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The 56 most famous Mark Twain phrases

Among the phrases of Mark Twain that this prolific writer left us after his passage through life we find authentic gems of the scathing criticism of an unequal society, full of inequalities.

However, there is also a sense of transcendence in them that goes far beyond cynicism or slyness. That is why so much can be learned from him.

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The most outstanding Mark Twain phrases

Mark Twain is the pseudonym he started using in his articles Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), North American author, writer and adventurer who did not tire of seeking his own path and experiences of his in his travels without a final destination. His father died when he was only twelve years old, which led to his dropping out of school, but he did not He deprived of following a correct training that allowed him later to be one of the best writers of all time.

This famous author tried to make the most of his career through experiences throughout the United States, working on things that would never have been imagined (mining, carpentry), visited spectacular towns and met all kinds of people, a fact that allowed him to translate it into his own plays. Besides being a novelist and essayist, Twain was a true adventurer.

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In this article we will see the most relevant phrases of the American author and adventurer.

1. Man was made at the end of the week when God was tired

A very peculiar way of talking about the imperfection of man.

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2. There are people who can do everything well except one; stop telling your happiness to the unhappy

We must encourage people with difficulties, not sink them further.

3. The action speaks more than 1000 words but not as often

We are what we do, not what we say. One of Mark Twain's phrases in which his practical approximation to morality is reflected.

4. There is a charm about forgetting that makes it inexplicably desirable

Mark Twain often referred to forgetting as a remedy for happiness.

5. When your friends start to compliment how young you seem, it's sure a sign that you're getting old.

Sometimes human beings lie to make others feel better.

6. The facts are stubborn, but the statistics are more flexible

Great phrase to explain the difference between reality and trends.

7. What is the difference between a taxidermist and a fee collector? That the taxidermist only takes your skin

Mark Twain was always very critical of the state tax system.

8. Always loyalty to the country. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it

Curious reflection of Twain regarding politics.

9. The age would be infinitely happier if we could be born at the age of 80 and gradually reach 18

Getting older is never pleasant. Rejuvenating is what we always seek throughout life.

10. The secret source of humor is not joy but sadness

According to Twain, sadness is a dependent variable of happiness. They are indivisible.

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11. When I fish for love I bait the heart, not the brain

This phrase describes how Mark Twain viewed love.

12. A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar

The first thing is to recognize our shortcomings. Only then can we change them.

13. Let's live so that when we die, even the undertaker will regret

It seems that Twain saw little enthusiasm for enjoying life on the part of people.

14. The world owes you nothing. He was here first

We often utter the phrase "the world owes me one." Each one is the owner of his destiny and decisions.

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15. To succeed in life you need two things: ignorance and confidence

Mark Twain saw self-confidence as a way to be successful.

16. The secret of moving forward is getting started

You do not have to fall into immobility and wait for things to arrive.

17. Age is a matter of mind over matter. If she doesn't give you the same, it doesn't matter

It's said a lot already: age is just a number.

18. My mother had a lot of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed

A good way to explain the relationship between a mother and a child.

19. Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see

In life you have to be polite and pleasant, in all circumstances.

20. Get your acts first, then you can distort them as you like

First you have to do, then describe.

21. It is better to keep your mouth shut and make people think if you are stupid than to open it and resolve any doubts

If we can't say anything better than when we're quiet, it is advisable to keep silence.

22. When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to stop and reflect.

It's very tempting to fall into the general trend and not think for ourselves, Twain thought.

23. Never leave for tomorrow what you can leave for the day after tomorrow

Procrastination is always a negative element.

24. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand

Humor was essential to Mark Twain for a fulfilling life.

25. The truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us save it

The truth is a treasure that is little appreciated in society.

26. Truth is rarer than fiction

Returning to this concept, it is very difficult to manage it. It is easier to lie.

27. You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is unfocused

We must first imagine what we want to achieve or do.

28. Apparently there's nothing that can't happen today

Do not underestimate the day to day.

29. Courage is resistance to fear; the domain of fear

Twain was a born adventurer, and he saw bravery as overcoming fear.

30. Good friends, good books, and a numbing conscience - that's real life

A very concise and forceful way to describe life.

31. All generalizations are false, including this

It was very hateful for Twain to make such statements.

32. Lack of money is the root of all evil

As it happens today, money conditions our societies.

33. Name the greatest of the inventors. Accident

Many of the great advances of humanity have arisen by chance. Champagne, for example.

34. Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated

Mark Twain was presumed dead on several occasions.

35. Don't let school interfere with your education

For many thinkers and intellectuals, school is a form of indoctrination.

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36. Anger is an acid that does more damage to the container it stores than to anything it is poured into

This phrase explains very well what anger means to people.

37. The fear of death comes from the fear of life

If we are not afraid of life we ​​are not afraid of death.

38. If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything

The truth, always so important, despite the fact that sometimes we prefer not to try to get close to it.

39. A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something that he cannot learn otherwise

One of Mark Twain's phrases based on humor.

40. Quitting smoking is the simplest thing in the world. I know because I've done it a thousand times

A very fun way to describe how difficult it is to quit smoking.

41. The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.

We always have to take into account the happiness of others. It is synonymous with own happiness.

42. It is not the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog

Curious way of paraphrasing Twain when dealing with a conflict.

43. There are people who achieve things and people who say they have achieved things. The first group is less frequent

We often settle in the comfort zone and give up on our dreams.

44. Humor is humanity's greatest blessing

Humor was always an exponent in the life of Mark Twain.

45. The human race has a really effective weapon and it is laughter.

We once again refer to humor as a way to achieve happiness.

46. If your job is to eat two frogs, it is better to eat the bigger one first.

Frogs represent something bad in life. So we must overcome the hardest first.

47. I don't want to commit to heaven and hell, I have friends in both places

Excellent way for the author to avoid judging people.

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48. For God it is only possible: to find meaning in any copyright on the planet

People turn to theology when they cannot explain any situation in life.

49. When people don't respect us we feel offended

Respect always has to be a sine quano condition for relating to others.

50. A person who does not read has no advantage over one who cannot read

Reading is an indispensable tool for culture and knowledge.

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51. Honesty is the best policy when money is involved

It is very difficult not to become greedy, according to Mark Twain.

52. Weather is what we hope for, weather is what we have

We have to be realistic to avoid frustration.

53. I never let my school interfere with my education

One should learn to be a freethinker. Twain was very clear about it.

54. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any moment

Whoever enjoys life will not fear death.

55. Necessity is the alma mater of all risks

The human being he is capable of anything in the face of urgency or lack.

56. It is better to deserve honors and not have them, than to have them and not deserve them

Trophies, medals, and other public recognition were of little value to the author.

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