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The 10 best Psychologists in Lomas de Chapultepec (CDMX)

Laura Christopher She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana de México, and is a recognized psychologist from Lomas de Chapultepec specialized in the treatment of different types of pathologies psychological.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most are anxiety, stress and depression disorders, self-esteem, mood disorders, emotional problems, and behavioral disorders, among others.

Miguel Torres placeholder image He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana, has a course in Human Development from the Humanist Institute of Gestalt Psychotherapy, and has also carried out another course in Gestalt approach by the same center.

He specializes in individual psychotherapy, having treated patients affected by separation anxiety disorder, job stress, and situations of low self-esteem, among others disorders.

Ariadna Pulido She has a degree in Psychology from AMETEP, she has a Master's degree in Couple psychotherapy from the Mexican Institute of the Couple, and she has also carried out a course in Psychological First Aid at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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She is a specialist in individual and couple psychotherapy, and in sexual disorders, having treated patients affected by sleep disorders such as insomnia, conduct disorders, and hypoactive sexual desire, among others disorders.

Luis Gerardo Montes He has a degree in Psychoanalytic Psychology, has a Master in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Institute of Studies Postgraduate Degree in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and is a specialist in the treatment of patients affected by anxiety and depression.

In addition, he has also treated people with psychological trauma, with specific and simple phobia, with disorders of the personality, and with addictions to substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and addiction to gambling, also known as gambling.

Leticia Esquivel She has a degree in Psychology, has a course in couples therapy with a systemic approach, has completed training in family social psychotherapy from the Mexican University, and he is also a specialist in occupational psychotherapy from the University Pan American.

She has treated patients through systemic family psychotherapy and individual and couple psychotherapy, having treated disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, codependency, and situations of grief over the loss of a being Dear.

Greece Vargas de Santiago She has a degree in Psychology, has a Master in Crisis Intervention from the National University Autónoma de México, and she is recognized for having improved the psychological situation of many of her patients.

Among the psychological pathologies that she has treated the most, addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances stand out, sexual abuse disorders, anxiety disorders, stress and depression, and situations of low self-esteem, among others.

Ricardo Leon He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Salesian University, has a course in human sexual education by the Faculty of Psychology of the UNAM, and is also an expert in psychoanalysis, sexual orientation and psychotherapy individual of her.

She has treated patients affected by sexual and relationship disorders such as premature ejaculation, desire inhibited sexual activity, and addictions to different types of substances such as alcohol and tobacco, among others.

Adela Konik She has a degree in clinical psychology from the University of the Americas, she has a course in psychotherapy with orientation psychoanalytic by the UNAM, and she has carried out 11 years of study with one of her mentors, the renowned psychologist Dr. Antonio Mendizabal.

She is a specialist in psychotherapy and psychological trauma, having treated patients affected by behavior aggressive behavior, work stress and in situations of grief in the face of the loss of a loved one, among other types of pathologies.

Diana Rodriguez She has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and is a specialist in the treatment of patients in crisis situations, through psychotherapy, and in disorders due to anxiety, depression and stress.

She has treated patients affected by different types of pathologies, among which is depression in adolescents, grief situations over the loss of a loved one, and emotional codependency towards other people.

Ana Luisa Velasco She has a degree in Psychology, she has a course in thanatology and pain therapy by the center of thanatology, and is a specialist in assisting people with sexual and relationship problems, among others.

She specializes in psychosomatic disorders, thanatology, and anxiety disorders, having treated people with neurotic depression, suicidal behavior, and panic attacks, among other types of disorders.

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