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The 5 best Couples Therapy Clinics in Pamplona

In Calle Irunlarrea number 8 we can find one of the most recommended clinics in Pamplona: Vitalizes.

This clinic has a team with extensive experience in helping couples who are in times of crisis. The psychotherapy they use is based on three phases, the first being assessment, the second regularization, stabilization, and the third, integration. It is thanks to this division into phases that Vitaliza provides individualized high-quality psychotherapy for each case and optimizes each session.

Beyond couples therapy, the services they provide include psychotherapy for both adults and children and adolescents with childhood trauma. This clinic is made up of 14 mental health professionals specialized in different fields. This is a positive aspect, as they can combine the multiple disciplines in which they have been trained to deal with a wide variety of problems.

The psychologist Monica Tanco She has more than 20 years of professional experience and is a specialist in serving couples of all ages who request her services or are going through a bad time in their relationship.

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Its main intervention specialties include cases of anxiety and depression, problems relationships of all kinds, cases of emotional dependence, family conflicts and processes of duel.

Another of the best clinics that we can find in this city is Argia Psychology.

This clinic is made up of psychologists Ainhoa ​​Saiz, María Contín and Sara Nagore. The main objective of his therapy is to locate those blocks that reduce communication in the couple and increase security in the other.

It is important to know that in Argic Psychology group sessions are combined with individual ones. In addition to couples therapy, individual therapy services are also offered to both children and adolescents. You can find Psychologists Argía in Pamplona on Emilio Arrieta street.

Monica Perez Arias It is another of our best options if we are looking for a clinic with which to treat relationship problems and difficulties in the field of couples.

This psychologist graduated in Psychology from the University of Deusto in 2000 and has a master's degree in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology. One of the characteristics of this psychologist is that she is trained to serve both individuals (adults, children and adolescents) as well as groups and families. In settings of psychotherapy for couples, here the roots and consequences of problems are delved into, such as arguments, tense silences, infidelities, dissatisfactions in sexual life, or problems external.

In her private office on Calle Sangüesa we find another of the most recommended psychologists in the city of Pamplona.

The clinic is very aware of how important the individualization of psychotherapy is so that each couple expresses each session to the maximum, achieving an improvement in the shortest possible time and more importantly, making these results last over time.

In addition to the psychological assistance offered to couples in times of crisis, in AILE Family Therapy Cabinet Psychotherapy is also offered for children and adolescents with mental disorders such as anxiety, psychosomatic disorders and anxiety disorders.

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