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The 14 best Psychology Clinics in Lima

The psychologist Alonso bedoya He runs his own psychotherapy center in Lima, where he serves adolescents, adults and couples of any age, both in person and online.

Throughout his career, he has specialized in the professional evaluation and diagnosis of anxiety problems or depression, in cases of low self-esteem, stress, infidelity, divorce, impulsivity and deficits in anger management.

Alonso Bedoya has a degree in Psychology from the University of San Martín de Porres, has a Training Course in Gestalt Therapy by the Center for Humanist Therapy of Peru and has another Training Course of Psychotherapist expert in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy and Therapy Cognitive-behavioral.

The psychologist Kasen lee He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, has a Diploma in Psychotherapy and Mindfulness by the Institute for Peace Studies and she also has two Training Courses in DBT Therapy and Integrative Therapy of Couple.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents of all ages, adults, as well couples and racial minorities or LGTB both in person and online for those who do so request.

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This professional integrates into her interventions various therapies of proven efficacy such as the cognitive-behavioral approach or Mindfulness, with which addresses anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress, deficits in coping skills and codependency.

The psychologist Tatiana Barbaran attends online adolescents, adults and seniors, whatever their problem and with all possible comforts and facilities.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and some of the areas that she tackles most successfully in her psychological office are cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, cases of sexual abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction and difficulties schoolchildren.

Tatina Barbaran has a degree in Psychology from the César Vallejo University, she has a specialization in Therapy Family and Couples and has another Training Course on Violence against women, family members and violence sexual.

The psychologist Eliana Aguilar He runs his own professional psychology clinic, where he has been serving children, adolescents, adults and also families for more than 10 years, both in person and online.

Graduated in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University, this professional has a Master's Degree in Intervention and Mediation Family by the University of Seville, as well as another Master in the Study of Women and Gender by the universities of Granada and of York.

His intervention is based on the integration of various effective therapies, among which the Brief Therapy and Family Systems stand out. tools with which to treat anxiety and depression disorders, cases of gender violence, low self-esteem or disorders food.

Cognitive Comprehensive Psychology is a recognized center of clinical psychology located in Lima, which is specialized in different types of psychological therapies whose objective is to improve the personal and emotional well-being of patients.

This psychological clinic is made up of multidisciplinary professionals with extensive experience in psychology, who are specialized in therapy. cognitive behavioral, humanistic, systemic and psychoanalytic, having treated patients with anxiety disorders, relationship problems, and sexual therapies, among others.

Living Space is a psychology center that aims to offer personalized treatment for those situations that affect our emotional and mental state, and that can greatly condition our day a day.

Thanks to an excellent team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience, you will be able to receive the treatment most suitable for your case, to treat those psychological pathologies that are most affecting your life personal.

The Institute of Psychology of Lima (IPL) is a center that has a history of 15 years in the treatment of patients through the practice clinical practice and investigation of different types of psychological disorders that commonly affect people.

The center is made up of a team of specialists in clinical psychology and psychotherapy who have as objective to improve the psychosocial development of their patients through a case-by-case study of each patient.

Being a Psychological Center is a clinic located in the city of Lima which is specialized in psychological care to people who are suffering from some type of disorder such as anxiety, depression and stress, among other

The team that is part of the center is specialized in psychological help for children, adolescents and adults, in addition to performing sexual and couples therapy, always seeking the well-being of each patient.

The psychological center Kalma It is located in the city of Lima, Peru. They have extensive experience in assisting and treating people affected by different types of psychological pathologies such as anxiety, depression, and conduct disorders, among others.

Consultations are also carried out focused on both family members and the patient's closest environment to provide support in the post-therapy stages, so that the return to normality is the most effective possible.

The center of Lima Psychological Therapy is focused on improving the different types of psychological disorders that a person may experience along with throughout its life, offering specialized solutions based on the personal characteristics of each patient.

Among the main specialties of the team of psychologists, stand out family therapy, couples therapy, treatment of emotional problems, and other disorders such as depression, stress, anxiety and phobias, among others.

The London System Consulting is a center with more than 10 years of experience treating people with different types of psychological pathologies such as depression, stress, addiction to different types of substances, and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

The center has an excellent team of psychologists who are experts in clinical, educational and work, in addition to having specialists in psychiatry, and highly recognized psychotherapists in the sector.

The Institute of Health and Freedom is a psychological center specialized in offering psychological assistance to children, adolescents and adults who are suffering from some type of pathology or psychological problem.

In the center you can find specialists in psychology and psychiatry, who have treated patients affected by addictions to different types of substances, low self-esteem problems, and people in a situation of mourning over the loss of a loved one, among others.

Express Emotional Health is a psychological center that offers psychological assistance and different types of treatments in depending on the needs of each patient, in addition to treating children, adults, and teenagers.

They have treated patients affected by eating disorders, behavioral problems, disorders in the learning, and different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, among other types of disorders related to mental health.

The psychological center Feel good is located in the Peruvian city of Lima, and is a psychological clinic specialized in learning therapies, early stimulation, speech therapy, and in youth-related learning disorders and teenagers.

It has a team of professionals with extensive experience in psychological treatment, including find some of the best psychologists in the city of Lima, which represents a guarantee of quality in the service.

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