The 5 best Psychopedagogues in Bailén
The General Health Psychologist Beatriz Harana Lahera He has a Master in Functional Analysis in Clinical and Health Contexts and also another in ABA Intervention in children with learning difficulties and autism. In his consultation he attends to all kinds of disorders in the field of psychopedagogy in children and adolescents, as well as those psychological consultations that people of all ages may have.
His intervention specialties include learning disorders of all kinds, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, stuttering, dyslexia and conduct disorders.
The General Health Psychologist Pablo Madrid-Salvador Ramírez He is an expert in attending to all kinds of consultations in children and adolescents, as well as in the field of sexual and couples therapy and also in Forensic Expertise and Assessment of Pathologies.
As an expert in Psychopedagogy and Clinical Psychology, in his office he treats disorders and learning difficulties, anxiety disorders, cases of stress and self-esteem problems that can interfere with the proper functioning of the life of person.
The psychologist Manuel Aceituno Cruz He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Granada and is a specialist in treating all kinds of disorders in people of all ages through the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of which offers the best results.
In the field of child and youth psychopedagogy, this professional has specialized in addressing deficits in study techniques and learning difficulties in general. In addition to that, in his consultation he also attends to self-esteem problems, sexual dysfunctions in adults and anxiety disorders.
José David Aguilar Hita He has a degree in Psychology and has extensive experience in intervention in the child and adolescent environment, especially at the time to treat learning disorders, self-esteem issues, and communication and skill deficits social.
Other of her intervention specialties are anxiety disorders, addictions to new technologies, especially videogames, mobile phones, social networks and also cases of depression.
The General Health Psychologist Sara Chamorro Riquelme She is an expert in the field of child and adolescent psychopedagogy, in which she treats all kinds of disorders of the learning, as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cases of autism, dyslexia and Syndrome Asperger.
In the field of clinical psychology, this professional cares for people of all ages, mainly cases of depression associated with chronic illnesses, conduct disorders, separation anxiety disorder, and deficits in skills social.