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Psychological assistance in emotional crisis

Although it is momentary and of a fleeting nature, the emotional crisis usually leaves sequels in its wake, after which it is necessary to implement an action plan that can combat the discomfort caused by the traumatic event.

Therefore, it is important to know the The main elements of a psychological assistance program to be able to cope with emotional crises. Specifically, it becomes a priority to identify the characteristics and objectives that a company must have. effective care, the different care models as well as the levels of intervention in crisis.

  • You may be interested: "Psychic trauma: concept, realities... and some myths"

Characteristics and objectives of the psychological intervention 

It is necessary to know that any action that is focused on the treatment of an emotional crisis It must meet three fundamental conditions: be carried out "in situ", be immediate and create confidence in the patient:

Intervention "in situ"

The emotional crisis must be treated where it has occurred.

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Only in very special cases will internment be justified, but it should always be carried out in a hospital close to the relatives of the affected person.


Every crisis must be addressed at the moment it occurs. During the emotional crisis the person affected expresses a great need for help and she is more likely to receive undivided attention to make a change. Any crisis that is allowed to mature hinders the intervention process, hindering the search for a positive solution. It should be mentioned that a problem cannot be addressed three months behind when it occurred.

Build trust

The patient must be clear from the beginning that the objective of the intervention is none other than Improve your quality of life.

  • Related article: "Emotional crisis: why does it occur and what are its symptoms?"

The objectives in the action before the emotional crisis

If the crisis treatment intervention meets the above criteria, the chances of success go up a lot. It is time to point out the objectives to be pursued when implementing the action plan; the most significant are these:

  • Prevent the crisis episode from becoming chronic and, consequently, prevent the requirement of more expensive treatments as well as traumatizing ones.
  • Restore emotional balance. It is intended to achieve, at least, the level of mental health prior to the emotional crisis. It is necessary to emphasize that what was not had (emotional balance) could not be lost, and consequently, it cannot be recovered.
  • Immediate relief from experienced distress through the verbalization of feelings or irrational attitudes of the patient. In this way, it is possible to neutralize the anguish generated and make change possible.
  • Guide the socially disadvantaged subject about possible social resources and institutions that you can turn to if you are in a state of abandonment.

Assistance models for crisis intervention

The human being is a bio-psycho-social entity, so his needs are inclined towards one of those areas and, therefore, the crisis that originates may have its epicenter around the biological, psychological or social dimension. Therefore, it will always be necessary to define which area of ​​the patient is the one that needs attention.

For example: in a suicide attempt due to drug intoxication, it will first be necessary to know the biological or somatic repercussion of the event presented (need or not for gastric lavage, etc.), then an analysis will be carried out on the elements and / or schemes psychological factors of the individual (emotions, motivations, etc.) and finally the work or family influence that this suicidal behavior

Thus, the emotional crisis can be treated from different perspectives or models, which can be summarized in a triple approach: intervention directed at the conflict, the person as a whole or the system.

1. Conflict-oriented model

It suggests that the help provided should be immediate and directed in a fundamental way to the conflict itself; through this approach references to unconscious elements will be avoided, taking into account only the "here and now" in addition to the possible ways of solving the "current problem" that caused the crisis: drug intoxication in a suicide attempt, abandonment of home, emotional breakdown, etc.

2. Person-oriented model

In the intervention, the most cognitive aspects of the affected person will be a priority: motivations, emotional repercussion of the event, links with the event, etc. In that crisis that has predominance in the biological dimension, the psychological and social impact that all somatic disease entails will not be neglected.

3. System-oriented model (family or partner)

The family (or the couple) is considered, then, as a unit of health and disease at the same time and, therefore, it is a fundamental element for the treatment of the affected person.

  • Related article "Family therapy: types and forms of application"

Levels of psychological intervention

Regardless of the intervention model that is being used with the patient (whether focused on the conflict, the totality of the individual or the system) and the area (biological, psychological or social) in which it is acting, it is possible to distinguish three different levels of help for the crisis emotional:

First level of help 

It is practically the first moment of the intervention; corresponds to the "impact phase" of the crisis. Depending on the content and cause of the problem, the psychological, social or biological aspect will be a priority.

This level it is also called "first psychological aid" or "emergency aid"; it is characterized by being a brief intervention (from a few minutes to a few hours); the main objective is containment and also, provide support, reduce mortality (avoid suicide) and link the person in crisis with the possible resources of external aid available.

The first-level intervention can be carried out anywhere (patient's home, health center, shelter, street, hospital, etc.) and by any aid agent (parents, teachers, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.).

This first level of help can be carried out from pharmacology (using anxiolytics or antipsychotics) or through a active listening, without forgetting the possibility of the patient spending a night or a 24-hour hospitalization.

  • Related article: What is Psychological First Aid?"

Second level of help 

This stage begins when emergency assistance ends (first level of assistance). This intervention is not limited only to restoring the balance lost due to the impact of the traumatic event; At this level, priority is given to taking advantage of the vulnerability of the emotional structures of the subject, especially those that accompany the crisis, to help establish an emotional balance while creating other psychological structures more functional.

The duration of this intervention is several weeks (10-12 weeks approx.) And performed by specialists.

Third level of help

In general, the two previous levels of help are sufficient to get the individual, using their own resources (psychological, social, etc.) can achieve an improvement psychological. However, sometimes long-term treatment may be necessary (psychotherapy in conjunction with pharmacological treatment) to reinforce achievements and prevent possible relapses.

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