Education, study and knowledge

The best 9 Sexologists in Carranque (Málaga)

Juan Miguel In Love He has a degree in Psychology, a specialist in general health psychology, has completed a Master in New Technologies Applied to Education, and is an expert in sexual therapies.

He is a recognized specialist in adult psychotherapy, couples therapy, and sexual and developmental disorders. partner, having attended patients with partner crisis, depressive disorders, and in situations of low self-esteem.

Emilio Marin Illescas He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Cádiz, he has a Master's degree in Neuropsychology from the University of Salamanca, and has also completed a Master in General Health Psychology from the University from Malaga.

She is a specialist in sexology, neuropsychology, and in the treatment of dementias in people. older people, having improved the quality of life for a large number of people thanks to their therapy psychological.

Carolina Bravo She has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia, she is specialized in behavioral therapy for adults, and has also completed a course in couples therapy by the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid.

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He specializes in couples and family therapy, neuropsychology, and the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression, in addition to having cared for patients affected by different types of phobias and in situations of low self-esteem.

Maria Leticia Jaen She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Malaga, has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology, and is an expert in mediation civil, commercial and labor from the Rey Juan Carlos University, in addition to being a specialist in the area of ​​sexology and therapy of partner.

Throughout her professional career, she has cared for people affected by problems in relationships, sexual problems, and sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Adriana altube She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga, she has a specialization course in Psychology She clinics for the same organization, and has also conducted a seminar on narrative techniques for purposes mediational.

She is recognized for being an expert in the area of ​​sexology, having treated patients with ejaculation precocious, inhibited sexual desire, and problems in relationships, among other types of pathologies.

Francisco Javier Garcia He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga, has a course in Neurolinguistic Programming, and also She has also completed a Master's degree in sports psychology and physical activity from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

He is a recognized specialist in the field of sexology, having treated sexual problems in the dating relationships, lack of sexual appetite, and other disorders such as insomnia, phobias and other pathologies.

Rafael Aragon He has a degree in Psychology, has a Master's degree in sexual education, and has also completed another Master's degree to specialize in the area of ​​clinical sexology.

He is an expert in sexual and relationship disorders, couples therapy, and sexology, having treated patients affected by sexual dysfunctions, and other disorders such as grieving and stress disorders and anxiety.

Carmen Perez Rojas She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the National Distance Education University, has a Master's degree in Clinical Sexology and couples therapy by the Andalusian Institute of Sexology and Psychology, and has also carried out a course of therapeutic intervention in the duel.

She is a great specialist in sexual and relationship disorders, anxiety and depression disorders, sexual dysfunctions, inhibited sexual desire, premature ejaculation, and other types of pathologies.

Gem Sierra Manibardo She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, and She has also completed a Master's Degree in Child and Youth Psychology, in addition to being an excellent professional in the area of sexology.

She has specialized in adult and adolescent psychotherapy, and treating patients affected by addictive disorders, and by eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

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