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The 9 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Alicante

The psychologist Marina Marta Garcia Fuentes directs and coordinates the Institute of Psychology and Personal Development Psicode, where it offers a specialized therapeutic care service in cases of depression in people of all ages together with a team of qualified professionals.

The psychological work of this professional is based on the application of therapies of proven efficacy, such as Cognitive-behavioral and in offering useful tools and guidelines to initiate the change in the person from the first day session.

In addition to that, among her main intervention specialties, emotional problems of all kinds stand out, depression and anxiety, grieving processes, relationship conflicts, and conduct disorders sexual.

Maria Brígida Miralles runs the psychological center Psychologists-Alicante, in which it offers psychological care to adults, adolescents, children, couples and families.

This professional works through cognitive-behavioral therapy as a basis for treatment, combined with tools from acceptance and commitment therapy, emotional therapy, and Mindfulness. During the psychological intervention, a climate of trust and relaxation is also created that helps to advance in the treatment of problems such as major depression, dysthymia or other forms of depressive disorders.

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Other psychological problems that are addressed in the therapy of María Brígida Miralles are autism spectrum disorders, problems behavior in children and adolescents, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, personality disorders and problems with impulsiveness.

The psychologist Mara Girón Requena She is an expert in depression approached from child and adolescent therapy and also in psychological care in adults. Her treatment is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, but she also masters EMDR therapy and Mindfulness.

The type of child and youth therapy that this professional puts into practice takes into account all the social and personal elements that surround life of the patient, and joint work with parents and their close environment also intervenes to intervene all the main problems that the child presents or little girl.

Among all the disorders in which Mara Girón Requena is an expert, stand out depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, family conflicts, self-esteem problems, stress, childhood trauma, mood disorders and disorders cognitive

Dr. Lourdes patricio She is a clinical psychologist and also offers couples counseling. Among its specialties we find all kinds of depressive disorders that occur in children, adolescents and also in mothers and pregnant women.

Some of the emotional or behavioral problems that this professional addresses are postpartum depression, anxiety during pregnancy, separation anxiety disorder, childhood phobias, and personality.

In the consultation of Concepción Torregrosa Najar Psychological care is offered for adults, adolescents and children, with therapy based on different psychological techniques and strategies, among which EMDR therapy stands out.

Some of the disorders in which this therapist is an expert are major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, pathological grief, and phobias.

Sergio Asuncion Martinez It is another of the most interesting options for those looking for the best psychologists who are experts in depression in Alicante. She offers therapy to adults, both individually and as a couple, and also to adolescents and children.

Some of the psychological alterations that she addresses in her consultation and that generate discomfort in the patient are major depression, depression childhood, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, grieving processes, post-traumatic stress disorder, and phobias

Rocío Jover Martínez She is an expert in cognitive-behavioral therapy applied to cases of depression or other emotional disorders, with the that she bases her psychological interventions aimed at patients of all ages, individually and on partner.

This professional can also intervene to provide psychological assistance in the face of problems such as low self-esteem, emotional dependence, postpartum depression, eating disorder, and treatment of gastritis due to stress.

With a professional experience of more than 10 years, the psychologist Marga Mateu exercises psychotherapy focused on adults, adolescents, children and couples.

Some of the disorders addressed in her therapy are: chronic depression, phobias and panic attacks, addictions, sexual dysfunctions, psychosis and loneliness.

Arántzazu González Manchado She has 19 years of experience in the practice of psychology, and is specialized in the treatment of depression disorders in patients of any age.

Other disorders addressed by this professional are dementias, low self-esteem, emotional dependence, phobias, postpartum depression, and separation anxiety disorder.

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