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Change your life: 20 tips to start from scratch

Either because you have had problems that you want to leave behind or because you have been demotivated and not knowing how to continue, you may have considered at some point leave everything to chase your dream and change your life.

Trying to change our course to be able to start from scratch is not an easy task, either out of fear or insecurity. That's why we give you some tips on how you can start over to change your life and start living the way you want.

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Ways to change your life and start over

We are our own agents of change and we have to take the necessary steps for this change in life to take place. Here we explain how you can start this process and how can you start this new path.

1. Forgive and overcome conflicts

If you want to change your life and start from scratch, it is important to have first healed the wounds and to have overcome the conflicts that you want to leave in the past. Do not seek this change to run away from your problems or do anything that you may regret later.

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To be able to move on and start a new lifeIt is important to forgive those who have hurt us and not have unfinished business that could be an obstacle in your new plans.

2. Self-knowledge

In order to change your life, you must first know yourself in depth. Do a self-awareness exercise and reflect on what led you to make this decision.

Analyze the problems you want to leave behind and what you can do to improve; or think about what motivation leads you to seek a change in your lifestyle.

Before you can start over, you must also be aware of where you are and where you would like to be.

3. Follow your passion

Follow your heart to be able to change your life to one of your choice. Don't let the wishes of others influence yours, and make sure your decisions are genuine.

Do not change to please someone else or stop doing it for the same reason. The important thing is that you follow your intuition and change to be able to do what you are most passionate about.

4. Write down your plans

Writing down your plans can help you better organize your ideas and help you keep focus on your goal. There are ideas that in our head may sound good and feasible at any given moment, but once written they may seem absurd to us after a few days.

Start a journal with your plans to change your life and your wishes. Write down how you feel about it and review what you have written down each week.

5. Put on a goal and focus

Once you are clear about your plans, set a goal and focus on achieving it. Think about the different aspects that you want to modify and what objectives you need to achieve a life change.

Set short-term goals that require small steps and help you stay motivated, but without losing sight of long-term goals.

One way to achieve this is to have a blackboard visible with the objectives written down, which allows you to keep them in mind and helps you to move forward in your plan to change your life.

6. Accept the change

Many people want to change their life but do not dare to evolve. To start this process you must accept that life is changes, and that you must flow with them to progress and not stagnate. If you are looking to start from scratch in a new life, you must accept and open yourself to changes.

7. Lose the fear

And to evolve and carry out that change of life, you must put aside your fears and open yourself to the unknown. Insecurity and fear of failure are limits that you set yourself and that prevent you open yourself to new experiences. Get out of your comfort zone and experience this transformation process positively.

8. Ditch the excuses

Maybe apart from fear, there are other questions that you ask yourself and that they hold you back from chasing your dream and change your life. Are they real obstacles or are they simple worries that prevent you from starting this path? Put aside excuses and start taking charge of your change process.

9. Trust yourself

Once you have accepted the change, you have lost your fear and you have gotten rid of the excuses, it only remains for you to trust yourself and to be able to achieve your goals. Confidence in yourself is the most important thing to be able to follow this path towards change and achieve everything you set your mind to.

10. Positive thinking

Another important point will be to keep a positive thinking. Do not lose sight of the reasons that lead you to want to change your life and focus on the good that you are going to achieve. Get rid of negativity and look on the bright side of things. Learn from bad experiences to turn them into points to improve and that lead you to achieve the change.

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11. Keep it real

Of course, always be realistic. A positive thought does not imply seeing everything in the color of rosy. Be aware of any potholes or problems that may exist and do not create false expectations. It is important that the change objectives are realistic.

12. Be prepared for failure

And that is why it is essential to be prepared for failure. We all make mistakes and everything does not always turn out as we can hope, but mistakes are part of the way and we can learn from them. Don't give up on a possible failure, learn from the experience and move on.

13. Take responsibilities

In order to change your life and start new paths, you must be aware that you are your own agent of change and you must take responsibility. For this it is important not to blame others for your situation and take control of your life. The change will not happen alone and you must work to achieve your goals.

14. Be flexible

With a rigid mind you cannot evolve. To achieve your goals you must be flexible and be able to adapt to the new opportunities that life offers you. If you dared to start this process of change in your life, you must also dare to adapt to the new changes that arise along the way.

15. Keep what is necessary

Starting from scratch does not mean abandoning your old life And leave it all behind It is important that you can leave behind what is unnecessary or what was holding you back to achieve your goals and be able to change your life, be it material goods or people; but you must also keep everything that made you good and that you will need by your side in this process.

16. Ask for help if you need it

You should also be willing to ask for help if you ever need it. Although you yourself are your agent of change in this process, you do not have to do it all alone. At some point you may need support to move forward, so do not hesitate to ask to be able to move on.

17. Be patient

But one of the most important tips to keep in mind if you want to change your life is that you must be patient. Great processes of change take time And they don't happen overnight, so you have to be patient and work hard every day to achieve your goals. One way to do this is by setting small short-term goals to help you stay on track.

18. Don't lose sight of the present

One way not to lose patience and hope is to try to live in the present. To achieve evolve It is important not to anchor in the past or worry about the future, but to focus on the present moment and on the small achievements that will take you towards your goal.

  • Related article: "6 ways to live in the present and enjoy the moment

19. Be true to yourself

Changing your life does not imply ceasing to be the person you were. Even if you leave the past behind and take other attitudes to adapt to change, you are still yourself. Be true to yourself and what motivates you to to be able to move forward without losing my way. In this way your achievements will be much more satisfactory because they will be real and will come from your heart.

20. Learn from experience

Learn to enjoy every moment of this process of change and the adventure of starting a new project. Life is a journey and not a destination, and the important thing will be to learn and take advantage of every step we take to achieve our goals. Don't wait to enjoy your new life, learn to appreciate every moment that will lead you to it.

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