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The 70 best phrases of Javier Bardem

Javier Ángel Encinas Bardem, better known as Javier Bardem, is a well-known Spanish actor born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria during 1969.

Being the descendant of a famous line of actors, Bardem began working in the world of acting when he was just a child. It should be noted that during his early childhood this actor mainly focused on rugby, a sport in which he would quickly stand out, making his debut in the lower categories of the Spanish team over the years 80.

Thanks to Pedro Almodovar, Bardem managed to become world famous and shortly after this actor achieved by means own, become one of the most interesting actors in the entire film scene current.

Famous quotes by Javier Bardem

Below you can enjoy a selection of the 70 best phrases by Javier Bardem, who is undoubtedly one of the most international Spanish actors of all time.

1. This great imperialist world called the United States has made us believe that an Oscar is the most important thing in the world for an actor. But if you think about it for five minutes, you realize that it can't be.

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The most important thing for an actor should always be his career, not a specific award.

2. I look at myself and I see a Spanish person who is trying to be understood by an audience of speaks English and is putting a lot of energy into it, rather than expressing himself freely and feeling comfortable.

Bardem has always tried to become a truly universal actor, his personal desire is that both Hispanics and Anglo-Saxons can enjoy all his movies with the same intensity.

3. Sometimes I ask myself, what are you doing in this absurd job? Why don't you go to Africa and help people? But I can't help people, because I'm a hypochondriac.

Injustices have always deeply concerned this famous actor, but unfortunately there are too many for him to face alone.

4. But don't call me an actor. I am just a worker. I'm an artist. Don't say that what I'm doing is art.

Acting is much more for him than just a job, a wonderful job thanks to which this actor has discovered new ways of understanding the world.

5. I want to act because I don't know how to do anything else.

At 51 years old, Javier Bardem no longer sees himself performing any other profession, because as we all know, interpretation has undoubtedly always been his great vocation.

6. All I can do is act, but it's not something that makes me feel comfortable. It costs me a lot, because I'm a shy person, even if I don't see it.

At present this actor still retains a certain shyness, a curiosity about this actor that many of us may not have known until now.

7. I don't know how to drive a car.

To this day, this actor has finally obtained a driver's license and greatly enjoys when he drives his Lincoln Navigator through the streets of the city of Madrid.

8. I live in Spain. The Oscars are something that's on TV Sunday night. Basically very late at night. You don't watch, you just read the news after who won or who lost.

The Oscars in Spain do not have a great following, something logical if we take into account that these awards usually represent North American cinema above all.

9. I respect people's faith, but I don't respect their manipulation of that faith to create fear and control.

Faith can be a very powerful tool in people's lives, whether we want to do good or want to do evil.

10. I will work with a director who has good material because at the end of the day, that's what he counts.

If a film does not have a good script, it will be impossible for it to triumph at the box office. The plot of a movie is one of its most relevant factors.

11. The award is important to attract people to the movies. That is the only main meaning of any award.

Winning an Oscar can allow an actor to give more visibility to all of his works. Something that can certainly come in really handy for anyone's professional career.

12. The awards were made in Hollywood, at any time it was created. They are to promote the movies of others. You give me an award, I give you an award and people will believe that we make great movies and they will go to see them. It is still the same.

As Bardem says in this quote, the Oscars are a very effective way to promote yourself, something that as many of us know the film industry is too interested in.

13. Some quality performances and movies have a chance to be rewarded, but it's not like it's a bible.

Even if a film is awarded, it does not directly mean that it has a quality that is above normal. As this actor says, awards are in most cases simple publicity tactics.

14. I don't really have any formula for the choices that I make.

You never know where life will take you, sometimes not thinking too much about problems is the best option.

15. I don't really care where the movies come from, as long as they're worth making.

As we can see, Bardem does not care about the issue of financing, for him the only important thing about a film is the most artistic side of it.

16. We actors always say how difficult and physically demanding a role was. But give me a break, it's just a movie.

Some roles require a great physical change from the actor who plays them, a change that in many cases may not be as relevant as many of us tend to think.

17. What does my performance have to do with Russell Crowe's? Nothing. If I play Gladiator and we all play Gladiator with Ridley Scott in the same amount of time, maybe we get a chance to see who did better.

Some film roles are practically impossible to imitate, a great truth that this well-known actor has learned to live with.

18. An award doesn't necessarily make you a better actor.

Awards are not always given to those who most deserve them, for many of us it may be an injustice but unfortunately that is the sad reality.

19. I enjoy my job as long as I can create a character, otherwise it's boring.

Only some papers are really interesting from his point of view, others are usually seen by him as a simple procedure.

20. Celebrity is very rare.

The celebrity has positive and also negative aspects, because as they say: Sometimes all that glitters is not gold.

21. Now, there are so many films, so many festivals and so many awards going on, each one judging against each other, as if his work is worse than others and that is not fair. How can you know what is the best and the worst of these awards? We are talking about art.

The world of cinema should not fall into the trivialization of his art, something that unfortunately at present, seems to be that it is not being managed, much less in the best possible way.

22. We live in a time when this whole movie business is crazy.

The film industry has never handled so much money in history, it is currently without a doubt one of the most profitable businesses in the world.

23. My concern is to continue respecting my work as I have done since I started as an actor and I could only do it if I'm strong enough to keep doing what I think is best in a way artistic.

Like many other great actors, he has always had a deep respect for the art that he practices. Interpretation is how we know so much more to him than just his profession.

24. If I ever get a phone call that says Would you like to work with Al Pacino? He would drive me crazy.

As we can see, this actor feels great devotion to his colleague Al Pacino, a famous and well-known actor who has always been a great reference for Bardem.

25. I think we are living in selfish times. I am the first to say that I am the most selfish. We live in the so-called "first world", and we can be first in many things like technology, but we are after empathy.

The society in which we live has many lights but also many shadows, no social class in this world is completely free from negative aspects.

26. Every time I wake up, I look like someone is hitting me.

Bardem is certainly not the most attractive man in the world, but he was always very clear that he would never let something as superfluous as beauty slow him down in his professional career.

27. I have this problem with violence. I've only made one movie in almost 20 years where I killed people. It's called Perdita Durango. It is a Spanish movie. I'm very proud of the movie, but it felt weird doing that.

Violence is not attractive to him, this type of role could be said that they are far from being his favorite.

28. The personal is something I've never talked about. And I will never do it. That is forbidden. My work is public. But that's it. When you are not working, you have no obligation to be public.

His personal life is very important to him and that is why it must always be totally removed from public opinion.

29. He used to be a good party boy. I'm old. I am an old man. You pay the consequences. I'm fine with a couple of drinks, no more than that.

Being already in its maturity the world of the party has been in the background. A change in his lifestyle that most men also share.

30. When I see myself at 14 I can put my hands on my head and think: How could I have done that? But at the time it made sense to me. You do the same when you are 20 years old. And now, when you look at people who are 20 years old, you ask yourself: Was it like that? Was it really like that?

With the passing of the years we all change. Depending on the stage of life we ​​are in, we all tend to act in certain ways, some of them very specific.

31. I really don't see any of this.

Those topics that are not interesting to him simply have no place in his life. Life is too short to worry about things that really have nothing to do with us.

32. They hit me emotionally and physically in the stomach. This is not a place where you go and hand over the lines and then come back. It's a kind of life-changing experience. But it can't get better than this for any actor: it's like an opera.

Certain experiences can change us forever, perhaps those most difficult tests that life puts in the way, eventually end up making us better people in the future.

33. Everyone in Spain is fed up with me. But in America, there is curiosity about the new kid on the block who doesn't speak English very well. The attention makes me feel vulnerable, which is something I haven't felt in a long time. But I like it.

When this actor came to the American cinema it was a revolution, the media did not take long to make him one of the most coveted actors in Hollywood.

34. My truth, what I believe, is that there are no answers here and if he is looking for answers, he better choose the question carefully.

As we can see, Bardem is not a man who is easily manipulated by interviewers. His opinion and his truth are totally immovable ideas for him.

35. I have always said that playing rugby in Spain is like being a bullfighter in Japan.

Rugby in Spain is certainly a minority sport, unfortunately today very few people practice this well-known sport in the Iberian country.

36. But I remember the moment my father died. He wasn't a very committed Catholic beforehand, but when it happened, everything suddenly felt so obvious: Now I believe that religion is our attempt to find an explanation, so that we feel more protected.

Whenever we need it, religion will be there as a tool, to help us overcome our most difficult emotional bumps.

37. And the whole Oscar thing, that's just surreal: you spend months and months doing promotions, and then you come back to reality with this golden thing in your hands. You put it in the office and then you just have to look at it sitting on the shelf. And, after about two weeks, you say: What is that doing there?

The Oscar award was certainly a great gift for him, but life went on and Bardem knew there was still a lot of work to be done.

38. I retired from rugby because I was old and getting very slow.

Time passes for everyone and it also passed for this well-known actor. As we all know, sport is so demanding that one cannot practice it professionally throughout his life.

39. When you know that people are truly at peace with who they are and what they do, they collaborate and want to help you improve.

Surrounding ourselves with people like us will always be something that will help us achieve all our personal goals.

40. You want to do his job well so that in the future people will say: Okay, not bad, let's hire him.

If we do our job well and are honest, new job offers will always come up for us. Well, the saying goes, you always reap what you sow.

41. There is no middle ground in Hollywood; you are a failure or you are a success. That mentality is wild.

Succeeding in Hollywood is something really complicated, there are very few people who manage to gain a foothold in this highly coveted work environment.

42. I'm happily married.

Marriage has certainly helped stabilize his life, something that many of us have sure happened to us as well.

43. I have a man and a woman in the same body; I have the masculine and feminine values ​​in the same body.

As this quote tells us, Bardem is in permanent contact with the most feminine side of him. Having always grown up surrounded by women, he has allowed him over the years to have the ability to put himself in their shoes.

44. The fact that I like to make characters does not mean that I like to see how my characters are made, my acting.

Not all actors like to see themselves on the big screen, this actor has always thought that it should not be he who values ​​his work but the general public.

45. I was raised not to be afraid to show emotion or imagination.

We should never be afraid to express ourselves as we are. Showing a positive attitude towards life can be a key that later opens many doors for us on a professional level.

46. I really appreciate whoever is up there for giving me the opportunity to be loved.

Many of us should be grateful for all that we have, as we probably actually have much more than most people.

47. Bond is the longest running franchise and there is a reason for that: they are action movies but they are also touched by current events without being political or overly serious.

James Bond is one of the biggest franchises in the film world, these films have been in the making for nearly 70 years and the coveted role of Bond has already been played by 8 different actors.

48. There is no good side to celebrity.

Being known can get us into many problems, because after all, we can see the celebrity as putting a big target on our backs.

49. Life is not perfect.

Life is a series of ups and downs. Although tomorrow we are rich and famous we will always have to deal with certain daily problems.

50. When you put gas in your car, you are making a political statement, because you are supporting the empires that control and continue to destroy some countries.

Bardem has spoken many times about the importance of climate change and the so-called greenhouse effect, but on the other hand he also drives a vehicle that is extremely polluting. A way of acting that can certainly give us a lot to think about.

51. People were born in refugee camps and they are getting tired of it.

regardless of whether they are positive or negative, from that moment on they will accompane poverty.

52. I do a job and I am lucky to do a job that I love, but it is difficult. I am not saying that it is as difficult as working in a coal mine, but it is still difficult in a different way. Sometimes you have to go through very strong emotional journeys and then come back to yourself. And that can be difficult to control.

Interpretation can make us live emotionally difficult situations, personal experiences that regardless of whether they are positive or negative, from that moment they will accompany us throughout our lifetime.

53. We live in a world of denial, and we no longer know what the truth is.

The truth is not always the most obvious conclusion to be able to know the authentic truth, we must first have absolutely all the data on the subject we are studying.

54. Imagine the situation between Israel and Palestine. It is a great disaster. You can be on one side or the other. But what is clear is that there is an urgent need for a solution there and that it has been going on for so long.

Conflicts in the Middle East are lasting too long, both Palestinians and Israelis should certainly try to reach a consensus as soon as possible.

55. I believe in people.

There are good people and bad people, we must never fall into the easy conclusion that perhaps we are all the same.

56. Even in the darkest regions, people have discovered their right to freedom.

As human beings we must all have certain inalienable rights, no government in the world has the right to strip us of our dignity.

57. You know I don't like to talk about my personal life.

His private life should always be as far away from the media as possible, so Bardem will never hesitate to blurt out phrases like these, to all those who ask him about it.

58. The middle and working classes are paying off the debt that financial markets created.

The 2008 crisis has not affected all layers of society fairly, unfortunately the poor as always have been the ones who have had the worst of it.

59. I can't imagine what it would be like to be James Bond 24 hours a day. That must be exhausting.

James Bond is a character who, as we know, lives his life to the limit. Most of us couldn't last an hour being James Bond.

60. I've always said that I don't believe in God, I believe in Al Pacino.

Al Pacino is undoubtedly one of the best actors of all time and a clear professional reference for this famous Spanish actor.

61. When I was born, there was a very isolated idea of ​​what it meant to be male or female, and it belonged to one gender or another.

Society often educates us in a certain way, being only differentiated by our gender, perhaps we should consider the idea of ​​educating boys and girls exactly the same way.

62. The great thing about being an actor, and the gift of being an actor, is that you are beautifully compelled to see the world through different eyes.

Interpretation is an activity that can allow us to experience the ideas and lives of other people in our own bodies. Something that no other practice in the world can possibly match.

63. I don't believe in stereotypes. Most of the time, stereotypes are just that.

We must not allow the ideas of third parties to direct our lives, stereotypes are always preconceptions that we should all get rid of.

64. Many people do not have the option to choose their friends and the people they are being manipulated by. Thank goodness I have that option. I can use my judgment and choose.

Not every day we find people really like us, true friends in this world in which we all live, they are much scarcer than we imagine.

65. When you represent someone who has a very specific emotional weight, you feel like you are really starting to leave your own body and go somewhere else.

Interpretation can help us do a great job of introspection, something that we can do with no other activity with the same effectiveness.

66. I'm a big believer in stunt doubles. They do an amazing job.

Many actors use stuntmen for risky scenes, certainly a very common practice in the world of cinema.

67. The background, your own history, is much more important than what you can achieve as a professional.

Where you come from will always be an intrinsic part of yourself, no matter how much time passes or how many miles you travel from home.

68. You don't need a man, you need a champion.

Certain achievements can only be achieved by a very small number of people, a very personal idea with which Javier Bardem is actually very familiar.

69. Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time.

Although we all grow old, we never stop being ourselves. Age does not have to accurately describe the real essence of a person.

70. Only unfulfilled love can be romantic.

Romanticism is something that is usually lost over the years, as much as people tend to try it, it seems almost impossible to maintain it.

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