130 phrases to congratulate Christmas and holidays
Christmas is a time that in a large number of countries with a Christian tradition causes us to interact with family and friends in a different way than what happens the rest of the year.
As happens on birthdays and certain holidays, at Christmas there is a date on the calendar that is used as an excuse to return to meet (physically or virtually) with important people or reconnect with those that for some reason we have stopped seeing during months. The use of phrases to congratulate Christmas and its holidays are part of this series of rituals whose purpose is to bring people closer together.
130 phrases to congratulate Christmas and wish happy holidays
This Christmas spirit is perfectly captured in this selection of Christmas phrases to use in dedications. They talk about friendship and love, the passage of time and the intimate and social ties that unite people.
1. Being by your side at Christmas makes cold days turn to warm
A Christmas dedication phrase that uses an elegant literary device to express affection.
2. For Christmas: happiness. For the New Year: prosperity. And forever: our friendship
A poetic way to wish happy holidays.
3. I hope your troubles last as long as your new year's resolutions
One of those Christmas dedication phrases that both express the desire to improve through positive goals (like those New Year's goals) and through problem solving.
4. Personalized message no. 234. Start of message: "Merry Christmas to you and all your family!" End of dedication
A humorous and original way to wish happy holidays.
5. Merry Christmas!
The simplest classic that exists to congratulate Christmas, it can be used practically in any context. Of course, it is not too original.
6. I wish you as much health as the rain has drops, the sun has as much love as rays and the desert has as much luck as sand. Merry Christmas!
All good wishes come together in this beautiful phrase to congratulate Christmas.
7. I hope that in this new year your routines turn into adventures, your anger into smiles and your sadness into hope
A way to wish happiness dosed on many days of the year.
8. If life gives you a thousand reasons to cry in this new year, it shows that you have a thousand reasons to dream.
The dedication can also speak about the spirit of improvement, as in this case.
9. For the end of the year dinner... Does the Iphone go to the right or left of the plate? Happy New Year!
A very original New Year's greeting.
10. Start the year in a positive way: lose an electron
A dedication as original as it is literal.
11. Although you are physically far away, my heart accompanies you wherever you go
Summarizing the significance of a friendship in a short sentence.
12. If your happiness depends on my friendship, you can consider yourself the happiest person in the world
Direct and simple interpretation phrases are also a good resource.
13. The magic of Christmas is that of people like you, who make time fly by
An original way of referring to the "magic" of Christmas.
14. This Christmas an angel has escaped from heaven. Don't worry, I won't tell them where you are
A tender dedication.
15. This year I wanted to congratulate Christmas only to the people I like, but in the end I will send messages to the usual ones. Happy Holidays!
The phrases to congratulate the holidays they can also have a touch of humor.
16. Better than gifts under a Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family around you. Happy Holidays
A beautiful and powerful image to wish Merry Christmas.
17. This time I just hope to be the first person to congratulate you on the new year. Happy 2041!
Another humorous phrase to congratulate Christmas.
18. This Christmas I will give thanks for having had the opportunity to meet you
With this phrase you wish a merry Christmas and talk about the bond of affection that unites two people.
19. Press hard! You have received a big hug from a distance and the wishes of a merry Christmas
Sending a hug by means of a dedication.
20. Do not expect me to forget you or forget that I am waiting for you. Happy Holidays!
A short phrase to congratulate Christmas
21. Friends are like stars: even if you can't touch them, they are always there to light up your night
Christmas and friendship, a good combination to wish happy holidays.
22. This Christmas I wish you everything that makes you happy and nothing that makes you suffer
Another one of those phrases to wish a merry Christmas that can be used in a wide variety of contexts.
23. May the celebration of these holidays be the beginning of a better life
A simple dedication that goes to the essentials.
24. This is how you move forward in life: first you believe in Santa Claus, then you don't believe in Santa Claus, and in the end you are Santa Claus
A funny Christmas aphorism about Christmas and the passing of time.
25. I hope your best moments in the past are your worst moments in the future. Merry Christmas!
A way to wish others happiness in industrial quantities.
26. I hope that, even if it is cold, this Christmas you will always have someone close to you who will warm you
Wishing love and friendship to those we care about.
27. Phrases may always seem the same, but good wishes are sincere. A big hug. Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year
A very useful reflection at this time.
28. For these holidays I want us to put the Christmas spirit in bottles and open one in each month of the year to come.
Appealing to the image of a toast to wish happiness.
29. May your heart light up this Christmas when you remember those who are gone, because you will know that they live inside you
A phrase to wish Merry Christmas through resilience.
30. The reindeer, the elves, the shepherds, the mule and the ox, the virgin and the baby Jesus, the cousins and nephews and I wish you... Merry Christmas!
A dedication with a good dose of humor.
31. This Christmas you are my star
Short and beautiful phrase to wish Merry Christmas.
32. Merry Christmas to all who share the wish for a better world, full of peace and hope.
A Christmas phrase that points to the well-being of all the inhabitants of the planet.
33. The best Christmas ornament is a smile, and the best gift is giving love to others
Describing the most essential parts of Christmas.
34. May you never lack a dream to fulfill, a project to carry out, something to learn and someone to love.
A walk through the main New Year's wishes.
35. Christmas is lived as a family, it is sung together and celebrated with everyone. Are you coming to my house to celebrate it?
A phrase about Christmas that is also an invitation.
36. Put your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder. There goes my hug!
A virtual hug in the form of a Christmas dedication.
37. I take less from you than I need and give you more than I can. Happy Holidays
One of the phrases to congratulate Christmas that can be used with very dear people.
38. Your smile is possibly the best of Christmas decorations
A lyrical way to make someone's day.
39. May this new year be full of solidarity, prosperity, peace and love
Big New Year wishes are collected in this dedication.
40. Christmas is that sweet space where memories, hugs and laughter reign radiant
A positive and optimistic way to see Christmas.
41. Christmas is about giving what money can't buy
Another of those reflections on Christmas that are also phrases to congratulate the holidays.
42. In these holidays I have asked that my gift be you
Do you want to have someone around at Christmas parties? This phrase is a good way to put it.
43. May the joy of these holidays be repeated every day of the new year
On this occasion the dedication extends to the rest of the days of the year that are outside the domain of Christmas.
44. In this new year, don't wait, make it happen
Calling for action to achieve the new year's goals.
45. I wish you never feel lonely or sad, because I will always be by your side
A way to develop love and friendship through a dedication.
46. This Christmas I hope that four angels protect you: Health, Love, Luck and Tranquility. But if you need another angel, remember me because I am Friendship. Merry Christmas!
Playing with words to wish the best.
47. Christmas is innocence and candor, the fascination of living with the hope of a better world
A description of Christmas that can be used in a dedication.
48. Meek hearts understand Christmas beyond words
A reflection on these holidays that can also be used as a phrase to congratulate Christmas.
49. Tonight, look up at the sky and start counting the stars... those are the congratulations that I send you
An original way to wish the best using a powerful image
50. When Christmas calls us, no one is left out, from the smallest to the oldest they melt into a big hug
Appealing to the Christmas spirit in which fraternity prevails.
51. You are my new year's resolution
A beautiful way to wish a Merry Christmas to someone with whom you have a very strong bond
52. May the magic of Christmas illuminate your life and that of yours. Happy Holidays
One of the Christmas phrases in which these dates are related to happiness.
53. This Christmas, receive my best wishes for you and your whole family
Dedication to congratulate a whole family.
54. Christmas is the best medicine to grow solidarity, peace and friendship
Several good wishes expressed in this phrase to congratulate the holidays.
55. May these Christmas holidays be wrapped in paper of happiness and tied with a ribbon of love
A metaphor in which Christmas is compared with one of the gifts that are given on these dates.
56. I wish that the magic of Christmas illuminates you so that you can achieve your wishes
Simple dedication to wish good purposes are fulfilled
57. May love, peace and happiness reign in your house these holidays
A phrase to dedicate Christmas to all the people who live in a home
58. You have always given me more than I need and what I give you is never enough. If I had all the love in the world in my hands, it would be for you
A dedication for very dear people.
59. If my smile serves as an ornament at Christmas, count on it, if my hand helps you, you have both, if my heart brings you happiness, it is all yours
Giving support while wishing happy holidays.
60. May magic be your best suit this holiday season, your smile the best gift, your eyes the best destination and your happiness my best wish.
Another of those phrases to congratulate Christmas using metaphors.
61. Despite not being able to hug each other, my heart is with you wishing you the best for this new year
A way to relativize the importance of the distance that separates two people.
62. I hope that in this new year that begins you will be as enthusiastic and positive as always
A phrase to congratulate the holidays to coworkers and friends.
63. Thank you for being there, one more year with me
A clear and simple token of gratitude that can be used even with people for whom Christmas is unimportant.
64. Life has given us one more year, and I celebrate being able to continue counting on you
A Christmas phrase suitable to be used with family, friends and colleagues.
65. Christmas is not a season, but a state of mind; I hope the Christmas spirit is always present with you and helps you see the best side of life
Seeing the psychological side of Christmas and its holidays through a greeting.
66. When you have a few seconds left to this year that ends, close your eyes and make a wish, that I will do the same. My wish is that all yours are fulfilled
A New Year's Eve celebration phrase with which two people can feel united despite the distance.
67. This Christmas, put aside the sorrows and receive all my good wishes for this new stage of life that is beginning.
A way to see Christmas as a full stop in the life of someone for whom we appreciate.
68. Hi, I'm Edu, Merry Christmas
Probably the most hackneyed congratulatory phrase in Spain. Famous since an advertisement popularized it in the 90s.
69. Thank you for all those happy moments that you and yours have given us in this year that is ending.
A phrase to celebrate Christmas and the new year by giving a message of gratitude.
70. I wish that this Christmas Eve brings all the good things in life to your home
A way to sum up all the good wishes in a Christmas greeting.
71. Christmas is forever, not just for one day, and that is why I will always wish you well
A Merry Christmas wish phrase that focuses on the timelessness of the Christmas spirit.
72. Christmas spreads joy, love and happiness; Pass it on to everyone else!
Christmas is something that is shared by everyone.
73. Celebrate Christmas like a child, enjoy its innocent joy
Seeing things with our inner child is a way to live these dates more intensely.
74. Love is what is in your home at Christmas if you stop opening gifts and listen
Claiming the essence of Christmas.
75. Enjoying Christmas is good, but sharing it with others is even better
Another of those Christmas phrases in which the good of being in the company of other people at this time of year is pointed out.
76. I hope peace is your gift this Christmas
Wishing the essential and most important.
77. On these dates try to make Christmas enter your heart and stay there throughout the year
A very suitable metaphor to wish good times during the next year.
78. I hope your Christmas has the perfect amounts of happiness and laughter
Wishing a Christmas full of positive emotions.
79. World peace could come if we all lived Christmas intensely every day; I hope the Christmas spirit fills you with happiness
Another of the phrases to wish Christmas that emphasizes the importance of peace.
80. Your smile is contagious, pass it on to everyone else and extend Christmas!
Smiling costs nothing and at the same time makes everything better.
81. Even if you are one of those people who do not live especially Christmas, I want you to know that I wish you better on these dates
A Christmas phrase for people who feel a certain indifference for these days or who, directly, are possessed by the spirit of the Grinch.
82. The best Christmas gift has been to see you. I hope that together we can have many more surprises like this
Expressing happiness for how pleasant each other's company is.
83. No Christmas feast or gift can match how nice it is to see you here again. Merry Christmas
The joy of a reunion is often greater than that of any other typical Christmas experience.
84. My family and I wish you the best for these dates and for the new year that begins, wishing you the fundamental thing: good health
A Christmas greeting that goes to the essentials.
85. I hope I can spend many more Christmases by your side; that idea is, in itself, the best gift
One of the most tender wishes to ask at Christmas.
86. If you want, the spirit of Christmas can enter you and accompany you wherever you go, making you see everything with the glasses of love and optimism. I hope this well-being follows you. Happy Holidays!
Wishing psychological well-being, one of the most precious gifts.
87. You are one of the best people I know and that is why I hope you have a very happy Christmas holidays
A phrase about friendship in which the exceptionality of the other person is emphasized.
88. I know that because of the way you are, Christmas always goes with you, but anyway... Happy Holidays!
Wishing a Merry Christmas to people who are already loving and optimistic.
89. Meeting you has been one of the best that has left me this year, that's why I would like to celebrate these holidays with you and wish you a merry Christmas
A phrase to use with people who came into our lives in the last few months.
90. I wish a lot of happiness for you and yours on these magical dates
A simple but endearing Christmas phrase.
91. I hope your problems last as long as your goals to achieve in this new year
A way to wish the best in every way.
92. At this time, all the New Year's objectives of the roasted Christmas that I did not reach are compensated by your presence here. Happy Holidays!
A way of living Christmas with optimism and a good face.
93. Everything I was going to wish for the new year is here before it starts: it's your company
Another of those Christmas phrases that emphasize friendship and love.
94. The best Christmas gift is your smile
Giving reasons for those we love to smile and be happy.
95. In your company, the cold days of this Christmas turn warm
A phrase to congratulate Christmas that, yes, is only valid for people in the northern hemisphere.
96. Christmas makes me remember how good it is to have you in my life year after year
Focus the message on the person and not on the date it is also an option.
97. There is nothing like spending Christmas together to remember why these dates are special
People are the ones who make these dates special.
98. These dates are always greeted with a smile, because you return with them. Happy Holidays
A nice congratulation.
99. With the arrival of Christmas all those childhood memories that we spent together return. For many more years living these magical dates
Christmas leaves a mark on our childhood memories.
100. Merry Christmas, and for those toasts in honor of our friendship
One of the classic Christmas greetings.
101. Despite consumerism, I do not forget that the true meaning of these parties is to pass them together to people like you
Beyond fashions, the essence remains.
102. At Christmas, childhood memories come back to me, and those memorable moments that explain why our friendship runs so deep. Happy Holidays
A look to the past.
103. I wish this Christmas is magical for you, and that this magic does not end with the arrival of the year
Nothing like extending congratulations to those days that go beyond the holidays.
104. You are one of the people who make sense of my Christmas
One of those Christmas greetings that touch the heart.
105. Spend very good parties in the company of your loved ones, but remember that outside of your family there are many who love you too
Outside the family context, love must also be expressed.
106. For many Christmases that pass, my desire to wish you the best on these dates does not cease
A simple way to convey the love you feel for the other.
107. Spending a good Christmas season is equivalent to spending them in company. Serve this congratulation to convey my presence and appreciation even if the distance separates us
Although he lives far away, the desire to reach the other through words brings us closer.
108. For these days, I wish that everything that makes you feel bad is put to sleep on Christmas night
A way to make a clean slate.
109. A classic greeting for an exceptional friendship. Merry Christmas!
A simple game of concepts.
110. Whether you are atheist or religious, my desire to convey affection to you on these dates does not understand confessions. Merry Christmas!
One of the best Christmas greetings for non-believers.
111. I hope you have a Christmas season full of the most important thing: the love of those around you
Do not forget the fundamentals.
112. At Christmas nobody is alone. I send you a hug and I wish you happy holidays
The simple act of taking the trouble to send a greeting brings more company.
113. Merry Christmas, have a great time and enjoy these days of rest!
A congratulation that focuses on the pragmatic aspect of the holidays.
114. You are a unique person who deserves the best. Therefore, this Christmas part of my thoughts are with you
This serves as a reminder of the appreciation you feel for someone.
115. It's not Christmas yet and I'm looking forward to seeing you back. Happy holidays and enjoy the holidays!
Another way to express the desire to meet around the holidays.
116. My best wishes to you and yours, that you fulfill all your projects
Another classic Christmas card.
117. Merry Christmas and a happy new year, I wish you luck and strength for this new stage
Many people see these dates as a beginning.
118. In these parties, go out despite the cold and enjoy the warmth of those who love you
Another metaphor about what Christmas means to many.
119. I wish you the best and may the spirit of Christmas settle in your home
So it can be shared by the whole family. One of the phrases to congratulate Christmas that is committed to simplicity.
120. Beyond the gifts, for these holidays I want you to keep the basics that you already have: your kindness, your desire to improve yourself and the ability to do so.
One more way to highlight the virtues of the recipient.
121. For many more Christmas nights together
A short and simple Christmas phrase, straight to the point.
122. This is a reminder to tell you that I send you my best wishes not only for these Christmas holidays, but forever
A way to wish the best for Christmas while minimizing these dates.
123. That desserts and delicacies do not make you forget that the sweetest thing is not the Christmas food, but the mutual company
Beyond the typical Christmas is what it represents.
124. For a Christmas of reunions and special moments shared as a family
On the importance of strengthening ties.
125. During these holidays, remember that if you want, the Christmas spirit could always be with you: take advantage of it and be very happy
A wish for happiness that extends throughout the year.
126. The best thing about this Christmas is your company: thanks for being there
In the end, for many people Christmas is summed up in shared moments.
127. Your family loves you all year round, but they don't always cook banquets like the one on Christmas Eve, in which you are invited. Happy Holidays!
Something better than wishing happy holidays is to do it together with an invitation.
128. We hope that in these parties you can be with the one you love the most, love with whom you most expect, and sing with those who accompany you.
Putting the focus on the family is something typical on these dates.
129. We do not need the magic of Christmas, because you already give it to us every day
A secular version of the Christmas greeting.
130. Best wishes for a loving holiday season, family time, and memories
One of the classic Christmas phrases to congratulate the holidays.