Consequences of the war of Spanish succession
In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the consequences of the war of the Spanish succession.
The war of the Spanish succession was a confrontation that exploded in 1701 due to the death of Carlos II. The last Habsburg king of the Spanish crown. This king died without issue and therefore there was no one who could occupy the Spanish throne. For this reason, the other European houses (especially the Bourbons of France and the Habsburgs of Austria, Vienna) are the two great positions that postulate a successor. The French to Louis Philippe of Anjou and the Austracists to Archduke Carlos.
Various European powers also take sides, especially because of the Austrian pretender. War breaks out, there are a series of battles but finally in 1713, thanks to the treaty of Utrecht, at least in Europe the war ends and changes a little (there are parts that go to one side or another). In Spain the war lasts a little longer since the crowns of Aragon and Catalonia They still do not agree and continue to fight against the Bourbon establishment of Spain.
To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on the consequences of the war of the Spanish succession and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.