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When and how Al-Andalus was founded

When and how Al-Andalus was founded

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Al Ándalus is known as the territory of the Iberian Peninsula that was conquered by Muslims in 711. Over the centuries its extension varied as the struggles to reconquer the territory by the Christians were continuous until the year 1492, which is when the Islamic power ended after the conquest of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada by the Kings Catholics. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief summary to know when and how Al-Andalus was founded.

In 711 the troops of the Umayyad Caliphate made up of Berbers and Arabs were led by Tariq. These that came from the Maghreb crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and began their offensive with the capture of Carteya (Cádiz). However, the highlight of this year was the Battle of Guadalete when the Muslims defeated the Visigoths under the command of King Rodrigo and They took a large part of the Iberian Peninsula except for some areas of the north peninsular inhabited by Cantabrian, Basque and Asturian.

Once the Muslims settled in the peninsula, they respected the prevailing culture at that time, which was the Hispanogoda.

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Both cultures merged naturally, because they established that, although not belonging to the Islamic community (umma) they would be protected and would respect their rites and customs, a fact that could be key to the speed of the conquest Muslim.

In this other lesson we discover a summary of the muslim invasion in the Peninsula.

In the year 756, Abd al - Rahmán I arrived in Córdoba. to establish a new dynasty managing to separate from the power of Baghdad and turning the city of Córdoba into an independent emirate.

There were seven emirs who ruled during this period, among which we have to highlight Abd al - Rahman II, the true organizer of the emirate since it was in charge of appointing the viziers so that they controlled parts of the territory and created a professional army formed by mercenaries.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover a summary history of Al-Andalus so that you know better this stage of our antiquity.

When and how was Al-Ándalus founded - Emirate of Córdoba (756 - 929)

Image: blogger

With the arrival to the throne of Abd al - Rahman III the decline of the emirate due to the different revolts and conflicts was obvious, so he decided impose his authority by proclaiming himself Caliph in 929, granting not only the earthly power but also the spiritual power over the umma establishing the Caliphate of Córdoba.

This was the time of greatest political, commercial and cultural splendor of Al Andalus. The establishment of the caliphate had two objectives, on the one hand, to consolidate the position of its Umayyad state and on the other, to consolidate the maritime routes for trade with the Mediterranean.

The power of the caliphate extended towards the north and although with some victories Abd al Rahman III was defeated before the Christians led by Ramiro II de León in the Battle of Simancas and Alhandega. The consequences were not very serious, but they did prevent the Umayyads from settling in the unpopulated areas near the Duero River.

With the coming to power of the new Caliph Al Hakam II, he was able to maintain the consolidated situation of the peninsula and favor ethnic integration among Hispanics, Jews, Berbers and Arabs. It is also important to note that during his reign art and culture reached the highest levels and particularly in the city of Córdoba where the construction of the Mosque of Córdoba, in whose mihrab you can see the richness and exuberance of the times.

After the death of Al Hakam II he left the throne to Hisham, a young caliph of 11 years without any political experience for what power was assumed by Abi Amir Muhammad (future Almanzor) who eventually ended up being the leader of Al Andalus.

In order to Almanzor his power base resided in the army, he performed great terrifying campaigns against northern Christians reaching Santiago, Pamplona... which caused the Christian kingdoms to establish an alliance against Andalusia.

On his death his son succeeded him Abd al-Malik who, even carrying out some victorious attacks against Christians, it could be said that Al Andalus was entering a chaotic phase, called fitna or civil war, marked by succession problems since there were supporters who chose the heir of Almanzor and there were those who were supporters of the last caliph who had legitimately ascended the throne (Hisham II). This would finally end years later with the definitive disappearance of the Caliphate of Córdoba in the year 1031 and the fragmentation of the state in the Kingdoms of Taifa.

From this moment the victories of the Christian people are gradually accentuating and taking over much of the territory of Al Ándalus until ending the last stronghold, the Nasrid kingdom of Granada, which was conquered in 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs who ended up annexing it to the Crown of Castile. In this other lesson we discover a summary of the Spanish Reconquest.

In this way the Islamic power that had prevailed in the Iberian Peninsula for almost eight centuries.

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