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What is sexual violence and what consequences can it have?

Following the scandalous sentence issued on the trial of five men who sexually assaulted a young woman, a large part of the population has was shocked, thus generating a social debate in relation to sexual violence and how a reform of the code would be fundamental penal.

It is more necessary than ever to be clear about the meaning of sexual violence and the nature of the type of acts of which it is composed.

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What is sexual violence?

The concept of sexual violence refers to a traumatic experience in relation to sexual activity maintained by two or more people where there is no consent by one of the people involved. This term encompasses three types of violence.

1. sexual harassment

In the first place, sexual harassment is usually carried out verbally, through messages, calls or through coercion and blackmail, that is, the use of psychological violence. The aggressor presses and intimidates the victim in order to make the other person have sexual relations. For example, in the workplace that a person coerces another to have sexual relations because if she does not lose her job.

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2. Sexual abuse

Another type of sexual violence that we encounter is sexual abuse. This term refers to any action that forces a person, man or woman, to carry out sexual behaviors that he does not want to perform or maintain. That is, the aggressor, whether man or woman, assumes the freedom to access the body of another person without the consent of this, and there is no authorization of sexual activity by one of the parties.

3. Sexual assault

Finally, sexual assault consists of accessing the victim's body, without consent, and employing the use of direct violence as a way to get to sexual activity. The most serious form of sexual assault is through penetration.

Beyond physical pain

As can be seen, the conviction of the aggressor may vary depending on the type of sexual violence used. One of the main differences between the three types is the use of physical violence. But how do we know physical violence is not the only form of violence that exists And as its name suggests, in the different types we find ourselves under a case of sexual violence.

Perhaps, a part of the open debate in recent days should focus here and that the use of physical violence is not the determinant of a greater or lesser conviction, if not that the act itself, the simple fact of restricting someone's sexual freedom is condemn.

The sentence issued affirms that there is no physical violence, since the victim admits that she chose not to resist. Perhaps there are no visible blows or wounds, but the non-consensual penetration by five men towards a woman, coercion on sexual freedom and of course emotional damage and the subsequent psychological consequences are more than enough.

Why are we sometimes unable to defend ourselves against a threat?

One of the reproaches that has been made to the victim is that did not object at the time of the sexual act. This behavior, from a psychobiological point of view, has a survival function when we are faced with a threat of a different nature.

In our brain we have an extremely powerful sensor, known as amygdala, which will be the internal alarm that warns us that there is an external or internal threat, since it is one of the areas in charge of fear. When our alarm is activated, our body will prepare to face that threat, that is, we prepare to give a fight or flight response. With him a big adrenaline rush will appear in the body participating in this response. In turn, the decision-making areas are inhibited, anesthetized, due to stress chemicals.

Therefore, the person is in a state of hyperarousal, that is, all his alarm systems are activated, resulting in total incapacity to make decisions, so it will be our nervous system that decides instinctively, promoting our survival.

Faced with very serious threats, panic, trauma and crisis situations, where the situation overwhelms us and we do not have the necessary resources, our brain automatically disconnects. This phenomenon is known as dissociation, thus protecting us from emotional pain and suffering. In this state there is a relative absence of sensations, freezing of emotions or reduction of physical movements. Being the defense less active, we will not try to flee, we will not be able to say no. It will be our brain that speaks for us and the person will act automatically.

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What are the psychological and emotional consequences of sexual abuse?

These are some of the common consequences left by experiences related to sexual abuse.


A Post Traumatic Stress Disorder whose symptoms are related to the appearance of nightmares where he relives what happened. Appearance of flashback where the memory appears in a very invasive way, negative thoughts, and mood alterations.

2. Appearance of feelings of guilt and shame

The victim has the false belief that what happened could have prevented it if she had acted differently.

3. Afraid to speak

Inability of the victim to tell what happened to fear of rejection.

4. Depressive feelings

Sometimes you even develop an emotional disorder.

5. Isolation

There may be social isolation well out of shame, fear, or distrust of others.

6. Self harm

Use of self-injurious behaviors as a way to calm the emotional damage suffered or even the appearance of suicidal behavior

7. Drug's use

Substance abuse as a way to isolate yourself and not think about what happened as a way to calm all the emotional damage.

8. Decreased self-esteem

All of this leaves a mark on self-concept.

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Relive the trauma

It is important to take into account the revictimization that occurs in the victim generated by institutions, media and professionals. Certain initiatives cause the victim to relive over and over the pain and emotions that are associated with the traumatic event. Especially in cases as mediatic as this last one, where the victim is even being questioned in relation to the answer given.

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