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List with the BACKGROUND of the INDUSTRIAL Revolution

Background to the Industrial Revolution


Throughout history, human beings have had moments of big changes, being situations in which a discovery or invention has allowed us to progress rapidly, the greatest example being the Industrial Revolution. To know the reasons for the arrival of the Industrial Revolution in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to comment on the Background to the Industrial Revolution.

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  1. What is the Industrial Revolution?
  2. The demographic revolution, an antecedent of the Industrial Revolution
  3. The agricultural revolution
  4. Technological advances of the Industrial Revolution
  5. Economic liberalism

What is the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution, also called the First Industrial Revolution due to the appearance of other revolutions in later centuries, it was a process of economic, social and technological transformation that took place in Europe in the 18th century and whose changes made the entire economy of the time go to a new level, suffering one of the greatest evolutions in the history of mankind.

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The Industrial Revolution had its beginning in Britain, thanks to the fact that they were the first to achieve the important advances necessary to evolve towards a new economic model. In the following years the revolution spread to other regions, such as Western Europe and North America, although it should be noted that these countries did not undergo as great a change as UK.

Background to the Industrial Revolution - What is the Industrial Revolution?

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The demographic revolution, a precedent of the Industrial Revolution.

To begin to talk about the antecedents of the Industrial Revolution we must comment on the demographic revolution. In the years before the industrial revolution the population had grown greatly, causing that the small cities and the agricultural products generated by them will stop being sufficient so that the people could survive.

The improvement in hygiene it caused a lower number of mortality and the system of the time was not sufficiently developed to control these large numbers of population. All this caused a new economic model to be sought in order to survive, this being one of the causes of the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

Background to the Industrial Revolution - The demographic revolution, a background to the Industrial Revolution

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The agricultural revolution.

In the time before the Industrial Revolution the main economic source was agriculture, being an economic sector with very little development and little innovation, which caused agricultural resources to serve practically for subsistence, creating a society based on self-consumption and with a market vision quite limited.

The increase in population brought a great problem and that is that they needed more agricultural resources to feed the largest number of mouths, and the techniques of the time were not advanced enough to improve this factor. This situation meant that the owners began to increase production on the land, generating a greater number of techniques and inventions, such as the use of fertilizers or new tools for plow.

The new agricultural system allowed fewer people to be needed in the field of agriculture. agriculture, since the new technologies were capable of generating much more with much less hand of construction site. This made many people will leave the small towns and it will move to the larger cities, reducing work in the fields but increasing work in industry and factories.

Technological advances of the Industrial Revolution.

Without a doubt, what we most associate with the Industrial Revolution is improvement in the industry, since without the improvement in the technological aspects, the great transformation suffered by the people of the time would have been impossible. The list of innovations It is so big that we have no other option but to mention below some of the main ones that caused the Industrial Revolution:

  • The steam machine It is considered the greatest technological innovation of the entire Industrial Revolution, being an invention that It worked by burning coal, replacing wood, which was the most used resource until that time. stage. The steam engine is the main reason that the textile and transport industries underwent this enormous transformation, which is the reason for its vital importance in the Industrial Revolution.
  • The textile sector was another of the important points of the Industrial Revolution, since in previous years a process of change from wool to cotton. This situation was joined by the conquest of new colonies by the United Kingdom, which allowed an increase in cotton from the British Empire and a greater amount of raw material.
  • The new transports, such as railways or steamboats, which allowed the movement of all the new industry that was being generated. Without these new, faster and more load-bearing transports, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution would have been impossible.
  • A new steel industry, which after years of development became something never seen. The new ways of treating iron and metal made it possible to create new inventions vital to start the Industrial Revolution.
Background of the Industrial Revolution - Technological Advances of the Industrial Revolution

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Economic liberalism.

To conclude with this lesson on the antecedents of the Industrial Revolution, we must talk about the doctrine called economic liberalism, since its creation served as the basis for economic systems arising from the Industrial Revolution.

Economic liberalism is the economic doctrine developed during the Enlightenment and thought that the government had to participate as little as possible possible in the economy. This doctrine advocated the greatest power of the bourgeoisie, that is, the people who had capital and economic power. The economic law created by liberalism was the key piece of the system of the Industrial Revolution, being the main reason for the capitalism that was to dominate Europe in subsequent centuries.

Background to the Industrial Revolution - Economic Liberalism

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