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The best 10 Psychologists in Neuquén

The psychologist Daniela M. Torres Ortiz She is an expert in comprehensively and through Cognitive Therapy and other orientations to adults individually and also couples, the latter mainly in the field of Therapy Sexual. Her work is characterized by adapting each of her therapies to the characteristics of the person being treated, and by doing it in a close and committed way.

Thus, anyone who comes to the therapeutic services of this psychologist will find a professional specialized in addressing both face-to-face and online cases of anxiety, grieving processes and sexuality disorders, whatever be.

At the clinical psychologist's office Cristina Martin We can find a therapist specialized in attending to adolescents and adults, as well as couples through Systemic-Relational Therapy, among others, consisting of conceive the person as a member of a relationship system, and assess how these affect her life, to modify the person's habits and achieve relationships adaptive.

So, do not hesitate to consult the psychological services of this professional if you are interested in starting a therapy carried out in both online and face-to-face and specialized in self-esteem problems, emotional dependence and anxiety disorders generalized.

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The psychologist Laura V. Chiarotto She also offers a professional psychology service indicated in adults, families and couples, specialized in Systemic Therapy and basing her intervention in offering the best solutions and changes so that the person can overcome all their problems and start healthy relationships with their her surroundings.

Thus, his therapy is offered both in person and online, and some of its main intervention specialties are cases of emotional dependence, phobias of all kinds and cases of work stress.

The psychologist Laura flynn She is also an expert in cognitive type therapies, among which we can highlight Contextual or Third Party Therapies Generation, with strong scientific evidence and applied to adults to address any problem they may have.

His work is also offered online and his main intervention specialties, which we can highlight, are the cases depression, the decisive changes in a person's life and how to carry them out and also conduct disorders food.

The psychologist Matías Nicolás Fernández He is an expert in caring for adolescents and adults through different therapies adapted to the specific needs of each particular case, mainly Cognitive Therapy.

Thus, anyone who wishes to request the services of this professional to start a therapy, will find in them a psychologist specialized in dealing with cases such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and disorder obsessive compulsive.

The psychologist Lilen Rodriguez She also offers a psychological care service for adults and adolescents of all ages, specialized both in the emotional and behavioral field and in vocational guidance.

Thus, some of the specialties that we will find treated in the consultation of this professional are cases of anxiety, adjustment disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder.

At the psychologist's office Marcela Monica Navarrete We will also find a qualified professional, whose intervention is aimed at adults, adolescents and especially families and parents who need guidance of any kind.

Among her main intervention specialties, we highlight problems of stress at work, psychosomatic disorders and depression.

At the psychologist's office Valentina pariani We will also find a professional specialized in offering a consultation both online and in person, for anyone who is interested.

Do not hesitate to go to the professional services of this therapist if you are interested in specialized therapy in cases of social phobia, low self-esteem or agoraphobia.

The psychologist Cecilia de los Angeles Carrizo She is also an expert in offering the best counseling and psychological support service aimed at people of all ages and children from 12 years of age.

Emotional problems and job orientation problems are some of her main intervention specialties.

The psychologist Federico Parodi offers a consultation aimed at adults, adolescents and the elderly, both in person and online.

Addictions, depression and cases of work stress are the main intervention specialties of this professional.

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