Education, study and knowledge

The best 12 Psychologists in Miraflores (Lima)

The psychologist Eliana Aguilar She has a degree in Psychology from the Bolivarian Catholic University, she has a Master's Degree in Family Intervention and Mediation from the University of Seville and she has another Master's Degree in the Study of Women and Gender from the University of Granada and the University of York.

This professional has specialized over more than 10 years in caring for children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families by offering face-to-face sessions and also on-line.

Her intervention is based on the application of various therapies of proven efficacy, among which the Brief Therapy, Mindfulness and Family Systems, with which she attends to cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, family conflicts, stress and violence from gender.

Cognitive Comprehensive Psychology is a center specialized in clinical psychology, formed by an excellent team of multidisciplinary professionals who will attend all kinds of problems through an integrative therapy, based on Cognitive-behavioral, one of the best results offer.

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The intervention of the center is aimed at all ages, being some of its specialties, the cases of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, relationship and family conflicts, and conduct disorders sexual.

The Clinical Psychologist Mariela Sumalavia She is a specialist in applying Psychoanalytic Therapy to attend to all kinds of disorders and consultations in children, adolescents, adults and also families, both in person and online.

This professional is a specialist in dealing with cases such as depression and anxiety, emotional dependence, low self-esteem, grieving processes, sexual abuse and problems with behaviour.

In addition to that, Mariela Sumalavia also offers an orientation service to parents in raising her children and in cases of adoption.

At the psychologist's office Rocxana Croce Portocarrero Let's find a professional specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and families both professionally as well as through the online modality, being the main orientations of it the therapies cognitive-behavioral and Systemic Therapy.

Some of the queries that she addresses in her therapy are cases of depression and anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, psychological abuse and cases of child abandonment, among others.

The psychologist Maria Andrea Ganoza Bogdanovich she is also an expert in intervening in adults, couples, families and also in the field of sex therapy. Her work is offered online with all possible comforts for those who cannot move.

Thus, the main reasons for consultation that this psychology professional will address are, among others, the cases anxiety, self-esteem problems, stress, cases of sexual violence and conduct disorders sexual.

The professional psychologist Natalia Ferrero Delgado placeholder image He has run his own psychological center for 20 years, specialized in Rational Emotional and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of the most recommended by professionals around the world.

Her intervention is aimed at all ages, so that anyone who goes to the consultation of this psychologist, will be able to initiate a she specialized therapy in cases of anxiety, poor academic performance in children and psychological support in processes of duel.

The psychologist Julissa Roncal She has more than 15 years of professional experience and is also an expert in applying Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to attend both in person and telematically to adults, couples and families.

Thus, among the main intervention specialties that we will find in the consultation of this We can highlight the life crisis or career orientation, the cases of depression and also the chronic stress

The psychologist Carmen Valenzuela She has been serving adults individually and also in pairs for more than 13 years, this being her specialty and in which she deals with all kinds of cases individually and in person.

Consult with the services of this professional if you are interested in a specialized therapy in the relationship problems in the couple, sexual behavior disorders and cases of violence from gender.

The psychologist Liliana Rouillon Picón It offers both a face-to-face and telematic consultation aimed at adults and couples, in which it applies therapies with proven scientific evidence.

His intervention specialties are phobias, depression and generalized anxiety disorder, among others.

At the psychologist's office José Carlos Sánchez Ramírez We will also find a professional with extensive experience in addressing all types of queries in adults.

Some of the queries he deals with most often are anxiety, depression, and disease processes.

The psychologist Jorge Silva Mora he will offer a psychological care service specialized in addressing cases of all kinds in people of all ages, as well as families and couples.

Adjustment disorders, social phobias and sexual behavior disorders are some of the specialties of this professional.

The psychologist Ana Tereza Coelho has an experience of more than 10 years in the exercise of psychological therapy oriented to children, adolescents, adults and also families, both in person and online.

The main objective of her intervention is for the consultant to achieve a state of well-being and emotional balance, some of her specialties, cases of depression, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorders and cases of psychological abuse and abandonment childish.

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