The 90 best Naruto phrases
"Naruto" is a manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, published in the renowned Shūkan Shōnen Jump magazine and later animated by Studio Pierrot. The anime had two parts called "Naruto" and "Naruto Shippuden", which tells the story of growth and struggle of Naruto Uzumaki, who wishes to become the ninja leader of his village.
Currently, his work continues with "Boruto: Naruto next generation" which tells the story of the children of the main characters.
In this collection of Naruto phrases you will find a selection of the most iconic reflections and dialogue parts of this work of fiction, commented.
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The most memorable Naruto phrases
Naruto was not only one of the best anime during its broadcast, but it also became an example of struggle and perseverance for a whole generation. Here you will find a sample of the ideas and themes addressed by the story of this young ninja, through a selection of the best Naruto phrases.
1. Once you question your own beliefs, you are done. (Naruto Uzumaki)
For Naruto it is important to act from a solid belief system.
2. Even the strongest of opponents always has a weakness. (Itachi Uchiha)
No one is perfect, not even those who can seemingly win any battle.
3. It is not the face that makes someone a monster, it is the decisions one makes in his life. (Naruto Uzumaki)
Remember that it is our actions that speak for us.
4. My motto is to be stronger than yesterday, if necessary I will be stronger than half a day ago, even stronger than a minute ago. (Rock Lee)
An invitation not to stop improving.
5. The war will never end, there are plenty of reasons to sustain this fact, human nature seeks conflict. (Pain)
A taste of the real world and its excuses for making war.
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6. The next generation always surpasses the first, it is one of the endless cycles of life. (Kakashi Hatake)
The following generations have more potential than the previous ones.
7. Rejection is part of any man's life. If you cannot accept and overcome rejection, or at least use it as writing material, you are not a real man. (Jiraiya)
Rejection is part of life and you have to learn to handle it.
8. Even foolish and innocent children will grow up in pain, until their thoughts and beliefs are the same as their doubts. (Pain)
Children grow up with the illusion of the place where they develop.
9. If your trusted companions gather around you, hope can take physical form and become visible. That's what I think… (Kakashi)
Showing confidence in teamwork.
10. If you don't share someone's pain, you can never understand others. (Nagato)
You cannot be empathetic if you also close yourself off from others.
11. Hard work is useless for those who do not believe in themselves. (Naruto Uzumaki)
Trusting us is the first step to get to the top.
12. Only through the eyes of others do our lives have any meaning. (Haku)
We gain trust when someone else cares about us.
13. Either people change or die before they do. It's one thing or another. (Orochimaru)
Do you think people can change?
14. People become stronger because they have things that they cannot forget. That is what you call growth. (Tsunade Senju)
There is always a reason to move forward.
15. Emotion leads you to hate others, and hatred leads you from conflict to war. (Danzo Shimura)
There are pure emotions that at the wrong moment can turn into hatred.
16. Art is something that reaches its maximum splendor just before it brutally disappears into the vastness. (Deidara)
A very peculiar way of seeing art.
17. In this world of Shinobi created by the frivolous it is very gratifying to know that there are souls like yours. (Chiyo)
There will always be good people in a world where everything seems to be corrupted.
18. I love everyone in the village. That is why I want to protect them. (Dan Kato)
A dream that never came true.
19. Even if they trample us, we will continue to have hope. (Shikamaru Nara)
You cannot give up on your first failure.
20. You make mistakes. But thanks to those mistakes… You have the strength to face them. (Hinata Hyuuga)
They are the mistakes from which we learn the most.
21. Failing doesn't give you a reason to quit as long as you have faith. (Naruto Uzumaki)
Keep trying is what leads us to success.
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22. Nobody cared who it was until I put on a mask. (Obito Uchiha)
An invisible being who took notice when he started doing bad things.
23. You are right, all efforts are useless if you don't believe in yourself. (Might Guy)
Because these efforts you will see as a burden rather than growth.
24. Never give up without trying. Do what you can, no matter how small the effect it may have! (Ōnoki)
A beautiful phrase to motivate us.
25. A failure will win even at the cost of his own life! (Might Guy)
People who have nothing to lose are the ones who risk the most.
26. Trying to improve by learning from others is what calls friendship. (Shino Aburame)
Friendship is support and understanding.
27. I don't hate the dark. It was in the dark that I grew up. (Kimimaro)
Not everyone has a simple life.
28. Adults are idiots. If they really want to end this endless struggle, they have to sit down with each other and come to a truce. (Tobirama Senju)
Wars leave only death and destruction in their wake.
29. You don't know anything about life until you've gotten into a frog's mouth. (Gamakichi)
A very funny saying on the part of this huge summoning toad.
30. Better to have a horrible past than to be empty like me! (Chinese)
Our past forms our identity.
31. When a man learns to love, he must run the risk of being hated. (Madara Uchiha)
Love and hate separated by a very thin line.
32. I don't know who is more pathetic, the fool or those who follow him. (Jirobou)
An interesting question.
33. If love is just a word, then why does it hurt so much if you realize that you can't find it anywhere? (Gaara)
Love is something so great that it is not fully understood.
34. Each of us must do what is in his power! If we are going to die anyway, it is better to die fighting than to do nothing! (Sakura Haruno)
A motivational speech before going to war.
35. Even if it forces me to smile. I seem to be the type of person who ends up being hated. (Sai)
Sometimes people are rejected because they are misunderstood.
36. I wonder... do you have it, as young as you are... the Will of Fire? (Hiruzen Sarutobi)
Young people can surprise us with their skills.
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37. It's true! Compared to the world I am very small, almost nothing. (Naruto Uzumaki)
We are a small part in this vast universe.
38. I've told you before, I'm an avenger. I don't care about this test, Chunin or whatever. I'm strong? That is the answer I want. (Sasuke Uchiha)
Having only one fixed goal in mind.
39. Wake up to reality! Things never go according to plan in this world. (Madara Uchiha)
Things may not turn out the way we want, but they can give us many pleasant surprises.
40. Some people want power and get angry when they don't get it. They take their anger out on everyone else. Even if you don't want it, he becomes a part of you. (Hatake Kakashi)
Many people are blinded by power.
41. The last bite. It is the last, and the most suitable to enjoy to the fullest. No matter what it costs, I won't give it up. (Choji Akimichi)
Showing your love for food.
42. Aren't we rivals to become Hokage? (Konohamaru Sarutobi)
A shared dream.
43. It is because I have experienced pain in the past that I can consider what will be best for the future. (Onoki)
A painful past should motivate us to achieve a better future.
44. I can't stand weak and indecisive people! (Kisame)
Insecure people become difficult to deal with.
45. You are terribly fragile. What kind of man are you? (Temari)
Showing her feminine rudeness.
46. They have not neglected me. It was my choice, and mine alone. (Anko Mitarashi)
At all times we must take responsibility for our decisions.
47. Sorry. Her head is so empty that I mistook it for a vase and put flowers on it. However, you may want to spit that out quickly. They can be quite poisonous. (Ino Yamanaka)
A subtle and powerful attack.
48. It wasn't a great match… a bit boring. (Temari)
The fun of a challenging encounter.
49. It is not enough that we have been buried alive in the oversized manure heap, but now our chakra is stolen. You have to give these guys credit for their thoroughness. (Kiba Inuzuka)
A situation that seemed impossible to overcome.
50. What is your wish? Peace? Money? Or the world? What you want is something you have to achieve in your own strength! (Gamabunta)
Nothing comes on a silver platter, everything is the result of our efforts.
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51. Why did you get in the way of ending up like this? (Sasuke Uchiha)
There are actions that surprise us and leave us blank.
52. There are no shortcuts on the road to being a Hokage. (Konohamaru Sarutobi)
The only shortcut to success is climbing stairs.
53. You're right. Those little people and their little dreams, why should I care?! I have my own dream! (Zabuza Momochi)
Everyone fights for his goals.
54. Mature… Death comes with being a shinobi. There are times when death is difficult to accept, but if you don't get over it, there is no future. (Tsunade Senju)
Death is not exempt for anyone.
55. The longer you live, the more you realize that in this reality there is only pain, suffering and futility. (Madara Uchiha)
Life is not easy, but neither should we drown in a glass of water.
56. I want to see what the ninja world looks like, the world in general. I think I can take a good look at everything I overlook, if I don't, I don't know what I'll be ignoring. (Sasuke Uchiha)
About his redemption and atonement for his sins.
57. It doesn't matter what you do, if you live and die how you want. However, no matter which path you end up taking, remember to protect the people who are valuable to you. (Hiruzen Sarutobi)
never leave out the people who love and support you.
58. A smile is the best way to get out of a hurry, even if it's fake. Surprisingly, everyone takes it at face value. (Sai)
Not all smiles are genuine happiness.
59. When the captured birds become wiser, they try to open the cage with their beaks. They don't give up, because they want to fly again. (Genma Shiranui)
A metaphor about never giving up.
60. His soul was as pure as snow. (Zabuza Momochi)
There are people who do not lose their innocence.
61. You have a good point. But... This is not a dream. (Tobirama Senju)
To make a dream come true, you need to have an action plan.
62. It is the ties that make us suffer. What will you know what it means to lose them? (Sasuke Uchiha)
Each one has special and sacred ties to value.
63. Knowing what is correct and choosing to ignore it is an act of cowardice. (Hatake Kakashi)
Never play blind with injustices.
64. Sorry Sasuke, it seems like this is the last time. (Itachi Uchiha)
One of the simplest yet heartbreaking phrases in the entire series.
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65. Everyone likes dumb boys. (Kurama)
A peculiar compliment.
66. Just because someone is important to you doesn't necessarily mean that person is good. (Gaara)
A reminder that not all people are what they say they are.
67. Love is not necessary, power is the only true need. (Kimimaro)
Power versus love.
68. I understand now. Even if I must take the devil fruit, I must gain power. I am an avenger. (Sasuke)
Sometimes in search of power you choose to go the wrong way.
69. Love is the care and devotion you feel for those around you. (Yashamaru)
A very simple way to express love.
70. The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. (Neji Hyuuga)
A phrase that reminds us of a happiness by Albert Einstein.
71. Do you think dying together can be a kind of "teamwork"? Madara Uchiha)
How far do the ideals of teamwork go?
72. People cannot beat their own loneliness. (Gaara)
That is why if you feel lonely, you cannot withdraw into yourself. Seek help.
73. For other people, it may not have changed at all, but I feel like I was able to change. (Hinata Hyuuga)
Everyone can perceive their own changes and be comfortable with them.
74. We do not fight alone... Because we have partners who help us when we are in trouble. When we are in a hurry, we trust that they will come to help us. (Shikamaru Nara)
It is in bad times where we discover who really supports us.
75. The job of ninjas is not to fight to lose loved ones over and over again. (Dan Kato)
Very hard and unfair work.
76. The things that are most important are not written in books. You have to learn them by experiencing them yourself. (Sakura Haruno)
It is useless to learn everything if you are not going to put it into practice.
77. True beauty lies in things that last forever, never rot or fade. (Sasori)
A way of seeing beauty.
78. Maybe, just maybe, there is no purpose in life... but if you stay a while longer in this world, you may discover something of value in it. (Orochimaru)
An interesting phrase to reflect on what we want in life.
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79. Is confessing that there is something you cannot do not the same as giving up? (Kabuto)
What's your opinion about it?
80. Tears and rain fall on my face, my body is unable to stay, but my heart is not willing to go. (Sasuke Uchiha)
The true strength is within us.
81. Forget about revenge. The fate of those who seek revenge is grim. It is tragic, you will end up suffering and doing yourself more damage. Even if you get revenge, the only thing left is emptiness. (Kakashi)
No one finds happiness if he goes the way of revenge.
82. A place where someone still thinks of you is a place you can call home. (Jiraiya)
Home is where the people you love are.
83. Rin was the only light in my life. By losing Rin, the world he knew completely changed and became a real hell... In a world without hope (Obito Uchiha)
A moment of loss that changed everything.
84. Well that's typical. He is not happy unless he gives people a heart attack. (Iruka)
People who live their life at all risk.
85. It is always so. The only things I can do for Naruto are the little things that someone might do. (Sakura Haruna)
Sometimes the little things are the ones that count the most.
86. It is not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions and their appearances. (Itachi Uchiha)
People get to know each other over time.
87. Afraid. That is what we live for. And we live it every day. Only in death are we free from fear. (Neji Hyuuga)
When death becomes an escape and a rest.
88. One day I would like to be appreciated by others. (Gaara)
We all have the desire to be recognized.
89. I believe you have the potential to blossom into something even more beautiful than the cosmos. (Ino Yamanaka)
Each person has the ability to flourish and be great.
90. Finding a new me, that's the lesson you taught me. (Kabuto Yakushi)
It is never too late to change, life is dynamic.