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The 10 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Cartagena

The psychologist Trinidad Fresno She has a degree from the University of Murcia and in her psychological consultation in Cartagena she offers a professional care and support service aimed at adults, the elderly and couples.

Her intervention is characterized by the individualization of each case and by working together with the person to achieve the established objectives, enhancing her internal qualities.

Some of the therapies that she applies in an integrated way are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, being her main specialties addictions, anxiety disorders, self-esteem problems, deficits in coping skills and cases of stress.

The psychologist Hope Merlos She has extensive experience in serving adolescents, adults and couples who need professional support, both in sessions offered online and in person.

The main therapies that this professional applies during her interventions are Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness and Behavioral Analysis Applied.

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Each of these scientifically proven therapeutic orientations helps Esperanza Merlos to treat all kinds of problems in the sphere of the couple, including which highlight emotional dependence, family conflicts, addiction to sex or video games, self-esteem problems and cases of self-harm.

The psychologist Hector Peraza Diaz She has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, she is an expert in forensic evaluation and a specialist in EMDR Therapy, an orientation indicated in cases of suffering and trauma of all kinds.

As an expert in Sexual and Couple Disorders, this professional attends to all kinds of disorders in this area, being the main ones, sexual dysfunctions, addictions, especially sex addiction and cases of aggressiveness.

The psychologist Rachel Martinez Garcia she is an expert in addressing any disorder in adults individually and also in couples, applying in her Cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention, one of the most recommended for its scientific evidence and also coaching personal.

In the area of ​​the couple, some of her intervention specialties are psychological support during the pregnancy, obsessive compulsive disorder, bulimia and assistance to women victims of violence from gender.

The psychologist Mabel González Asensio she has a degree from the University of Murcia and a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology. Throughout more than 12 years of experience in the clinical field, he has specialized in treating disorders in people of all ages and especially in the field of the couple.

Thus, among her main intervention specialties, cases of emotional dependence, panic attacks, depression and couple crises in general stand out.

Rachel Canovas She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia and has an experience of more than 16 years in the field of clinical psychology, specializing in children, adults and couples.

Her intervention is characterized by identifying the existing problems within the couple, which prevents them from moving forward and living their relationship fully, Some of her specialties in this area are communication problems, divorce cases, infidelities and sexual problems.

The psychologist Maria Teresa Aguirre Bonnet He has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, is a specialist in humanistic psychotherapy and since 2005 has been attending his She consults all kinds of disorders in people of all ages, especially in the field of Sexual and Sexual Disorders. Partner.

Anyone who is interested in this type of intervention can find in the center of this professional the place ideal go-to for problems such as postpartum depression, alcoholism, or conduct disorders sexual.

The psychologist Javier Aparicio Mercader He has a Postgraduate Degree in Sexology and Family Therapy, a Master's Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology, and a Postgraduate Degree in Family Management and Therapy. In her workplace she attends consultations in the field of couples and family therapy, as well as makes psychological expert reports in divorce and family processes.

In addition to that, he treats cases of emotional dependence, sexual dysfunctions, eating disorders and offers advice to parents on raising their children.

Mariano Garcia Gomez She has a Graduate in Psychology from the University of Murcia, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology with specialty in Couples Therapy and expert in Mediation and Conflict Resolution in the Family Environment and Labor.

As a member of the Mens Sana Psicología psychological cabinet, she is in charge of attending to communication problems, difficulties sexual processes, separation processes and also to guide in processes of personal development and growth as a coach professional.

The psychologist Mercedes Bernal Sánchez She has a Master in Positive Psychology, another in Adolescence and a Postgraduate in Neuropsychology. In his consultation he cares for people of all ages and also couples and families.

Thus, some of his specialties are depression, addictions and self-esteem problems, all of this both online and in person.

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