Education, study and knowledge

Couples Therapy in Villaviciosa de Odón: the 8 best psychologists

With more than 25 years of experience, the psychologist Andrés García Notary He is another of the most prominent professionals in the field of couples therapy in this area. In his consultation, he attends, together with a qualified team of expert professionals in the clinical and forensic area, all kinds of psychological disorders and relationship problems.

The working modality of this professional and his team is based on an integration of different forms of intervention, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, Mindfulness and others, with the aim of attending, also online, the cases in which there is a tendency to discuss too much, consensus is not reached on future plans, there is a crisis due to infidelity, one does not know how to manage the anger, etc.

The psychologist Maria González-Aller Zavala She is another of the most recommended professionals in this area of ​​the Community of Madrid; His work is characterized by offering alternative ways of solving each of the problems that the couple may have, enhancing the qualities of each member of the couple.

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Her intervention modality is also integrative of different therapies, among which the cognitive-behavioral, EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness stand out. with which he deals with problems such as depression, low self-esteem, the tendency to argue too much, impulsivity problems, low self-esteem, and more.

Some of her most outstanding degrees are a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Master of expert in Psychological Evaluation and Psychodiagnosis, and a Higher Training Course in Sexual Violence from Gender.

The query Psychological Awakenings It is one of the most prestigious centers among those that specialize in dealing with relationship problems and disorders in the field of sexual behavior.

The professionals of this center base their intervention on cognitive-behavioral therapy, in addition to the application of each therapy in which the therapist is specialized, always adapting to the needs of the person attended.

The main specialties of this center are sexual dysfunctions, discussion management problems, family problems, infidelities and jealousy, among others.

The General Health Psychologist Cristina Penín Viola She is also an expert in treating all kinds of disorders in the field of the couple applying an integrated therapy in which different orientations of great empirical evidence intervene.

Some of these effective guidelines are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy and Brief Strategic Therapy, with which he addresses relationship problems, couple crises, social phobia, addictions or disorders of anxiety.

The psychologist Adela Espinosa Padrón She has a degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychoanalysis and has a professional experience of more than 20 years, in which he has specialized in serving all types of couples

Some of these therapies are Psychoanalysis, Brief Strategic Therapy, Mindfulness or Gestalt Therapy, all of them adapted at all times to the needs of the couple and applied both in face-to-face sessions and on-line.

In addition to that, among the main areas of intervention of her in the field of the couple are cases of depression, eating disorders, panic attacks, self-esteem issues, and dissatisfaction labor.

The psychologist Mª Carmen Pérez Sánchez He is a specialist in Clinical Psychology and in his consultation he attends people of all ages, also online and especially couples and families who may request it.

In his intervention, he applies Brief Strategic Therapy, Psychoanalysis and different relaxation techniques with which he attends anxiety disorders, grief processes, eating disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder, in addition to offering therapy partner.

The psychologist Zaloa Gomez Torres He has a professional experience of more than 20 years and is a specialist in sexual and relationship disorders, as well as in all kinds of problems in adults individually.

His intervention is based on the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, with which he attends to cases depression and anxiety, self-esteem problems, sexual dysfunctions and deficits in skills social.

Her academic qualifications include a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Qualification as a Health Psychologist and a specialty in EMDR Therapy, levels I and II.

The psychologist Alfredo Herranz Sanz He has a Master's Degree in Psychopathology and Health, he has an Official European Master's Degree in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse and is also an expert in couples therapy.

His intervention is of a Cognitive-behavioral type, offered in face-to-face or remote sessions and the main areas it addresses are sexual dysfunctions, emotional dependence, addictions, and skill deficits social.

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