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The 10 best Psychologists in Rivera (Uruguay)

The psychologist Roberto Martinez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Republic, has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychotherapy of Adults, Couples and Families, and also has two Postgraduate Programs in Labor and Organizational Psychology and in Positive Psychology Applied.

Throughout his career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents over 16 years of age, adults, Seniors and couples who request their services, through an online therapy service with all the comforts possible.

In his consultation you will find a therapist specialized in attending to cases of impulsivity, the processes of divorce, anxiety and depression, cognitive disorders, infidelities, and partner.

Marcelo sitnisky He has a degree in Psychology from the Maimonides University of Argentina and also has another degree issued by the University of Belgrano specialized in the area of ​​Management of Companies.

In the consultation of this psychologist some difficulties such as the sensation of generalized demotivation, anxiety disorders, very low self-esteem or complicated situations of codependency.

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Melisa Mirabet He completed his basic studies in Psychology through the University of Belgrano and after obtaining his academic degree accrediting, he thought that he should specialize in Psychopharmacology so he took a training course through the University of Barcelona.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a serious depression, a stage with too low sports performance, an anxiety disorder or very high stress levels elevated.

Diego Tzoymaher He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has a specialized training course in Cognitive Neuropsychology, issued by the University of Belgrano in Argentina.

Throughout his professional career, this psychologist has been able to treat on various occasions some psychological difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders or poor management of the emotion of the wrath.

Tatiana stacul She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador and also has a training course specialized in Dialectical-Behavioral Therapies granted by the FORO Foundation of Buenos Aires.

Together with this specialist we can treat very efficiently some difficulties such as depression chronic, work stress, very difficult divorce situations or conflicts between relatives.

Juan Esteban Rodriguez He has a degree in Psychology from John Fitzgerarld Kennedy University and has a specialized training course in the concrete treatment of Narcissistic Pathologies, which was issued to him by the Psychoanalytic Association Argentina.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of difficulties such as the very low self-esteem, depression, very high levels of work stress or conflicts between relatives.

Facundo Estevez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Belgrano and has a training course awarded by the FORO Foundation, specialized in the correct use of Cognitive Therapies contemporary.

This psychologist is an expert treating some difficulties such as bipolar disorder, lack of impulse control, very low self-esteem, or trouble falling asleep when night.

Elizabeth hernandez She graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with a degree in Psychology and later decided to specialize in the treatment specific of people who have suffered family violence thanks to a Postgraduate course that was also taught by the same college.

Her remarkable academic training allows this specialist to be very efficient in treating difficulties such as attention deficit (ADHD), anxiety disorders, intellectual disability or conflicts between relatives.

Luz Marjorie Merladett She has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Uruguay and has a training course specialized in the practice of Thanatology, issued by the Integral Institute of Thanatology of Mexico.

Chronic depression, work stress or very low self-esteem are some of the psychological difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

Valentina camacho She graduated in Psychology through the University of the Republic of Uruguay during 2018 and since then, she is important mention that this psychologist has been able to acquire several years of continuous experience practicing psychotherapy in people of all ages. ages.

This specialist manages to stand out for her great ability in treating difficulties such as disorders anxiety, job stress, chronic depression, or trouble falling asleep when night.

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