Education, study and knowledge

Psychologists in La Calera

Lic. Psychology and Psychology Specialist

15 years of experience and trajectory. Head of the Mental Health area at Hospital Nacional de Clínicas. More than 3000 successful and discharged treatments. I coordinated 9 years Recognized Program of National Interest in Pami War Veterans, attending war soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress saving lives and their families. I trained and trained psychologists and psychiatrists in my interdisciplinary team conducting clinical care and research and teaching since to date in my country there were no specialized trauma teams that cared for people who were in war. Teacher of Postgraduate courses at national and international level on Psychopathology / Psychooncology / Psychoeducation for parents. Therapist of individual / group of Eating Disorders. I work in conjunction with the diabetes and cardiology area of ​​the National Hospital of Clinics of the National University of Córdoba. Technical coordinator and supervisor of the Psychologists team at Fundación Chile. Member of Apradoc. Deep foundation for patients and families with Cancer. Foundation Member Where I want to be caring for children and adults with cancer.

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Psychologists in Villa Carlos Paz

Degree in psychology I have a degree in Psychology, graduated from the National University of Cór...

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Psychologists in Ramos Mejía

GRADUATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Hello, I am Ariel Sorrentino, I have a degree in Psychology from the Unive...

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Psychologists at Aarón Castellanos

GRADUATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Hello, I am Ariel Sorrentino, I have a degree in Psychology from the Unive...

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