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Conquest of Valencia by King Jaime I

Conquest of Valencia by King Jaime I


Inside the Reconquest, the Crown of Aragon always wanted to obtain the territories conquered by the Muslims that ended in the shores of the Mediterranean, while the Crown of Castile always wanted to reach the south of the peninsula. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will focus on conquest of Valencia by King Jaime I, who between the years 1229 and 1245 would gradually annex the kingdom of Valencia to the Aragonese crown creating a series of charters as in the rest of the territories of the Crown. This fact made the different territories have a certain independence from the Crown, element that in the long run would bring a series of problems when making decisions from the government central.

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  1. Background of the Kingdom of Valencia
  2. The stages of the conquest
  3. The repopulation

Background of the Kingdom of Valencia.

Within our lesson on the conquest of Valencia by King Jaime I, we must first speak of the year 1094, the time when

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Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, a knight of Castile, managed take the city of Valencia under the command of him creating an independent lordship of the Christian kingdoms.

This historical figure showed the rest of the Christian kingdoms the growing weakness of Muslim troops in the Peninsula. Until the year 1099, the Cid would maintain the Kingdom of Valencia, also carrying out a series of incursions into other nearby areas, eliminating the Almoravid domain that existed at that time.

On July 10, 1099, he was hit by an arrow and died, leaving his wife, Jimena, as the lady of Valencia, a possession he held until 1102. But at this time it had to be abandoned due to the impossibility on the part of the Christian troops to maintain the border against the Almoravid advance.

In this other lesson we offer you a summary of the conquests of Jaume I, the Conqueror.

The stages of the conquest.

Continuing with our lesson on conquest of Valencia by Jaume I, we know that, as happened in the Castilian reconquest, it was the same nobles in their desire to take new lands under their command who started a guerrilla on the border, through which they began to obtain the first victories in the Moorish band of Valencia.

In 1231, the monarch, Jaime I, began a series of negotiations against Blasco de Alagón, one of the nobles who, in his quest for more power, had taken Morella by storm. From that moment on, Jaime I would create a series of campaigns to end the Muslim dominance in the Levantine area, taking advantage of the political situation, since in 1228 the fragmentation of the Almohad Empire, originating the famous taifa, which fought among themselves without paying attention to the kingdoms Christians.

So we will find three distinct stages in the seizure of the Valencian territory:

  • First stage: between the year 1231 to 1233 we will find the military action in the northern regions of Valencia, reaching the border of the kingdom of Aragon as far as Burriana.
  • Second stage: from 1233 to 1238 a second moment was undertaken in which the central territories of Valencia were obtained, including the city, which fell on October 9, 1238, after a few days of siege. This stage was decisive for the Christian settlement in the area, since from that moment on, the Aragonese knights the rest would more easily surrender the territory, although in the areas furthest from civilization the conquest.
  • Third stage: the third and last part of the conquest of the Valencian territory took place between the years 1238 and 1245, when the southern border was reached as far as the municipality of Biar.

In the same way, during the performance of these last campaigns, Murcia was annexed, a territory that until 1304 were in possession of the Aragonese Crown, being at that time ceded to Castile in exchange for Alicante and Orihuela.

Conquest of Valencia by King James I - The stages of the conquest

Image: The World

The repopulation.

To conclude with our lesson on the conquest of Valencia by King Jaime I, we must focus on the origin of the populations that were mobilized by the monarch to repopulate wastelands that had appeared after the conquest of the Valencian kingdom, their origin being:

  • Catalan
  • Castilian
  • Navarre
  • Aragonese

Furthermore, some studies warn that there was a small percentage of the population belonging to other European kingdoms, especially French, due to the crusade character that was used for the conquest of Valencia.

Due to the capitulations made between Jaime I and Zayyan, it was accepted that the muslims and jews that inhabited the territory remained and could keep doing your work only changing the hierarchy.

Thus, in the kingdom of Valencia throughout the Middle Ages and part of the Modern Age, we will find a strong presence of Moors, who were allowed to maintain their religion for a time.

Here you can get information about the conquest of Mallorca by Jaime I.

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