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The 12 best Psychologists who are experts in anxiety in Malaga

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In Alameda Principal you can find the first of the recommendations, as far as anti-anxiety therapy is concerned: Rodolfo de Porras de Abreu, which is in charge of the PsicoAbreu psychology center.

This professional graduated from the University of Malaga and offers therapy in his private practice, in which he reflects his more than 20 years of experience.

Her specialties are treating anxiety, impulsivity problems, eating disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD), in addition to being an expert in couples therapy and mental disorders such as low self-esteem, stress and mood disorders. cheer up.

Desirée Infante She is a psychologist and neuropsychologist, and serves adults, children and adolescents both in person and online. In addition to the University Graduate in Psychology (University of Malaga), she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology and another in Neuropsychology.

Working from cognitive-behavioral therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and diagnostic and intervention tools in Neuropsychology, this professional treats disorders such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety, agoraphobia, social phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, psychological trauma, learning disorders, and others.

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Ruben Camacho Zumaquero It is another of the best options for those looking for psychologists against anxiety in Malaga.

This psychologist graduated from UNED and specialized with a master's degree in Coaching and Talent Management. Thanks to this training and experience, Rubén Camacho is a specialist in dealing with problems such as managing anger, codependency, coping skills, and parenting through therapy cognitive-behavioral.

The psychologist Genoveva Navarro she offers professional help to people with anxiety and emotion regulation problems. Her work is based on the paradigm of psychoanalysis, focused on unconscious mental processes and the management of ideas and memories that produce discomfort.

This professional has more than 15 years of experience addressing problems in patients such as anxiety in social relationships, stress related to the environment professional, binge eating due to anxiety, low self-esteem, crises in love and coexistence, and many others both in individual sessions and in partner.

The psychologist Silvia Martinez has almost 10 years of professional experience and is an expert in addressing anxiety disorders in adults and couples, whether in the form of addictions, anxiety, stress problems or trauma.

His intervention is offered both in person and online for those who need it and in addition to that, She is also an expert in dealing with depression, emotional dependence, and deficits in coping skills. coping.

The work of the psychologist Adrián Muñoz Pozo he is based on therapeutic tools typical of cognitive-behavioral therapy and third-generation therapies. Specifically, he uses resources such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Mindfulness to help patients manage the moments of distress that frequently appear throughout the life.

In addition, he also has experience in addiction cases, self-esteem and insecurity problems, and alterations in emotional regulation.

The psychologist Luis Rodriguez Centeno He has specialized over more than 20 years of experience in treating anxiety disorders in adults, adolescents and also couples who come to his consultation.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Malaga, this professional is an expert in applying the cognitive-behavioral approach and is a member of the College of Psychologists of Eastern Andalusia.

His intervention is integrative in nature and is based on applying various therapies of proven efficacy, with which he treats anxiety disorders and also addictions of all kinds.

The General Health Psychologist Javier Alvarez He has to his credit a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Postgraduate Degree in Couples Therapy, another in Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming and a training course in Family Therapy.

Throughout his professional career, this psychologist has specialized in treating anxiety disorders in adults, couples and also in the family environment, through an eclectic approach based on cognitive-behavioral, one of the therapies that present the best results.

Thus, some of the disorders that she addresses in her consultation, related to anxiety, are deficits in the control of anger, cases of stress, obsessive thoughts and phobias.

Desirée Llamas Diaz She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga, and has an Official Master's Degree in General Health Psychology (UMA) and the Master in Sexology, Psychological Orientation and Sexual and Couple Therapy (University of Extremadura), among others Titles. She offers both individual therapy and couples and family therapy.

This professional can help patients with problems such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, phobias, stress attacks, psychological trauma and the consequences of intimate partner violence, etc.

This cognitive-behavioral psychologist is another one of the best options if you are looking for anti-anxiety therapy.

Maribel del Río López She graduated in Psychology from the University of Malaga and since then has acquired extensive professional experience that enables her to effectively treat anxiety disorders and other mental disorders such as eating disorders, stress and the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (TOC).

This psychologist is another of the great professionals that we can find in the Andalusian city.

After graduating in Psychology at the University of Malaga, Juan Miguel In Love he studied a master's degree in New Technologies Applied to Education, among other specializations. Thanks to this training, Juan Miguel is able to treat problems such as Internet Addiction or problems social services or offer sex therapy, and is an expert in problems of anxiety, depression disorders and addiction to sex.

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Francisco Alfonso Burgos Julian She is a psychologist specialized in the cognitive-behavioral intervention model and an expert in Mindfulness. The center of it is located in the neighborhood of Camino de Antequera.

This professional has experience especially in the intervention in cases of depression, low self-esteem, anxiety problems, chronic pain, bipolar disorder, and more.

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