Education, study and knowledge

The 8 best Detox Clinics in Cartagena

The Vidanova Association is a well-known psychological center that specializes in the treatment of addictive disorders, with more than 10 years of experience in this field, in addition to conducting EMDR therapy sessions to improve the well-being of your patients.

It has an excellent team of multidisciplinary professionals who have served hundreds of people throughout throughout all these years, treating patients with addiction problems to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

Llaurant la Llum is a well-known psychological center focused on treating those with addictive disorders, and associated problems, in addition to having the accreditation of the public administration as a center specialized in addictions.

Among the pathologies that have been treated the most, the detoxification of alcohol, tobacco, cocaine and other types of drugs, in addition to having treated people with addiction to gambling and new technologies, achieving very good results.

Maria Moreno Lacárcel She has a degree in psychology from UCAM University, has a master's degree in general health psychology from the same organization, and is also a specialist in the field of ADHD and addictive disorders in adolescents and people adults.

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Throughout all these years she has cared for people with problems related to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, in addition to caring for patients with sleep disorders such as insomnia, achieving very good results.

Pablo Robles He has a degree in psychology from the University of Murcia, has a master's degree in health psychology and practice clinic by the Catholic University of San Antonio, and has carried out his clinical practices at the Niño de Jesús Hospital in Madrid.

She has her own practice, where she specializes in anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and in cases of addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other addictive substances, notably improving the quality of life of their patients.

Paula Ramirez She has a degree in psychology, an international master's degree in clinical psychology from ISPCS, and is also a specialist in gestalt therapy, EMDR therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

He stands out for having treated patients with addictive disorders, alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, carrying out detoxification processes with very effective results after the treatment.

Mery hernandez She has a degree in psychology and has several master's degrees, including a master's degree in criminology and victimology from the International University of Valencia, a master's degree in autism, and another master's degree in the field of neuropsychology.

During all these years he has treated patients affected by different types of pathologies such as addictive disorders, dependence on new technologies, and gambling or also known as addiction to the game.

Manuel Salas Rosa She has her own psychological center, has a degree in psychology from UCAM, has a master's degree in social responsibility at the same university, and has also completed a course in therapeutic pedagogy at the University of Murcia.

She is a specialist in acceptance and commitment therapy, in the treatment of those with low problems self-esteem, and with addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, achieving very good results.

Encarna López Pedreño She has a degree in psychology from the University of Murcia, she has a master's degree in couples therapy and sexology, and has also completed a course in clinical psychology.

He has treated patients affected by addictive disorders in his psychological center, carrying out detoxification processes to different drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, in addition to having treated eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

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