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Missing: when we miss someone

No one in this world can say that they have never lived what is miss someone, because on the path of our lives people come and go, and many of them remain forever in our hearts in the form of memories.

Unfortunately, there are people who do not know the positive side of missing, of feeling nostalgic for someone special who is no longer by our side, because they consider that that makes them weak or does not allow them to overcome that person. But the truth is that missing is essential to realize the good things that have happened in our lives.

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Missing is normal

With this to see the silver lining of missing someone we are not invalidating everything behind this feeling. The truth is that separations hurt, and even more when we talk about our partner. Not only do all that whirlwind of emotions such as love, hate, anger or sadness intervene in breakups, but the timeshare, the habit of having the other person by your side, the routines created and shared and ultimately, the fear of being alone.

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When we are going through a separationMissing may become a sign of weakness for some people that their pride does not allow them to accept. This is completely normal, as it is their defense mechanism against this new situation that we did not expect and that makes us so vulnerable. The truth is that you should not be afraid of missing someone, because it is a natural act that, when accepted, makes it easier to overcome that feeling of emptiness that causes us to miss someone.

This not only happens with relationships, but also with those friends who cease to be friends, with whom distance separates them, with relatives who pass away and, ultimately, when they simply give one break up with those special people with which we have some kind of affective bond. But to this missing someone we can also add those special moments that have been lived and do not happen again.

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Why do we miss someone

While missing someone may be one of the most painful feelings there isIt also shows something positive, as it derives from a situation and / or relationship that made you happy at the time.

What happens is that when that person leaves and is no longer there, a feeling of emptiness that we didn't have before, as if there is an open space in us that was once full but now feels empty and unoccupied. That generates uncertainty, sadness and instability.

That is why we miss, when the known, the familiar and the everyday are no longer there and we don't know how to fill that void. At first it looks like an impossible task, but you will see that with the passage of time and self-care, things improve, change and you are well again.

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When missing is missing

We can divide this feeling of missing into two parts: when missing is missing and when missing becomes remembering. This difference is very important, because it makes missing someone feel very different.

When missing is missing someoneWe are still feeling the emptiness in that place of the heart, of the routine and of the spaces that the person who is no longer there has left. We think of that person and it hurts, surely the tears invade us because we have not yet fully recovered.

The truth is that missing is not something negative no matter how much it hurts. We miss the people and situations that have been important to us; what has not been, we easily forget.

But for those who find it difficult to accept that they miss someoneHere we find a fundamental difference between two cases: if we miss because we have an emotional dependence and we do not feel capable of continuing with our life without that person; Or if we miss with full awareness that we will not be with that person again and yet we feel emptiness.

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When missing becomes remembering

Fortunately, and as the saying goes, "there is no sorrow that lasts a thousand years" and "after the storm comes calm." In this case, calm is when missing becomes remembering, and remembering can be a spectacular action.

When we go from wondering to remembering, the void has already been filled, our life goes on with new adventures and new people around with whom we are creating new stories. It appears then to remember the lived stories, the people who were part of our life and that, although they may draw a tear or two, they are nothing more than emotions of the moment. They probably even make us smile.

Remembering means that you have lived, that you have enjoyed, that you have felt intensely all time of emotions, that you have taken risks, that you have leapt into the void, that you have shared who you are and that you have put your heart ahead of the path of lifetime. Thus, Missing can be positive if we transform it into remembering with love and gratitude what I have experienced.

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