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What is communism and its characteristics

What is communism and its characteristics

Communism, like socialism and Marxism, is a political movement that are often mistaken for have certain similarities, however, of communism one of the things that must be clear is that it promotes formation of a classless society. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we will explain in more detail what is communism and are itsfeatures more outstanding so that, in some way, you know how to differentiate them from the rest of the political movements.

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  1. What is communism?
  2. Main characteristics of communism
  3. Conclusions on communism

What is communism?

Communism is a type of political, economic and social organization that tends to collectivize the means of production, distribute consumer goods depending on the needs of each one and abolish classes social. All the communist theories claimed was end capitalist society.

The idea based on the collectivization of goods and means of production without class distinction, appeared as early as the 15th century with

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François Babeuf, that we could consider him as the first founder of communism in a materialist conception, since he affirmed that all assets should be common property, since the land does not belong to anyone so the fruits belong to everyone.

However, in order to speak of communism as we know it today we have to refer to the wording of the Communist Manifesto that I carried out in 1848, by the hand of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Both were opposed to the society of the moment betting on the working class (workers) against the bourgeoisie, criticizing the concept of property.

Over time, the writing of the Communist Manifesto served to feed new theories with some variations on the main ideas, which depended on the country where they occurredSo there is a great variety of communist doctrines, yes, they all advocate the liberation of the proletariat and the suppression of private property.

In addition, two Internationals were held to unite all the socialist and worker political parties of the different nations.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will reveal a summary of the history of communism in Spain.

What is communism and its characteristics - What is communism?

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Main characteristics of communism.

Communism refers to terms that define it and egalitarianism is going to be one of them. With this concept what is intended is value all human beings as equals, thus eliminating any privilege that some might have over others, it was a way at the end of the day to end any type of discrimination.

The class struggle

Another of the basic and common characteristics in communist thought is the class struggle. And it is that another of the things that communism intended was to want to end the class system that throughout our history has governed the society, we refer to the social classes, which have been divided over time into lords and serfs, patricians and commoners, free men and slaves…

In short, on the one hand the oppressors and on the other, the oppressed, who are those who were always in a constant struggle, for which the proletarian class could never reach positions of power. Communism, therefore, what it is going to seek is first to end these social classes, as it was the only way to end social conflicts between the different classes.

Dictatorship of the proletariat

Related to the above characteristic emanated what became known as the dictatorship of the proletariat, another of the peculiarities of communist thought. According Karl Marx, the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is the intermediate state between communist society and capitalism.

The culmination of the world workers' revolution would be that state we are talking about, and regardless of how you look at it includes the state division of communes, by which it is a system where there were no leaders, but self-sufficient assemblies in which they themselves decided their future.

What is communism and its characteristics - Main characteristics of communism

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Conclusions on communism.

And to finish this lesson on what communism is and its characteristics, we are going to summarize the conclusions.

Communism was born as a solution to oppression that the different European working-class sectors were subjected and their principles were to advocate for an end to individual property, comfort the community, end capitalism and found a communist state through a global revolution by proletariat.

Also and as a purely informative data to say that communism has been the only political movement that has stood up to capitalism from its origins, maintaining a long struggle during the second half of the 20th century, although I ended up losing it.

Today, many intellectuals think that communism as such is an illusory social system due to the nature of the human condition.

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