60 phrases for brothers (tender messages and dedications)
The phrases for brothers and sisters presented below are a selection of quotes about the feeling of brotherly union that unites people who keep this type of kinship.
They can be used as phrases to dedicate or simply to better understand how it has been understood throughout history the bond between older siblings and younger siblings (or even Twins!).
- Related article: "123 wise phrases to reflect on life"
The best short phrases about siblings
Several are the famous people who have reflected on the fraternal love and about the happiness of having a brother or sister to share great moments.
1. Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero
Marc brown talks about how exciting it is to have someone you are related to.
2. The brothers who say they never pepe have to be hiding something
Daniel Handler, the author of A series of catastrophic misfortunes, leaves this brief reflection on the relationship between siblings with a touch of irony.
3. Siblings: children of the same parents, who are perfectly normal until they get together
Sam Levenson, in one of the most humorous phrases about siblings.
4. Our brothers and sisters are there from the dawn of our lives until the inevitable sunset.
A reflection of Susan Scarf Merrell with a tragic and mature touch at the same time.
5. What strange creatures are brothers!
Even intellectuals like Jane Austen they are amazed at the eccentricities of life with siblings.
6. There is no other love like that of a brother
Terri guillemets, on brotherly love for brothers and sisters.
7. A brother is a friend that nature gives us Jean
One of the most popular phrases about siblings is this one from Baptiste Legouve.
8. How do people go through life without a sister?
Sara corpening He believes that this type of family bond is a survival resource.

9. Sweet is the voice of a sister in the moment of sadness
Benjamin Disraeli brings some theatricality to this reflection on the healing power of this kind of love.
10. Brothers don't let themselves wander in the dark
Jolene perry exposes this phrase as if it were a maxim of life.
11. Comfort is never better in a place other than in the arms of a sister
A phrase about the brothers similar to that of Benjamin Disraeli, which in this case is from the writer Alice walker.
12. I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law
Martin Luther King, Jr. He expresses in this way the degree of fraternal union that he sought in reconciliation between American whites and blacks.
13. When the brothers agree, no strength is as strong as their life together
The Greek Philosopher Antisthenes, in one of the short sentences about older brothers.
14. Brothers who never fight are like distant relatives
Pankaj gupta about that apparent love-hate relationship between people with this kind of kinship.
15. Sisters function as safety nets in this chaotic world simply by supporting each other
Carol saline on the vital role of mutual support.
16. Help your brother's boat, and yours will reach the other shore
A hindu proverb with an important moral nuance.
17. You don't choose your family. They are the gifts that God gives, and you are it for the rest.
Desmond tutu relates religion and reflections on the family.
18. Nothing can make me stop loving my brother
Brandy Norwood in another of those phrases about emotional siblings ideal for dedications.
19. Those who do not have siblings look with a certain innocent envy at those who do.
James Boswell, about the privilege of having this type of bond with someone.
20. We must learn to live together as brothers or die together as fools
Another of the phrases of Martin Luther King, Jr. about fraternity.
21. I had a brother who was my salvation, he made my childhood bearable
Maurice Sendak in another one of those phrases about siblings that are based on childhood memories
22. Never treat a partner like a brother
Hesiod believed that the relationship with siblings is not of the same nature as that with close friends
23. The warmest and sleepy sister turns into a tiger her brother or her sister has problems
Clara Ortega, about a sister's love.
24. Having a sister is like having a best friend that you can't get rid of.
Amy li it also relates the relationship between siblings to friendship.
25. I grew up with six siblings. This is how he learned to dance; waiting my turn for the bathroom
A phrase about brothers with a marked humor, from Bob hope.
26. Being brothers and sisters means being there for the other
An anonymous phrase as direct as it is simple.
27. A sister is the one who gives you her umbrella in the storm and then takes you to see the rainbow
This quote from Karen brown it is also almost a poem.

28. If you want to do great things with your life, you cannot do it alone. Your best team will be your friends and brothers
Deepak Chopra about life projects that involve other people.
28. The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that the milk came out of his nose
Garrison Keillor and the childhood memories of many people.
29. A brother shares childhood memories and adult dreams
Another anonymous phrase with a very emotional focus.
30. There is a small child within the adult who is my brother. How much I hated him, and how much I love him too
A quote from Anna quindlan about the indescribable sensation that many people experience when interacting with their siblings.
31. We all have competitive relationships with our siblings.
John Benjamin Hickey, about the contests and demonstrations of power between people with these family ties.
32. The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother
A humorous quote about siblings from Winston pendleton.
33. God bless whoever he helps his brother
In this sentence, Abu Bakr it also incorporates morality into family relationships.
34. A brother could be the guardian of one's identity, the only person with the keys to the most fundamental being of oneself
Marian sandmailer He speaks of the brothers as if they were mirrors that reflect the fundamental identity of oneself.
35. Siblings are people we learn from, people who teach us about fairness, cooperation, kindness, and caring.
Pamela dugdale, on the learning potential of fraternal relationships.
36. Your siblings are the only people who know what it feels like to be raised the same way as you.
A phrase about brothers of Betsy cohen.
37. My brothers are my best friends
America Ferrera on the degree of bond he feels with these members of his family, applicable to many more people who experience the same thing.
38. If you have a brother, you will fight
Liam Gallagher, about the challenges of having brothers and sisters.
39. As they got older, my brothers made it seem like they didn't care about me, but I always knew that they cared about me and were there
An autobiographical quote from Catherine Pulsifer, about the apparent coldness that sometimes covers sibling relationships.
40. Because I have a brother, I will always have a friend
One of the most popular sibling phrases, anonymously authored.

41. Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet
A Vietnamese proverb on the strong affective bond that these relatives experience.
42. If we are not guardians of our brothers, at least we are not their executioners
A reflection of Marlon brando on the options that arise in these kinship relationships.
43. We came into the world as brother and brother. And now we go hand in hand, neither one before the other
A quote from William Shakespeare, very suitable to be used in dedications or ceremonies.
44. If you want to know how your girlfriend will treat you after marriage, take a look at how she talks to her little brother
A phrase from Sam Levenson with a hint of irony.
45. I looked for my soul, but I did not see it. I sought my god, but he eluded me. I looked for my brother and I found them all three
An anonymous quote, and also one of the most poetic quotes about siblings.
46. On many occasions you were a father, on many other occasions a friend. It was you who taught me to value things and to walk the path of life
An emotional phrase that can make us appreciate the meaning of fraternity.
47. You are smart, honest, loving and noble. Your beautiful actions speak for you and inspire me to be a better person. I couldn't have had a better brother than you!
Although it is a matter of chance, many of us feel fortunate to have our brothers and sisters and to share time with them.
48. Having a brother like you is a great blessing, because you are attentive to me at all times and you are also a great example. Never change brother
The attention that many older siblings give to their younger siblings is commendable.
49. Brother, thank you for being in the good and bad times, thank you for guiding me and at the same time for understanding my shortcomings
Brotherly love is pure and adorable.
50. I only hope that I can reciprocate your kindness and love during all these years, dear brother ...
A family relationship full of friendship and mutual help.
51. Brother, thank you for existing. Without you I would not be who I am. Thanks for so many teachings
Siblings help us to modulate our personality and to acquire values for life.
52. Having a brother is not a bed of roses, but we could not live without them
Although siblings may have their pluses and minuses, they are essential in our lives.
53. I do not consider anything shameful to honor the brothers
A phrase from Aeschylus of Eleusis.
54. No friend like a brother; no enemy like a brother
A hindu proverb that shows us the contradiction in fraternal relationships.
55. I love you very much, even with your flaws, your past, your jokes, your smile... Thank you for always being by my side
In spite of everything, he is always a welcome company.
56. Siblings are the best friends that we can't choose
They are not chosen but they are the most unconditional.
57. Brothers and sisters of other races, of another color, but with the same heart
A famous quote from Subcommander Marcyou, with a clear political tinge.
58. We never saw each other but it didn't matter, my brother awake while I was sleeping, my brother showing me his chosen star behind the night
Julio Cortazar leaves us this splendid reflection.
59. The brothers must remain united because that is the first law. Have true union at any time, because if they fight each other, they will be eaten by outsiders.
The union is strength, and more between brothers.
60. There brother, here on earth, our soul fills us with flags that advance. Against fear they advance. overcome
Victor Jara gives us this beautiful and libertarian thought.