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How to lower a fever quickly: 6 tricks to lower the temperature

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One of the ways our body has to warn us that something is wrong is raising our body temperature and producing fever. In general, and depending on the condition we have, we get a fever accompanied by other symptoms that indicate that we are definitely sick.

Unfortunately we cannot make ourselves 100% immune to diseases, because in fact, they also act as a defense mechanism. In any case, with these tips we want to teach you how to lower fever quickly and relieve discomfort that this symptom can generate us.

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Why do we get a fever?

But before knowing how to lower a fever quickly, it is necessary and important that we learn about fever, why it gives us and what does this symptom tell us aboutWell, it is not something we can take lightly and just ignore it.

You should know that fever is a defense mechanism that our body uses when it is fighting external agents that harm us, such as viruses and bacteria. It appears as an increase in our body temperature that is normally at 36.5ºC, but what with fever reaches about 38ºC or even up to 40ºC, to increase the production of antibodies.

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Fever is considered when the temperature exceeds 37.5ºC.

Sometimes the fever comes to us accompanied by that terrible feeling of chills that makes us want to cover our entire body and after the increase in body temperature. Now, while it is an important sign that our body is fighting an infection, there are ways to lower the fever that we can access without any problem.

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How to lower a fever quickly in 6 tips

Before you know how to lower a fever quickly make sure you take your temperature with a thermometer first, to see that you really have a fever and know exactly what is the temperature that your body has reached, as this can be an important indication about the type of infection that your body is fighting.

If after practicing these tips to reduce fever quickly your body temperature does not drop and the fever persists, it is better that you go to your doctor for a diagnosis and avoid possible complications.

1. Drink lots of fluids

You need to keep your body's water levels balanced, because fever is also synonymous with dehydration, so if you want to lower your fever quickly, be sure to drink a lot of liquids in the form you prefer: water, infusions, soups, consommés, juices or whatever you want, but with a lot liquid. Do not forget to drink your 2 liters of water a day.

2. Take a lukewarm shower

One of the best known tricks that work very well to lower a fever quickly is that you take a warm shower when you feel like your body temperature is rising. Let the warm water run over the body for a few minutes and the temperature will begin to drop little by little without you drastically feeling the change.

Of course, although some think that cold water is better to refresh and cool the body, it is nothing effective for fever, since the marked contrast of temperatures can affect you and even cause a shock. Make sure the water is lukewarm and, if that's the case, hotter than cold.

3. Use damp cloths

Your grandmother has probably taught you how to lower your fever quickly with cloths soaked in cold water, another of the most traditional tips but that has always helped us lower our body temperature when we have a fever.

Simply soak a washcloth in cold water to moisten it and put it on your forehead and neck several times. Every time you feel that the cloth is getting dry, re-moisten it and put it again on the forehead and neck. You will feel a lot of relief and it will help to lower the temperature quickly.

4. Wet socks or socks

Another trick very similar to that of wet cloths to reduce fever quickly is putting wet socks on the ankles. This trick is especially effective in children.

You just have to soak the socks in warm water and get rid of excess water, then put them on the ankles and when you see that they are drying, moisten again. You will see how the body temperature drops rapidly and you feel relief.

5. Eat little

It is normal that when you have a fever you feel less hungry and little desire to eat, because your body is using all its energy to fight the infection and not to carry out the digestive processes.

So it is best that you listen to your body and do not eat too much, especially avoiding foods that are difficult to process, so that your body can focus on reducing the fever quickly. Take juices, infusions, fruits and soups, which are easy to digest and also help hydrate your body.

6. Natural infusions

There are certain foods that have properties that can help you lower a fever quickly, but instead of eating them you have to make an infusion with them. Sage, raisins, and lettuce are great for hydrating the body and make you sweat the fever.

You can make an infusion with all 3 or make separate infusions with each of them. Simply heat water in a pot and add the sage, raisins, and lettuce; When it has boiled, remove from the heat and let it rest for 5 - 8 minutes and that's it, you can take the infusion that will help you in your fever process.

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