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Adam and Eve story

Adam and Eve story: summary

All beliefs and religions in history have a key story to talk about the creation of men, since from the beginning we have looked for a way to understand the creation of our species in order to understand the reasons for our existence. To talk about the origin story of the creation of the human being in the Christian religion in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to offer a summary of the history of Adam and Eve.

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  1. The origin of the Adam and Eve story
  2. Eve's sin
  3. Adam and Eve after Paradise

The origin of the Adam and Eve story.

Adam and Eve are considered the first human creations of God, being the first human beings created by God and therefore are supposedly the first humans of history.

The story of Adam and Eve is included in the first part of the Bible, the call Genesis, beginning the story talking only about Adam. It is said that God through the dust and its blowing she was able to create a human being, called as Adam, arising through the image and likeness of her creator and this first human being the bearer of the so-called Holy Spirit.

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But according to some biblical texts, Adam was sad because he was alone and it was then that God realized that man needed another person next to him and that is why God had the idea of ​​creating Eva. The origin of Eva changes depending on the religious texts that we consult, there are cases in which the origin of her is spoken of by creating her with a rib from Adam, but others in which it is said that it was created of clay, or that his creation was totally the same as Adam's.

It is said that God gave the couple the Paradise, being a perfect place where human beings had everything they wanted, being able to eat and drink in abundance and there were almost no limitations. The only limitation for both of us was that they couldn't touch the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam and Eve Story: Summary - The Origin of the Adam and Eve Story

The sin of Eve.

To continue with the summary of the story of Adam and Eve we will now talk about the reason they were expelled of paradise. Adam and Eve could eat any of the fruits of all Paradise, the only exception being the one we have named above the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, since if either of them took this fruit they could suffer harsh consequences.

Although at first neither of them had any intention of taking the fruit, the appearance of a New Character changed the situation forever, since at that moment the appearance of the Devil, represented by a snake. The serpent tricked Eve into believing that the reason God made her promise that they would never eat the fruit was not that they would die, but in that fruit was the wisdom of God and whoever ate from it would know the world as they do God. Eve ate the fruit and after that she gave it to her husband Adam so that they could both have the aptitudes that the fruit gave.

After eating both of the fruit, they received the message from God who told them that they had failed him and now both they knew both good and evil, so everything related to the fruit seemed to have been a test to see what the first two human beings were really like.

God expelled them from Paradise, bringing this pain, work, death and many other elements that neither of the two they had known until that moment, but since then he was forever united with the beings humans. So from that moment on, all human beings could die and women would have pain when giving birth to their children.

At that moment the idea of ​​original sin was born, being the sin that all human beings have for being descendants of Adam and Eve and that usually disappears with baptism.

Adam and Eve Story: Summary - Eve's Sin

Adam and Eve after Paradise.

To conclude this summary of the story of Adam and Eve we must talk about the events that happened to the first two human beings after being expelled by God from Paradise.

It is said that of the couple numerous children were born, being those who throughout had offspring and populated the world. Among these children, three are named and have great importance in the history of the Bible, their names being that of Abel, CainY Set. We do not know any data about the rest of the people, but it is said in different religious texts that the couple had more children, being impossible to populate the world in another way, although the name of these children does not appear.

The life of both was very long and it is said that Adam died at 930, being one of the many Christian characters who lived for centuries. On the other hand Eve's life after Paradise is not known, so we have no record of what his life was like or the age at which he died.

After the death of the first two humans, their descendants populated the world her inhabiting all places and showing the word of God to all new human beings. They told the story that took place in Paradise so that the new generations would not commit the sins of Adam and Eve. Even so, all human beings would be born with original sin, being the mark given by God for the sin committed by Adam and Eve and that all their descendants have.

Adam and Eve story: summary - Adam and Eve after Paradise

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