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The 6 best Psychologists who are experts in Sexual Abuse in Palma

TherapyChat It allows you to make video calls with your trusted psychologist without having to travel to your psychological consultation, and at a cheaper price compared to face-to-face services.

In this web platform you can find a large number of psychologists specialized in different disciplines like coaching and anxiety disorders, so you can choose from the highest rated professionals.

Paz Yllera Asensio she has a degree in psychology, a master's degree in general health psychology, and is a great expert in therapy gestalt and EMDR therapy, in addition to having treated patients victims of sexual abuse throughout their trajectory professional.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most are sexual and relationship disorders, cases of abuse sexual, people with low self-esteem, and disorders due to anxiety, depression and stress.

Pep Malagrava Rigo is a well-known professional who has a degree in psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands, has a postgraduate degree in sexual and couples therapy by ISEP, and is also a specialist in psychosocial intervention in child protection.

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He has dealt with numerous cases of sexual abuse, as well as being an expert in treating disorders of the eating behavior such as bulimia and anorexia, and in different types of phobias such as agoraphobia.

Antonia Seguí Munar she has a degree in psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands, she has a master's degree in sexuality and couple, and has also completed another master's degree in psycho-oncology from the Complutense University from Madrid.

She has treated numerous cases of anxiety disorders, depression and stress, situations of sexual abuse in the field home, and she has also cared for people with addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

Paola Obrador Pellicer she has a degree in psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands, she has a master's degree in sexology and therapy she is a partner from the Sexpol Foundation, and has also completed a master's degree in psycho-oncology from the Complutense University of Madrid.

She is a specialist in EMDR therapy and in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse, in addition to having treated people with problems in their relationships and in a situation of mourning before the loss of a being Dear.

Cristian Castro Cortes He has a degree in psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands, has a course in general psychology health, and is also a specialist in the field of clinical psychology from the Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Among the disorders that he has performed the most, disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, and situations of duel.

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