Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in anxiety in Cartagena

Trinidad Fresno she has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia and is a great specialist in treatment anxiety disorders, in general health psychology and in psychological interventions in patients.

In addition, he has treated a large number of patients affected by anxiety and depression, in situations of low self-esteem and with different types of phobias such as agoraphobia.

Hope Merlos She has a degree in Psychology and an expert in treating anxiety disorders in adolescents, youth and adults, both in person and remotely.

Her intervention is cognitive-behavioral based, applied in conjunction with Third Party Therapies Generation such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Mindfulness, all of them with ample evidence empirical.

In addition to that, some of the queries that this professional successfully addresses in her workplace are anxiety disorders, self-esteem deficits, depression, emotional dependence, and addictions, especially to sex, video games, or Internet.

Maria Teresa Aguirre

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she has a degree in psychology from the University of Murcia, she has a master's degree in psychology Clinic and Health, and she is also a specialist in Humanist Psychotherapy, all for the same organization.

This professional is an expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders, sexual and relationship disorders, and she in adolescent psychotherapy, having treated patients with suicidal behaviors, phobias and enuresis.

Isabel Celdrán She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia, she performs Gestalt Therapy and is a specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology, also from the University of Murcia.

She stands out for her journey in the field of psycho-body therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, she having treated patients affected by anxiety disorders, low self-esteem and different types of phobias

Laura Armero is a renowned psychologist Graduated in Psychology from the University of Murcia, she has a Master in She has a Clinical Practice from the AEPCC and another Master's Degree in Neuropsychology from the International University of Valencia.

She is a specialist in the treatments of anxiety disordersshe, addictive disorders and in cognitive behavioral therapy, having treated patients with pain disorders, grief situations and learning difficulties.

Javier Aparicio She has a Degree in Psychology, has a Postgraduate Degree in Management and Family Therapy from the University of Valencia, has a Master in Legal and Forensic Psychology by the same organization, and she is also a specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology from the University of Lion.

This psychologist is a specialist in sexual and relationship disorders, anxiety disorders, and behavior disorders having treated patients affected by bulimia and anorexia, sexual dysfunctions and conduct disorders, among others.

Sonia Collados She has a degree in Psychology and also has a Master's Degree in Third Generation Psychological Therapies, taught by the University of Valencia.

She is also a specialist in the treatment of anxiety disorders, acceptance and commitment therapy, and positive psychology. She has treated patients affected by phobias, situations of low self-esteem and with severe depressive disorders.

Hector Peraza She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia, has a Master's degree in Human Resources Management, and is a specialist in EMDR Therapy from the Spanish EMDR Association.

Among his specialties, he highlights the treatment of sexual and relationship disorders, legal psychology and couples therapy. In addition, she has treated patients affected by anxiety disorders, phobias, and addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

Mercedes bernal She has a Degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Neuropsychology by the ISEP Institute and also has a Master's Degree in Adolescent Psychology, taught by the University of Valencia.

She is a specialist in the treatment of depression disorders, in couples therapy and in both personal and professional coaching. Additionally, she has treated patients with anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, cognitive disorders, and stress.

White Dew She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia, has two Master's degrees, one in Sports and Sports Psychology. Exercise, by the Official College of Psychologists, and another by the Catholic University of Murcia specialized in General Psychology Sanitary

She is a specialist in sports psychology, anxiety disorders and general health psychology, having treated to patients with conduct disorders, stress situations and different types of phobias during their career professional.

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