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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Guadalajara (Mexico)

Julian Zambrano He has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, has a master's degree in cognitive psychotherapy behavioral psychotherapy of him, and is also a specialist in schema-focused psychotherapy, in addition to having his own clinic psychological.

Among the patients he has treated the most are people with problems such as anxiety, depression and stress, situations of low self-esteem, and situations of mourning before the loss of a loved one, having obtained some results excellent.

The center ENDI of Psychotherapy and Coaching It is another of the most prominent in Mexico City and for more than 10 years, its professionals attend to any type of problem in adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples.

This center is made up of a team of multidisciplinary therapists specialized in applying various therapies of proven efficacy, among which EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness or Brief Therapy stand out, all of them adapted to the needs of each client.

The center's services are offered both in person and online and some of its main specialties of intervention are cases of anxiety and depression, family and partner conflicts, low self-esteem, addictions and stress.

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Alejandro Ochoa Pepper He has a degree in psychology from the Institute of Higher and Technological Studies of Matatipac, has a master's degree in psychology from physical activity and sport from the National University of Distance Education, and has also completed a master's degree in education humanist.

In his psychological center he has treated people with different types of problems, among which the situations of low self-esteem, learning disorders, and problems such as anxiety, depression and stress.

Monica Barron She has her own psychological consultation and has a degree in psychology from the University of Guadalajara, has a diploma in therapy based in mentalization, and in treatment for serious personality disorders based on evidence, in addition to being an expert in psychology childish.

The treatments that she has performed the most during all this time are focused on anxiety disorders, depression and stress, in the field of clinical psychology, and in different types of phobias such as fear of spaces open.

Carmen Aréchiga Camacho she has a degree in educational psychology from UNIVA, she has a course in systemic psychotherapy, and she has also completed a master's degree in gestalt psychotherapy, as well as being an expert in programming neurolinguistics.

In her psychological consultation, she has specialized in individual and couple psychotherapy, and in the treatment of addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, having obtained excellent results in their patients.

Laura Diaz Zúñiga she has a degree in psychology from the University of Girona, she has a diploma in sexual and couples therapy, and In her psychological consultation she carries out treatments to people between adolescence and old age. adult.

She is an expert in treating sexual and relationship disorders such as aversion to sex, premature ejaculation, inhibited sexual desire, and the different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, with very good results after treatments.

Sandra Tovar Robles She has a degree in homeopathy and psychology from UNAG, she is a specialist in family constellations from the Systemic Center, and is also an expert in individual and couple psychotherapy.

She has treated patients affected by different types of pathologies in her psychological consultation, among which She highlights the cases of psychological abuse and child abandonment, in cases of postpartum depression, and in situations of duel.

Adriana Marcela Pacheco Monárrez she has a degree in psychology from ITESO, she has a master's degree in gestalt psychotherapy from the Gestalt University of Mexico City, and she has also done a certificate in programming neurolinguistics.

During all these years, she has treated people with psychological trauma, in a situation of low self-esteem, and with anxiety, stress and depression disorders, having obtained some results excellent.

Elizabeth Ramirez de la Torre she has a degree in psychology from ITESO, she has a master's degree in behavioral sciences and analysis experimental behavior by the University of Guadalajara, and she is a specialist in cognitive therapy behavioral.

Among the disorders that she has treated the most in her psychological consultation, anxiety disorders stand out, depression and stress, grief situations in the face of the loss of a loved one, and in times of low self-esteem.

Marco Antonio Pérez Mora He has a degree in psychology, a master's degree in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and is also specialist in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, having improved the emotional and psychological well-being of his patients.

He stands out for being an excellent specialist in sexual and couples therapy, and in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. such as inhibited sexual desire, borderline personality disorder, or anxiety, depression and stress disorders.

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