. However, that representation will have to include some experience, experience, characteristic or something else that they have in common.

So they should introduce themselves to each other and then to others.

10. Choose your emoji

An activity somewhat similar to the previous one mentioned, only this time the facilitator will ask each person to draw an emoji that represents them. They can be expressions of faces or a symbol, but that is something meaningful for each person.

After everyone has done so, they should explain what the symbol means after introducing themselves with their name. This will generate an interest in who they are.

11. Memory

Surely you know the memory board game, where you have to find the pair of each image until you complete everything. Well, now we will do this game as a presentation dynamic, where the facilitator will give each person a series of images, words, symbols, emojis, etc. that they have a pair and the job of the participants is precisely to find their pair.

Once they have done it they will make a short presentation among themselves and then they will have to do it in front of everyone. Only, they should introduce their partner instead of themselves. So everyone should pay attention and commit to getting to know each other.

12. The message string

In this activity you will test people's attention and strengthen their first bond with this new world they are facing. It is also ideal to increase motivation and group cooperation, through encouragement.

For this activity, the facilitator must create a motivating message, which he will then cut into small sentences that he will randomly deliver to each person. Then he will copy the message in large so that everyone can see it and his mission is to find the person who has the following sentence until the entire message is completed. Then everyone will introduce themselves and say what that message means to him or her and what they hope to achieve in the group.

13. Roll the dice

This is another quite lively and fun presentation dynamic. In it, the facilitator should bring a die or two large dice, where each face has a legend or question that invites the person to answer it. For example: my favorite music is..., my best feature is... know me for being ...

The goal is for each person to roll the dice and answer the caption that is given to them in addition to her name to create a broader connection with her classmates.

14. The first impression

This is another activity that should be done after a simple game of introduction because, it must There is a basic level of knowledge among the members of the group to do it in a adequate. By the end, members will be able to feel more confident in the new environment and will know that the first impression, while important, is not everything on a person.

To do this, the facilitator will ask everyone to gather in a circle and each person will put their name on a blade, which will pass towards the person next to it and will continue to roll until it falls back into the hands of its owner. On these sheets, the rest of the participants must write in each letter of the name a characteristic of that person that they can perceive with the naked eye. Which they will then share with everyone.

15. Name touching palms

In this activity, everyone should pay close attention to both the dynamics and their classmates. The game begins with the facilitator asking everyone to come together in a circle and explaining that everyone should say their names and something about them, but with a specific clapping rhythm. Then each person will choose another person to introduce themselves and this person must recreate the clapping of the previous person and then say her name with a new movement of the palms or hands.

The game is repeated until everyone manages to introduce themselves.

16. Treasure hunt

Another classic game that is excellent for a group presentation. To do this, the facilitator must prepare the stage in advance, placing the clues all over the place and the treasure that they must find as a group. Then he will give a map where the clues will be, but in order to obtain them, they must make an individual presentation before the group until everyone does it and get the hidden treasure.

This needs to be done in a wide environment and with enough clues for everyone to be able to present themselves. If you want to make it more interesting, you can place traps, challenges or red herrings along the way.

Now you know that introductions can be a great opportunity to play and express yourself freely, rather than feeling intimidated.

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