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The 6 best Mental Health Centers in Mataró

A health center that we must take into account in this selection is the center of CITA Clinics (Center for research and treatment of addictions), one of the most prestigious and important in the country in the treatment of addictions of all kinds.

This detoxification center is located in the municipality of Dosrius, very close to the city of Barcelona. The natural environment in which the center is located, together with the perfectly equipped facilities for therapy, offer the patient an incomparable rehabilitation framework.

Clinicas CITA has a large group of multidisciplinary specialists in both the medical and psychological areas and offers treatment specialized in addictions and addictive behaviors in which the use of drugs and other substances intervenes and also treats the so-called addictions behavioralgambling, new technologies, compulsive purchases, sex addiction… etc.).

Clinicas CITA is, therefore, one of the best mental health centers near the city of Mataró.

The Psychological Cabinet Mataró

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, is another of the centers of obligatory recognition as the best mental health center in Mataro This psychological center has behind it a trajectory of 20 years of experience, in which it has exercised the psychological treatment of both children and adolescents as well as adults, couples, as well as neuropsychology and also in a on-line.

Regarding the specializations of the center, we can first highlight cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is the classic approach and more habitual in psychological treatment, however, the professionals of the Gabinet Psicològic Mataró also dominate systemic therapies and therapy EMDR.

Finally, we highlight the disorders that are addressed in this center, among the most common are: addictive disorders, eating disorders, anxiety, emotional dependence, couples therapy, and phobias In addition to these disorders, the center's professionals are highly qualified to treat any other type of pathology that the patient presents.

The Mataró Psychology Center It is also one of the best options for all those who need a mental health center in the city of Mataró. One of the peculiarities of this center, in addition to the extensive experience of its psychologists, is the large number of treatments professionals offered by the center to a wide spectrum of patients, from child-adolescent treatment to business orientation, below what we break down.

A multidisciplinary and highly qualified team offers specialized treatment to children, adolescents and adults, as well as group therapies, guidance for parents, individual psychoanalysis, supervision of professional work, counseling for schools, and guidance for business groups, among others services.

At this point, it is obligatory to talk about the intervention disorders of the Mataró Psychology Center, in addition to an extensive assortment of pathologies treated by its professionals, among the The most common intervention disorders are: depressions and mood disorders, somatizations, states of anguish and anxiety, phobias and disorders food.

Let's see below the characteristics of the Mataró Psyche Psychology Center, whose professional team of 4 therapists offers psychological treatment in child and adolescent therapy, adult and couple therapy, family mediation and online psychology.

The therapy offered by the center is usually based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, but other currents are also taken into account to carry out a more complete therapy. Regarding the disorders addressed in the center, we will highlight, in addition to a wide assortment of pathologies, personality and relational disorders, sleep disorders, affectivity disorders, and addictions.

Another of the psychological centers that we cannot ignore is the Benestar Psychology Center, whose services are educational psychology, child, youth and adult clinical psychology, speech therapy and legal psychology, among others.

Regarding the field that interests us, which is clinical psychology, the Benestar Center offers treatment in the following disorders: anxiety, personality and mood disorders, psychosomatic disorders, stress, relationship problems and sleep disorders, among others.

In addition, the center offers an assortment of workshops in which it provides the patient with training and skills in different areas of human behavior, such as relaxation, self-esteem, study skills and orientation professional.

The last center on our list is the Breu del Maresme Psychotherapy Center, an institution that has a large group of highly qualified professionals who offer services individual therapy in children, youth and adults, couples, family, strategic coaching, and therapy on-line.

This center combines traditional therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach with more recent ones such as EMDR therapy or neurolinguistic programming.

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